14 Disastrous Lunch Mistakes That Will Make You Fat

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Yes, they exist: catastrophic lunch mistakes. And the worst of it: they make us fat! We'll tell you which of your habits are hitting your hips.

When it comes to breakfast, we've become real experts. It should be balanced, keep you full for a long time and be healthy. But when it comes to lunch, things look very different again.

Lunch is the meal, with you Power and energy fuel up for the afternoon. If you eat wrong, you will be unproductive, knocked out and difficult to motivate in the afternoon.

Lunch is that meal where we make the biggest and most disastrous mistakes. And that is reflected in our Hips and especially at the Belly from.

Not only those who are on a diet must be vigilant and watch what they eat. New calorie bombs and faux pas are constantly waiting for you. And that quite unconsciously. Especially at lunch lurk the Calorie traps and are waiting to be eaten by us.

These are the 14 most disastrous mistakes you can make at lunch:

  1. Liquid food instead of something bite size

    Smoothie, natural yogurt with fruits or simply a soup are a good dessert or a great dessert. But they should never replace your lunch. If you rely on liquids, it will pass your stomach very quickly. You won't get really full from it. The stomach needs to be kept busy and that can only be done with bite size food. 

    Our Tip: Mix nuts, oatmeal and fruit into natural yogurt or eat a whole-grain bread with your soup - you'll be fuller longer.

  2. No time for food

    You still have a lot to do: The phone is ringing constantly and your email inbox is already flooded. No time to eat something? Bad idea! If your blood sugar level is not kept at a constant level, your concentration drops. By early afternoon at the latest, you can no longer think clearly. And even worse: cravings are already waiting for you! You're so hungry that you quickly reach for an unhealthy and usually far too sweet snack.
    Here you can find healthy alternatives: 30 low-calorie snacks

  3. Pasta - Yummy!

    I love pasta :) But if you reach for carbohydrate-rich foods like pasta or white bread too often, you will quickly become hungry again and also very tired. This is because your blood sugar level shoots up very quickly but unfortunately also drops again just as quickly.
    Flat belly & diet: vegetable noodles instead of pasta
    Our Tip: Swap regular pasta for whole wheat pasta or zucchini

  4. Your workplace becomes a dining table

    A mistake that really most people make. A quick snack in front of the PC. Usually it's a chocolate bar. But you shouldn't eat an apple, muesli bar or a large cereal at work either. Because then you continue to concentrate on work and not on the food itself. Your body doesn't realize that this is supposed to be lunch now. It sends hunger signals again a short time later.
    People who eat in front of the computer usually eat more than those who consciously concentrate on eating. If you want to save calories, you should make sure you eat consciously.
    Our Tip: Find a place away from your desk! Your head needs a change of scenery.

  5. Eat finished products

    Open the package, turn on the microwave and 2 minutes later you have something edible. Sounds great, doesn't it? But you should definitely stay away from it! Read the ingredients - you'll lose your appetite. Countless flavor enhancers, dyes, lots of sugar and even more fat. Cook as often as possible yourself. Then you know what's in it!
    At least as bad: side dishes or salads from cans.

    Stay away from ready-made food!

    Our Tip: Cook a little more in the evening, then you can heat it up at work. Add a fresh salad and your meal is ready.

  6. Only salad for lunch

    Salad is healthy - no question. But unsuitable as a lunch substitute. Our body can absorb nutrients from raw vegetables only with difficulty. Cooked vegetables are much easier. In addition, cooked vegetables are easier on the stomach.

  7. Fruit, fruit everywhere

    Fruits are full of vitamins and are healthy. So it's a perfect dessert. But eating only fruit for lunch only fills you up for a short time and causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket. Cravings follow.
    Alkaline food

  8. Fast food

    One appointment follows the next. What? Half past eleven already? Do you know the feeling of having accomplished far too little? Unfortunately, the work is not getting any less. To save time, you quickly shovel some food into your stomach, and fast. Very fast. The main thing is that it finally stops growling. Don't do that with a poor stomach! The fast gulping is a horror for the digestion.
    Anyone who eats too quickly will regret it. Because your stomach doesn't realize it's full until 20 minutes after you've eaten. If you wolf down your lunch, you automatically eat much more than you should.

  9. Dessert after the meal

    A sweet ending to lunch? Yes, I need that every now and then, too. Sometimes you just feel like something sweet. But you shouldn't eat your dessert right after lunch. Because then there's a big risk that you'll be looking for something sweet again in the afternoon. How about a snack without sugar?Our Tip: Postpone dessert and make it an afternoon snack. Best without sugar :)

  10. The favorite food on the menu

    You finally found something that you can prepare quickly and that is also healthy? Practical! But still don't eat it every day. Our body needs many different nutrients to stay fit for a long time.
    Our Tip: Make a plan with for 3 weeks. Every day a different dish. At the end you start again from the beginning :)

  11. Pimp my salad

    A good tuna salad or a Greek salad with whole grain bread are a super lunch with few calories. But be careful: Don't pimp your salad to a calorie bomb. Stay away from ready-made yogurt and mayo dressings or other ready-made dressings.
    tomato mozarella salad
    Our Tip: Make your own dressing and use some fresh herbs for it. Chives or basil are very tasty.

  12. Trust nutritional information

    Attention: You have to take a close look at the nutritional information on food. On most foods, the nutritional values are given per 100 grams. Who gets full from 100 g?

  13. Greasy cream sauces

    Stay away from sauces that are made from cream! Light sauces are usually really big calorie bombs. If you go for tomato sauce instead, you'll save yourself a lot of calories. If you still feel like a light sauce, you can simply replace the cream with milk. With a little flour you can bind the sauce well.

    Cream sauces are real calorie bombs!

  14. Underestimate calories from rolls

    A good roll can't have that many calories. But it can! Many rolls are prepared with plenty of butter. If you then add the sausage, cheese and often the mayo, you have a real calorie bomb in your hands. It's best to make your own rolls.
    Our Tip: Replace butter with cream cheese, it saves a lot of calories.

In this sense: Meal :)

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