Drink apple cider vinegar in the evening: what you need to know about it!

Apple cider vinegar in the evening

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Apple cider vinegar in the evening - it sounds a bit strange at first. But it is a very good idea to rely on the sour drink not during the day, but in the evening! We'll tell you why and how to take it properly.

Apple cider vinegar has many positive effects on our body and can help with various ailments. Even our grandparents and great-grandparents knew about the effect of the acidic drink.

It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are already in the apple, such as beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium and iron. During fermentation, yeasts convert the sugar in apples into alcohol. With the help of oxygen, acetic acid bacteria now ferment the juice into acetic acid. And there you have it, the healthy, naturally cloudy apple cider vinegar.

Tip: When you make apple cider vinegar yourself you will find here a simple tutorial that really succeeds for everyone!

So vinegar scores with everything that is in the apple and additionally with the super power of vinegar. Which components exactly ensure that apple cider vinegar is such a good home remedy, could not yet be found out in detail.

Today you'll learn why it's best to consume vinegar every night before bed and what to look out for.

Good to know: Apple cider vinegar is a very good home remedy. However, in the case of severe symptoms, home remedies reach their limits. In such a case, you should always consult a doctor.

For what ailments helps apple cider vinegar in the evening?

The European Food Safety Authority has issued a statement confirming that apple cider vinegar has many benefits for the body. Apple cider vinegar is an old home remedy that people have been using for centuries to improve their health.

It is used to stimulate digestion, helps lose weight, lowers blood sugar levels and strengthens the immune system. Recent studies have shown that the time of day at which it is taken also plays a role. Those who take apple cider vinegar in the evening can benefit the most from its effect.

Vinegar helps with these ailments if you take it before bed:

  • Blood sugar level
  • Carrier metabolism
  • Cravings and obesity
  • Flatulence
  • Heartburn
  • Bad breath
  • Calf cramps
  • Throat infections

Blood sugar level

Currently impaired Diabetes the lives of millions of people worldwide. In Germany alone, there are more than 6 million cases - a Increase from 38 % compared to 1998.

It is suspected that the number of unreported cases could be just as high. This will continue to be an urgent problem in the coming years, as it is predicted that the number of diabetes cases in children under the age of 5 will double in the next few years.

Vinegar lowers blood sugar levels in an empty state and also directly after a meal. After consulting a doctor and depending on the severity of the disease, it may be worth taking apple cider vinegar in the evening and also during the day.

Studies have shownthat apple cider vinegar improves blood sugar in all people: healthy people, diabetics and prediabetics, that is, all those who are just before diabetes.

In the study, participants had to take 20 g of apple cider vinegar mixed with water and saccharin. If they then drank an orange juice and ate a bagel, a clearly positive effect was seen. The effect did not occur in the comparison group.

Particularly exciting: in the prediabetics, blood glucose levels were reduced by 50 %, and in diabetics they were still reduced by 25 %.

Carrier metabolism

Apple cider vinegar can also boost metabolism. It is said that the body works harder at night and recovery is easier. If you drink a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before bed, you can support healthy digestion overnight.

Not for nothing Apple cider vinegar for weight loss recommended, which, by the way, has been proven in numerous studies.

Cravings and obesity

Do you have a craving for sweets and find it hard to resist? Apple cider vinegar can help here too. This is because it keeps your blood sugar levels constant and boosts your metabolism.

If the blood sugar level remains constant, the irrepressible desire for unhealthy and sweet foods occurs much less frequently. I can confirm this from my own experience.

Studies have shown that acidic and Bitter foods suppress cravings can. Bitter substances have the edge here. But you can combine the two well - how about a radicchio salad with apple cider vinegar? 😋


If you often have gastrointestinal discomfort at night, you can mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water to settle your stomach. Stomach cramps are often caused by flatulence or constipation.

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can help prevent cramps. In addition Apple cider vinegar as a probiotic foodwhich is good for the intestinal flora.


If you have eaten a heavy, fatty and meaty meal in the evening and are afraid of acid regurgitation, vinegar can be the solution.

If you want to prevent heartburn, drink a mixture of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 200 ml of water just before going to bed. This helps to suppress the increase in stomach acid.

Bad breath

The antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar can also help with bad breath, which is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth. Gargle with a mixture of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two spoons of water before brushing your teeth thoroughly in the evening.

Calf cramps

Anyone who exercises regularly knows the phenomenon of nighttime calf cramps only too well. But they can also occur out of nowhere even without exercise.

