10 stress symptoms that show we desperately need a break

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Stress symptoms are your body's clear sign that you should take a break. How exactly does it express this? Find out here!

When was the last time you really relaxed? Had time for yourself? Without a deadline breathing down your neck or the thought of what still has to be done tomorrow? Everyone knows situations like that from time to time.

The brain responds by releasing stress hormones. This means that it sends cortisol, noradrenali or adrenaline on their way, for example. These ensure that the body becomes more efficient in the short term.

So in principle, stress is not a bad thing. It simply releases stored energy reserves. In the past, we could have decided whether to flee or fight. Today, this energy kick helps us to approach things in a more focused way.

When the stress curve drops, we usually feel a little tired or worn out. In such moments, the body already shows that it needs a short break to recover. But if the delivery of the project is tomorrow? And the wedding of the girlfriend?

Already the stress level rises again. Our recovery phase is shortened or suspended altogether. And then we are able to perform again. This often goes well for a while. But prolonged stress makes us ill.

Secret stress symptoms

Stress is the most common cause of serious illnesses such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. It can also lead to psychological suffering such as burnout, depression or anxiety disorders.

To avoid these bad consequences, it is important to pay attention to your body. Because it sends you "harmless" signals beforehand that you are too stressed. You can see what these are here!

10 secret stress symptoms you should take seriously

If you're getting these stress symptoms, it's time for some relaxation. Take some time out. Lie in the bathtub, meditate, or go for a big walk. And then go about things a little more calmly and serenely.

  1. Blemished skin as a symptom of stress

    Unclean skin sounds pretty terse at first, doesn't it? Who cares about a pimple or two while you're on the verge of going crazy? But be careful! If you hardly ever have blemishes on your skin, you should take this sign seriously.

    Secret stress symptoms

    The skin detoxifies itself through the pores. This can also make us more prone to pimples and blackheads during stressful periods. Do something good for your skin. Take care of it and yourself for a round. How about a long bath? Or a homemade face mask?

  2. More severe skin problems

    But the skin does not only draw attention by pimples or impurities. Especially people who have to fight with neurodermatitis or eczema will notice a significant aggravation when stress gets out of hand. Here, too, the key is to take time out as soon as possible.

  3. Difficulties to switch off

    You take the work home with you. You keep cramming even on the weekend. And even on date night, you're pondering how best to tackle the project?! Not being able to switch off is a clear sign that you have too much stress.

    Secret stress symptoms

    Because right now you are not giving the body a chance to regenerate. Surely you do not do this intentionally or consciously. And 1-2 days that may be perfectly ok. But you should avoid this state permanently and allow yourself time off. Have you ever tried it with meditate tried?

  4. Constant neck pain

    Stress often causes us to unconsciously tense our bodies. This causes some parts of the body to tense up. The neck in particular is predestined for this. We often pull our shoulders up when we are stressed.

  5. Food cravings indicate stress

    Also one of the stress symptoms: Cravings! When we are stressed, our reward center often feels somewhat neglected. Therefore, it vehemently demands something to release happiness hormones. Often these are sweets.

    Secret stress symptoms

    Because sugar makes us feel better in the short term. But this curve also drops off quite quickly. And afterwards, we usually feel worse than before. You know these attacks? Then take a look here: Avoid binge eating: This is how you fight cravings.

  6. Problems with sleeping

    These stress symptoms are often associated with not being able to switch off. Since our brain is constantly processing information, the mind does not come to rest. We can't fall asleep for ages or wake up again and again at night.

  7. Painful abdominal cramps

    Almost all women know the annoying topic. Right on time with our period comes pain. And what a pain it is. But did you know that the intensity of the pain depends on your own stress level?

    Secret stress symptoms

    So if you have been experiencing much stronger symptoms than before, you should definitely take a critical look at your everyday life. Here we have some tips on how to cope better: 10+1 terrific home remedies for nasty menstrual cramps.

  8. We feel irritated

    People who have a lot to do and feel very stressed often react irritably. Because often not much is missing to let the barrel overflow. For this reason, you should withdraw for a while! Go for a walk instead of provoking a fight.

  9. Weekend headaches

    Who knows this too? It's barely the weekend and finally time to relax, and your body reacts with headaches or even migraines. You have probably maintained a high stress level for several days and have not allowed yourself any time to relax.

    Secret stress symptoms

    The body takes this break. And when it needs it, it also sends clear signals. And tells you: Not now! You're staying put. I'm not giving you a chance to run around. Actually quite clever, isn't it?

  10. Susceptibility to diseases

    You have a cold all the time? Do you feel tired all the time? Do you quickly have problems with Stomach and intestine? These are also clear symptoms of stress. You should urgently look at how you can relax more in your everyday life!

Our conclusion:

Stress symptoms can be very different. Often we do not perceive them properly or quickly ignore them. But they are a clear hint from our body: namely that we should urgently pull the emergency brake before it does it for us. We should learn to listen to them and draw our consequences. Because health must always have priority.

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