What body type woman are you?

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What body type woman are you? You don't know? Don't worry, we will explain it to you.

We all want a lean and toned body. But some women build muscle faster than others, some have more endurance and some more strength.

But what is the reason for this?

If you are concerned with fitness and nutrition, sooner or later you will come across the terms ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Behind them are three different body types or metabolic types that tell you how you should design your training and what form of nutrition is best for you.

So to get to your goal as effectively as possible, it can be quite helpful to know which body type woman you are. So: Which body type woman are YOU?

Why is it important to know your body type?

Well, it's a lot like shopping: If you know what size you wear, you'll find the perfect jeans that accentuate your body and show off your curves much faster. It's the same with your body type!

When you know your body type, you know what kind of workout and diet suits you best and how to get the most out of your figure. This is the key to feeling confident and sexy.

Another reason it's important to know your body type is so you can better understand why certain areas of your body need more attention than others.

For example, if you are an endomorphic type, you may tend to store more fat in the abdominal area. However, with targeted training and nutrition, you can still achieve your dream body.

So girl, it definitely pays to know your body type. It can help you boost your confidence and help you on your way to a healthier and happier life.

What is understood by the body types woman

The term "body type" or somatotype goes back to the US physician and psychologist William Sheldon. In the 1940s, he studied the human physique in order to classify it in terms of physical and psychological characteristics.

Based on a study of 4,000 students, he was able to filter out three basic body types in women and men. This classification refers to the anatomical appearance as well as the metabolic characteristics.

This resulted in the body types:

  • ectomorph type
  • mesomorphic type
  • endomorphic type

These three body types give an indication of what the optimal training and nutrition design should look like.

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Body type woman: which one are you?

You should know that most of them do not correspond to only one body type woman, but are usually a mixture of two types. So you may be an endomorph-mesomorph type or an ectomorph-mesomorph type.

Here it is best to note the characteristics that are particularly dominant and tend most towards one of the three body types. On this basis, it is then possible for you to adjust your training and your diet and to achieve your goal.

The slender body type: Ectomorph

We all envy this body type woman. Because the ladies in question can apparently eat whatever they want without gaining a single gram.

In sports, however, this body type has its problems.

The ectomorph type is characterized by a fast and wasteful metabolism and has a low body fat percentage.

However, women who correspond to this body type find it difficult to build up muscles. This becomes a problem especially when you want to give your body an athletic silhouette through strength training.

Ectomorph body type woman

Features of the ectomorph body type

  • small bones and joints
  • narrow shoulders and hips
  • long, thin extremities
  • Flat chest
  • filigree hands and feet
  • Low body fat percentage
  • little muscle mass
  • Fast metabolism
  • Problems with gaining weight

The optimal training plan

Your training focus should be on muscle building. Strength training with heavy weights and long set breaks (at least 2 minutes) are ideal for you. You should train three to four times a week. Your pulse should remain low. Use mainly the large muscle groups.

Do 6 to 8 sets of 5 to 10 repetitions per exercise. If this is no longer enough, increase the weight.

The optimal diet for the ectomorph body type

If you belong to the ectomorph body type woman, you should increase your calorie intake. You should always be in a surplus. Because only in this way you can build up mass in the long term and keep it.

Especially carbohydrates and proteins after training are important for you. But also use high-quality foods and do not reach for junk food.

The mesomorphic type

The mesomorph body type is characterized by narrow hips, slightly broader shoulders, strong legs and little body fat. Women who fit this body type have the best basic prerequisites for an athletic and well-trained body.

This type is characterized by a comparatively large amount of naturally existing muscle and at the same time little body fat. The mesomorphic body type has it easiest both in fat loss and in the course of muscle building.

Mesomorphic body type woman

Features of the mesomorph body type

  • athletic physique
  • wide shoulders
  • wide hips
  • Long torso
  • fast muscle building
  • defined muscles
  • Low body fat percentage

The optimal training plan

A combination of cardio and strength training is perfect for this body type woman. This way you can keep the body fat percentage low and build muscles at the same time.

You can vary your training very much. Train sometimes with heavy weights and few repetitions and then again with a little lighter weight and several repetitions.

Cardio should be on your training schedule two to three times a week.

The optimal diet for the mesomorphic body type

You may have a low body fat percentage, but you should still watch your calorie intake. Also, watch how your metabolism reacts to certain foods and choose high-quality foods.

Intermittent fasting is well suited for the mesomorphic body type. It relieves the body and is especially popular with strength athletes.

Body types women: Endomorph

We women admittedly suffer the most from the stocky body type. Calories land directly on our ribs. And that despite sport.

The endomorph body type is an extremely efficient forager. What was a great advantage many, many years ago, when we were still roaming the steppes as hunter-gatherers, now drives us to despair.

This body type not only tends to put on body fat easily, but also has a hard time letting it go.

To achieve his dream figure here is an adjustment of training and diet absolutely necessary.

Endomorphic body type woman

Features of the endomorphic body type

  • Round face
  • Wide shoulders & hips
  • High body fat percentage
  • Hardly any muscles
  • Slow metabolism
  • Weight loss problems

The optimal training plan

Keyword: Cardio! And do it three to four times a week! To your Get metabolism going and lose body fat, you should add regular endurance sessions to your training schedule.

But strength training is not to be missed either. Muscles help you increase your basal metabolic rate and burn more energy even at rest.

However, it is better to use lighter weights and do more repetitions.

The optimal diet for the endomorphic body type

Of all the body types of women, unfortunately, you have to pay the most attention to what you eat and especially how much. To lose kilos, you need to build a calorie deficit.

Protein and a few carbohydrates after training are important. This is the only way to build muscle. You should reduce fat, but not eliminate it completely. Choose high-quality sources of fat. They keep your organism running, regulate your hormone balance and help you burn fat.

What else you should know about body type woman

The path to the dream figure is different for every woman. Because as you can see, the different body types not only indicate the shape of your body, but also reveal a lot about your metabolism.

While one body type is lean but has difficulty building muscle, the other must watch every calorie to avoid gaining weight.

While you can't change your genetically determined metabolic type, you can change your physical appearance.

In order to reach your goal, it is important to know which body type and which metabolic type you most closely correspond to. Based on this knowledge, you can ideally adjust your training and nutrition plan to you.

Our conclusion

If you want to lose weight or build muscle in a healthy way, then it can be very helpful to determine your body type and based on that, adjust your training and nutrition plan.

Good luck!

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