Calf cramps are excruciating and can make it hard to get a good night's sleep. They are usually triggered by too much strain on the muscles or a potassium deficiency. However, cramps can occur anywhere in the body. Many women suffer from menstrual cramps and report in forums about their positive experience with apple cider vinegar in the evening.

A glass of water with apple cider vinegar before bed can be antispasmodic, as apples contain potassium.

Throat infections

A sore throat often goes hand in hand with a cold, and that's no fun for anyone. The next time you have a scratchy throat, try apple cider vinegar before buying lozenges from the pharmacy.

In most cases, these drugs only mask the symptoms and at the same time increase the likelihood of side effects.

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful antibacterial agent that can effectively kill the bacteria causing the problems at the root. Even grandma knew: gargle with diluted apple cider vinegar to combat discomfort in the mouth and throat.

If necessary, you can also drink a glass of diluted vinegar to restore the optimal pH balance in your body.

You can read more tips against impending sore throats here: "This helps immediately against the scratchy throat!

How to take apple cider vinegar in the evening?

You can take apple cider vinegar in different ways. The most common way is to mix it with water and drink it that way. You can also take it with honey or juice to make it tastier. Some people even add a spoonful of vinegar to their salad dressing.

It is important that you do not take too much apple cider vinegar at once. Start with a small amount and gradually increase it as needed. Your stomach needs to get used to it. Before taking large amounts of vinegar on a regular basis, it is best to consult a doctor.

External applications

However, you can not only drink apple cider vinegar, but also apply it externally. Vinegar helps you get a clearer complexion in which it keeps pimple-causing bacteria at bay.

The acidic panacea is also said to provide more beautiful hair. To do this, use apple cider vinegar as a hair conditioner and mix it 3:1 with water and apply it to the ends of the hair. How this works exactly and what effect you achieve with it, stands here: "Acid rinse: the miracle cure for shiny hair!

And if you want, you can buy a Treat foot bath with soda and vinegar. This cares for the skin and can counteract bad foot odor.

What do I need to know if I want to take apple cider vinegar before bed?

Natural cloudy vinegar is considered a very safe home remedy. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind when taking apple cider vinegar in the evening.

  • Apple cider vinegar is very acidic. It is best to always mix it with water and honey or juice. Honey has the added benefit of helping you fall asleep.
  • People with diabetes should be careful when taking apple cider vinegar because it can lower blood sugar levels. If you are taking medication for diabetes, talk to your doctor before using apple cider vinegar.
  • Always buy naturally cloudy vinegar, only it contains all the important ingredients you need. A cheap vinegar from the discount store does not achieve the same effect!
  • If you drink it undiluted, it can damage your enamel. Even though many people do it online, you should never try to whiten your teeth with it!
  • Always drink the vinegar-water mix before brushing your teeth to relieve enamel.

Apple cider vinegar is a safe and effective home remedy with many benefits. However, it is important to start with a small amount and gradually increase it as needed. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure.

Can I consciously take apple cider vinegar to lose weight before going to sleep?

More and more women are taking apple cider vinegar before going to bed to lose weight. And it is actually said to be very helpful. The main reason is that the blood sugar level remains constant. This can reduce cravings.

However, a healthy and balanced diet is important.

Our bodies need wholesome foods, healthy fats from nuts and seeds and probiotic foods - This also includes apple cider vinegar. With all these foods, it is possible to suppress binge eating and cravings. You feel full more quickly and generally more satisfied.

Women report in forums that after taking apple cider vinegar to lose weight before going to bed, they don't feel so hungry when they get up. This saves calories in the morning.

If you start the day with a glass of water and fresh lemon juice, you will boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

Does the vitamin C in vinegar help you lose weight?

If you've ever heard that vitamin C can help you lose weight, then you're not wrong. In fact, the vitamin is said to stimulate the metabolism and regulate hunger. Great news, right?

The only catch is that there is no vitamin C in apple cider vinegar. There are around 12 mg of vitamin C in 100 grams of apple itself, but unfortunately none of this is found in vinegar. Other ingredients from the apple are theoretically still present, but are lost during filtration or distillation.

Our tip: always use naturally cloudy, organic apple cider vinegar. It is best to use the Make your own vinegar!

Our conclusion

Apple cider vinegar is a great way to improve your health! It has many benefits including weight loss, improved digestion and lower blood sugar levels. You can take apple cider vinegar in the evening before bed.

It is best to mix it with water or juice. Always start with a small amount and increase it as needed. Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy that everyone should include in their health routine!

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