11 effective exercises against cellulite

Exercises against cellulite

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These 11 butt, leg and abdominal exercises and a healthy diet help against the annoying orange peel skin. Here you can find out which exercises really help against cellulite.

Whether on the buttocks or thighs: Cellulite sucks! 90 percent of all women fight against orange peel skin.

What really helps against the dents on the skin? Exercises against cellulite and the right diet!

We tell you what you can do against cellulite and how you can get your problem zone under control.

Whether you call it cellulite, cellulitis or orange peel skin, it always means the same thing: nasty dents on your butt and thighs.

Orange peel skin forms on the legs and buttocks and unfairly almost exclusively in us women.

The skin appearance is strongly deteriorated and characterized by dimples. As a person affected, you feel very unwell.

Cellulite must be not simply accept: With Exercises against cellulite you can counteract the annoying plague and get fit for the bikini season.

What cellulite is & how orange peel skin develops

The fact is: there is no difference between cellulite fat and normal body fat. Products that claim they can fight and dissolve cellulite are unfortunately just a good marketing gimmick.

In truth you must Orange peel consider medically: The muscle layer is weak and separates from the skin.

This makes the fat deposits visible - when this happens, the unpopular dimples on the legs and buttocks appear. The elevations of the orange peel skin are therefore nothing more than giant fat cellswhich can no longer be held in the subcutis by the connective tissue.

The more fat the cells store, the greater the pressure they exert on the tissue. Weak connective tissue promotes the bumps on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

Weak connective tissue

A Cream, no matter how good, can so not help. The only thing that really helps against orange peel skin are Exercises against cellulite. They help you build muscle and lose body fat. And on the other hand, of course, an adapted diet.

So away with pills and expensive creams and here with exercises against cellulite.

What promotes orange peel skin

There is a whole range of factors that can promote orange peel skin. We have listed the most important ones for you here.

Overweight promotes cellulite

The more fat there is in the affected areas, the more clearly you can see dents. However, since you can't reduce body fat in specific areas, you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage.

So: Lose weight only on the legs or buttocks, that doesn't work. The best exercises against cellulite won't help you.

Therefore, your big goal in fighting orange peel skin must be: "Tighten the entire body and reduce the percentage of body fat" This is achieved on the one hand with sports (endurance and muscle building) and on the other hand with a healthy diet. But more about that later.

Lack of exercise promotes orange peel skin

The less movement, the less muscles you have. Another problem is that without movement, blood circulation is also poor.

And that you burn few calories. Probably less than you consume. The result is sooner or later overweight.

But do not misunderstand: Skinny women can also have cellulite. Namely, if they are skinny fat. That is, slim, but still have a high percentage of body fat. This is always the case when there is no or hardly any muscle.

Cigarettes promote cellulite

Bad news for smokers: glow sticks are doubly involved in the development of cellulite. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels of the skin, thus reducing metabolism. Smoking also damages the collagen structure of connective tissue.

And it's terribly unhealthy. Please just keep your hands off the poison. Your body will thank you several times over.

By the way, dear genes are also responsible for orange peel skin. Because we women have a much higher percentage of body fat than men. Pretty nasty.

But you can also get rid of cellulite.

What you can do against cellulite

The good news is that you can fight cellulite to some degree with exercise. Special muscle building exercises for legs and buttocks can positively influence orange peel skin.

Unfortunately, predisposition plays a major role in cellulite. If your conjunctival structure is hereditarily weak, you need to prevent cellulite with muscles.

Exercises for legs and buttocks burn fat. They also strengthen the muscles and connective tissue. In addition, endurance training such as running or walking are also well suited.

In our "Belly Legs Butt Workout Plan" we have some exercises that prevent cellulite.

The best cellulite killers

  • Reduce weight
  • Healthy diet
  • Fitness & Sports

Did you know that hormonal fluctuations can also promote cellulite? This happens especially during puberty or pregnancy. But also the pill can lead to the fact that cellulite is favored.

Healthy eating is one of the main factors if you want to get rid of the dents. It accounts for 70 % of your training success.

So you need to adjust your diet. Get rid of sugar, white flour and other unhealthy foods.

Tip: Keep an eye on the calories

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose the category "Lose weight" from four plans.

We calculate your calorie consumption, calorie deficit and create a diet plan that fits your needs and that fits you 100%. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

But now let's get started on the workout. I have the Exercises against cellulite divided into muscle groups and problem areas.

