What helps against weather sensitivity? How to make your body weatherproof

What helps against weather sensitivity

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Weather sensitivity can drive you crazy. Find out what's behind it and which home remedies help against the fluctuating well-being here.

Intermittent summers, the change of seasons, simply April or long trips abroad. Always with us: headaches and circulation problems. Also sleep disturbances or lack of concentration. Symptoms that we call weather sensitivity.

But what are the factors that make us feel weak and tired? And why do others not even notice a change in the weather? Here you will find a good overview of everything you need to know as well as tips that help with weather sensitivity.

Weather sensitive? This is how you become weatherproof!

First of all, weather sensitivity is annoying, but not bad. There is no clinical picture behind it. If you are still not sure, you can of course simply visit your family doctor and discuss the symptoms.

What makes us weather sensitive?

When it's hot, we sweat. When it's cold, we shiver. Everyone knows these simple mechanisms of our body. They help us to adapt better and protect our organs.

However, weather-sensitive people have a more sensitive autonomic nervous system. Therefore, they feel faster and stronger when the body adjusts to changing conditions.

Tips against weather sensitivity

What are the causes for the ups and downs of our well-being? Whether it's the air pressure, temperature fluctuations or humidity that cause headaches? No one can answer that 100%ig.

On the one hand, every body reacts differently to changing weather conditions. On the other hand, pre-existing conditions, the general state of health and tension due to stress also play a role.

These symptoms are typical for weather sensitivity

How weather sensitivity manifests itself varies from person to person. By the way, two-thirds of all weather-sensitive people are women. And so are the symptoms. Because the weather particularly affects the mind.

Thus, we quickly feel irritable. In addition, we feel listless, sad and even depressed. And to make matters worse, we can neither concentrate well nor react quickly and efficiently to external circumstances.

What helps with weather sensitivity

This may be accompanied by head pressure or headaches. Dizziness and slight circulatory problems also occur. Blood circulation does not function as reliably and we feel sluggish. Sleep disturbances are also among the signs.

The good news is that weather sensitivity is not bad, even though the symptoms can be annoying. On the other hand, they disappear again relatively quickly. How you can get rid of them permanently - or at least reduce them - you can find out here.

7 tips to prevent weather sensitivity

Of course, the wheel is not reinvented here. In principle, it is important to take good care of yourself, that sometimes comes too short in everyday life.

1. drink enough

People who are particularly sensitive to the weather should make sure they drink enough. This supplies the cells with nutrients and water. The circulation is boosted. And toxins are flushed out of the body.

Weather sensitivity

If you don't like drinking tap water all day, don't resort to sodas. Better take a look here and get inspired: 7 ingenious recipes for homemade detox water.

2. healthy diet helps with weather sensitivity

Also certainly not surprising: a healthy and balanced diet should always be part of a conscious lifestyle. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. And of course the renunciation of additives and preservatives.

3. sufficient sleep helps to prevent weather sensitivity

Do you also have trouble getting to bed at night? And feel totally exhausted the next morning? Sufficient sleep is super important for the body to regenerate. To strengthen the immune system. And to recharge the batteries.

weather sensitive! what to do?

By the way, sleep before midnight is particularly restful. It's best to simply lie down in bed with a book in the evening. That way you'll get tired faster. You can find other great tips here: Finally a quiet night again: 10 tips for falling asleep!

4. abstain from alcohol and cigarettes

Nicotine and other toxins put an additional strain on the circulation. Ideally, of course, you leave them out altogether. If you don't want to do without them, you should simply drink white wine spritzer without white wine, at least in case of a threatening change of weather ;)

5. find enough relaxation

One of the biggest challenges: finding some time for yourself. But constant stress and tension has a bad effect on the body. In addition to a variety of diseases, it also increases weather sensitivity.

Home remedies for weather sensitivity

For this reason, from now on it's: every day (or at least every second ;) take an hour to relax. To lie in the tub, read a book, chill on the couch. Or on a long walk. Whatever makes you happy. :)

6. lemon balm helps to inner peace

Fresh lemon balm tea works wonders. It helps to relax better and prevent weather sensitivity. Wash 2 handfuls of lemon balm leaves under running water and pour them with 2 liters of hot water. Strain after 20 minutes. Done. :)

7. exercise in the fresh air

Hardening up is particularly effective against weather sensitivity. We spend far too much time in air-conditioned rooms and thus unbalance our bodies. Regular exercise toughens us up and gets the circulation going.

Tips against weather sensitivity

And no, apart from thunderstorms, there really is no bad weather. So get off the sofa ;) Whether jogging, cycling, hiking or walking is by the way vollkomen no matter. You will see how good it does!

Our conclusion:

Weather sensitivity is unpleasant but not really bad. And with a few simple tips, the annoying symptoms can be reduced quite easily. Just give it a try :)

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