However, as we said, it is not enough to do leg exercises against cellulite on the legs, you need to rely on a mix of strength and endurance sports. You can find tips on this at the end of the orange peel exercises.

Exercises against cellulite on legs and buttocks

When women have cellulite, it is usually on the legs. Closely followed by the buttocks. That is quite logical.

Because in these two parts of the body, the body fat percentage is simply the highest for us women.

So we tend to put on fat in exactly these problem areas.

Yes, and even the dear buttocks are not spared from orange peel skin. Usually it is the transition from thigh to buttocks that is particularly characterized by dents.

The only thing that helps is to get rid of the excess body fat and build muscle.

If you want, you can watch this video. I find it very successful and it really makes you sweat.


PS: We love butt exercises and have dedicated a special to them. Click yourself in :)

Tip: The Celulite massager From Beurer

In addition to exercises, you should target several areas for moderate to severe cellulite. Also a Celulite massager can help you in the fight against orange peel skin.

Breuer's device is the only one that scored very well in the ETM test. How does it work?

With the vibrations you accelerate the breakdown of fat molecules in the cells. The cellulite is loosened and broken down.

Celulite massager
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The battery life is 10 hours and you get three years manufacturer warranty. The wand is waterproof and can even be used in the shower.

Come on, let's fight cellulite!

Wall sitting tightens the thighs

Exercises against cellulite

  • Lean your back against the wall, and slide your legs forward so that a right angle is formed.
  • Now hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Then relax your legs for 15 seconds.
  • Now repeat the exercise 7 more times.

Alternatively, you can do squats with your back to the wall - this is a small variation on the normal wall squat.

Lunges help against cellulite

With this exercise you train not only your legs, but also your butt. Lunges are a classic butt and leg exercise.

Lunge exercise

  • Place one foot forward and angle it.
  • Lower the back knee towards the floor until you almost touch it.
  • Rock your body up and down for 30 seconds.
  • As a beginner, you should do 3 repetitions of this.
  • So 3x 30 seconds with 15 seconds break in between.

PS: If regular lunges are getting too boring for you, check out our Special for Lunges over. Here you will find a wide selection of lunge variations.

Yoga exercise "The tree

With the asana "Tree" you not only strengthen your balance. You also strengthen your supporting leg.

  • Stand up straight with your feet closed and stretch both arms out to the sides.
  • Now shift the weight to one leg.
  • Lift the other leg and place the sole of the foot against the inside of the thigh.
  • Now raise your arms above your head.
  • Tighten the abdomen and hold the position for at least 15 seconds before switching sides.

Squats with Side Kick

Squat with kick exercise

  • Stand up straight and tense your abdomen.
  • Open your legs hip-width.
  • Now get low on your knees as if you were sitting down.
  • Tilt your upper body slightly forward and stretch your buttocks backward.
  • Come up with momentum while doing a side kick.
  • After that, you immediately go back to the squat position.
  • And kick with the other leg this time.

Make sure your knees do not extend past the tops of your feet when you squat.

Beginners should repeat the exercise 10 times, then pause for 15 seconds, followed by 2 more times of 10 repetitions each with a pause.

Anti cellulite exercise for two

And even in pairs you can get rid of cellulite. This exercise is nothing more than a variation of the wall sit. Only this time you need a partner for it.

Cellulite exercises against orange peel skin

We have made this exercise even more difficult by adding a medicine ball. We pass the ball in a circle. But you don't have to do that. In the beginning, simply sitting back to back is certainly enough.

  • Stand back to back with your partner.
  • Squat down while doing this.
  • Press your backs firmly against each other to keep your balance and not fall over.
  • Try to stay in the position for at least 20 seconds.
  • Makes 3 repetitions.

Bridge against cellulite

Bridge against cellulite

  • For the bridge, lie on your back and position your arms parallel to your body.
  • Your palms are facing down.
  • Then place your legs bent.
  • Now lift your pelvis so that your body forms a straight line.
  • Tighten the buttocks at the same time.
  • Hold for 8-10 seconds and lower again.
  • Make sure that your butt does not touch the floor.
  • Additionally, tense your core to perform the exercise more efficiently.
  • Do 15 repetitions of this initially.

Leg lift as an anti-cellulite exercise

Anti Cellulite Exercises

  • Lie on your stomach and lift your legs off the floor.
  • The soles of your feet point to the ceiling. The arms point forward.
  • The palms to the floor.
  • Tighten the buttocks tightly to your buttocks.
  • Do 3 sets of 20 seconds each.
  • Very important is the body tension and that you squeeze the buttocks tightly.

This is not only an exercise against cellulite, but also also strengthens your back.

Raise knees against dents on the buttocks

A little sprint on the mat not only gets the circulation going. If you pull your knees up to your chest, you'll be doing your thighs a favor.

Knee lift against cellulite

  • In this anti-cellulite exercise, you're not really doing anything other than pulling the knee up as high as possible.
  • While doing so, run at a standstill and really give it full throttle.

Hop, hop, hop! Sprint for at least 30 seconds. Then there's a 15-second break and two more rounds.

Leg sinking for cellulite on the thighs

In just one exercise are combined here many different for abdomen, legs and buttocks.

Lower leg against cellulite

  • Lie on your back and lift your legs off the floor at an angle.
  • Your arms will be next to your body.
  • Stretch one leg and slowly lower it towards the floor before pulling it back up.
  • When the leg almost touches the floor, it is fully extended.
  • In the air, angle it back up and switch legs.

Like all exercises against cellulite, this one is strenuous at first. It's easier if you don't lower your legs so much at the beginning.

Do this exercise 30 times, after 10 take the first short break of 15 seconds. Then start with the other leg.

Abdominal press as an exercise against orange peel skin

Now it's again really strenuous but at the same time highly effective for annoying orange peel skin on the legs and buttocks.

Bicycle Crunches

  • Lie on your back, bend your right leg.
  • The left one points to the front.
  • Now bring the left elbow to the right leg.
  • Stretch it out and tighten the left one.
  • Do 8 repetitions of each and then rest for half a minute.

Side lunge against cellulite

Side lunge cellulite exercise

  • Lean your upper body to the right side.
  • Bend your knees with your right leg. The left leg is extended.
  • The upper body is tilted forward and the back is straight.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 seconds before switching sides. 1x right and 1x left = 1 repetition.
  • Do at least 10 repetitions and 2 passes.

Tips against cellulite in everyday life

Try to become as athletic as possible. Yes, sports every day is not possible. But you know what? That's not a problem. Because you can do a simple everyday exercise that we tend to neglect most of the time: Climbing stairs.

Take the stairs!

One of the best exercises against cellulite is actually quite simple. Because stair climbing exercises the thighs, calves and buttocks. You can incorporate this exercise into your daily routine. That means no escalator and no elevator.

Or grab the stairs for an extra workout.

Exercises against cellulite: climbing stairs

Walk up the stairs very briskly. Raise your knees higher than when jogging and increase the pressure with which you push yourself away from the stairs.

If you come up only with the balls of your feet, the muscles will be even more stressed. The arms swing along with it.

Eat healthy to be able to fight cellulite

Food not only makes you full, it also provides our body with lots of important nutrients. If you want to go full throttle with your anti-cellulite workout and build muscle and lose fat, you should pay attention to your diet.

That is, in short:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat many healthy and fresh foods
  • no ready meals, little salt and no sugar

Simply healthy and balanced. We have given the Theme healthy diet dedicated a separate article to it. Because it's actually not that difficult.

Start with endurance sports

The point is that you reduce your body fat percentage. Then the cellulite no longer has so much surface to attack.

As said only exercises against cellulite alone, will hardly help. Because an effective fight against orange peel skin needs on the one hand muscle building and on the other hand fat reduction.

Running against cellulite

So find an endurance sport that you enjoy. This does not necessarily have to be running. You can choose swimming or cycling.

By the way, you have to pedal hard when cycling. A short Sunday ride to the park is not enough. When swimming, you also have to switch from the warm whirlpool to the cold sports pool.

Do alternating showers for better blood circulation

Our tip: Do you already know our 30 day abdominal legs butt workout plan?

If you have successfully completed all the exercises Alternating showers good against the mini craters on the thighs and buttocks.

Simply showering away cellulite, of course, can not, alternating cold and warm promotes but the Blood circulation additionally. You can see that it works directly after the shower: the skin is very red and it tingles.

Our conclusion

And now, let's get into the fight! Let's tackle it together - just do not give up ladies! You'll soon see the first results, I promise! By the way, the number of repetitions is only a recommendation and not set in stone.

Don't be disappointed if it doesn't work right away at first. I wish you much fun and success with the exercises!

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