Can you lighten hair with vitamin C powder?

Lighten hair with vitamin C powder

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You've chosen a nice, light hair tone this time. It should look friendly and summery. But now your mane is much darker than you thought. Have you also heard that you can lighten hair with vitamin C powder? You really need to know about it!

Who regular the Hair itself colors, who certainly has a lot to report. It is not uncommon for the dream color to look anything but planned.

The summery light brown has suddenly turned into a rather dark chocolate brown. The color is much darker than you would like. You can't get used to it at all.❎

Before you start to panic and are on the verge of tears, you suddenly remember hearing that Vitamin C powder hair can make it brighter. But is that really true?

What's behind it and why does it work? I would like to explain all this to you today! 💇🏼‍♀️

When can you lighten hair with vitamin C?

The best way to lighten your hair is with vitamin C powder if you have not dyed your hair, but a Tinting used have.

With a tint, the color settles around the individual hairs. You can therefore get rid of it quite easily. Every time you wash your hair, your mane becomes a little lighter.

During coloration, the hair structure opens up and the color particles penetrate into the individual hair. The Color holds therefore very long and cannot be washed out. It becomes a little paler over time, but you can only really get rid of it by letting it grow out or dyeing it over.

If you want to lighten your hair with vitamin C powder, you have a better chance with tinting. With all freshly colored hair help Home remedy Well, you can't do anything with older paint.

When you really light hair you can't get around hair color. Here fail even the best Home remedies. But that is not a problem either. Take a look here "Finally the perfect plantin blond - How to dye it yourself

Individual strands instead of all hair

Is your hair too dark, but you don't know how it will react to the vitamin C pack? Then you can simply dye individual strands. The Hair works thereby livelier and more natural.☝🏼

If you want, you can add a highlight to the forehead area or grab a few fine strands from the top coat. So that the Lighten is really only limited to the strands, you should put them in Aluminum foil wrap - just like at the hairdresser.

Tip: Take a look at other home remedies for light-colored hair. These include camomile, lemon, vinegar and many more. You can read all about them here: "How to lighten your mane naturally

For whom is this method not suitable?

Both the Bleach of the hair with hair dyes as well as with natural home remedies can be a Strain for your mane. Whether you should use vitamin C, vinegar or lemon juice depends on the health of your hair.

If you have already Dry and damaged hair you should neither use hair dyes nor household remedies such as vinegar or Citric acid* to your hair. All this would dry out your mane even more. You can be much gentler with Vitamin C powder Brightens hair make.😊👍🏼

The vitamin cure for the hair has No side effectsAnyone can use them. With very dark hair, however, several treatments may be necessary and the result may not be as successful as you would like.

By nature very dark hair can be treated with vitamin C not lighten. Medium-dark hair looks like it has been kissed by the sun in summer after the vitamin C treatment.

How do I prepare the hair?

If you plan to lighten your hair, then you should take a little time to prepare it. The hair goes through this treatment strengthened in the lightening.

A DIY hair treatment from Coconut oil* provides plenty of moisture, makes the hair soft and supple and protects it. Avoid any kind of heat styling (curling iron, straightener, hot hairdryer).🥥

Vitamin C won't harm your hair, but prevention is better than fretting later.

You can find instructions for a DIY cure here: "Overnight Hair Treatment: How easy it is to make it yourself!

How can I make my hair lighter with vitamin C powder?

Even with little skill in hair coloring, you can do it. Plan at least 2 hours time if you want to get a result that can be clearly seen.⏰


  • White vitamin C tablets
  • Zip bag
  • Rolling pin
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • mild hair shampoo
  • Spray bottle
  • Shower cap

Make vitamin C powder

Put White vitamin C tablets to. Many are dyed to make them look prettier. You should never use these because they can leave color residue in the hair.

You can buy white tablets at the drugstore, pharmacy or online. However, the following are just as suitable Capsules. The only important thing here is that they are easy to open and also free from colorants.

  • Depending on the length of your hair, you will need 10 to 30 tablets. For short hairstyles 10 is enough, for very long hair even 40 may be necessary.
  • Seal the plastic bag well.
  • Put the bag on the table or on the floor.
  • Crush the tablets with a rolling pin by running over the bag with a lot of pressure.
  • Keep rolling forward and back until you have a fine, white powder.
Tip: If you prefer, you can also grind the tablets in a spice or coffee grinder.

Mix paste

Now you need a very mild shampoo. If you have a sensitive scalp, you can use baby shampoo, which is particularly mild on the skin and hair.

  • Put the vitamin C powder in a bowl.
  • In any case EL Powder comes about a teaspoon hair shampoo.
  • Thoroughly mix the two ingredients together. Mix with a spoon until everything has formed a uniform mass.
  • The consistency should now be about Adhesive and rather viscous be.☝🏼

Lighten hair with vitamin C powder

Now you're ready to go, apply the paste and let it work in. Even with short hair, you will need a Shower cap.

  • Comb the hair.
  • Get them wet, dry them off until they are about towel damp.
  • Apply the paste evenly with a spoon or your fingers.
  • Distribute it from the roots to the tips.
  • Spray the hair again with a spray bottle. They should be damp, but not soaked.

If you have very long or thick hair, you may have to proceed strand by strand. To do this, divide your hair into 8 sections and apply the paste - it is particularly important here that you Mane before comb well!😊

Now put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your shoulders. You must apply the paste Leave on for 2 hoursso that it can unfold its full power.

Wash and dry hair

Rinse the paste at least 5 minutes with lukewarm water. Knead the hair thoroughly with your fingers to remove any residue.

It may be that the paste has now discolored a bit and is clearly visible when washing your hair.

Your hair now needs Humidity.

  • Wear a Conditioner on. Above all, who to Frizz and dryness should not skip this point.❎
  • If you wish, you can also order a Nourishing conditioner or treatment to release even more moisture into the hair.
  • You can now use a hair dryer to see if it worked. Or you can let yourself be surprised and rely on air drying.
  • If you decide to use the hairdryer, wear a Heat protection up!

I am not satisfied with the result - what now?

Your mane is already a little lighter, but still not the way you want it? Then you can do the whole Process again repeat.

Apply the vitamin C paste one more time to remove the Effect at reinforce. It is perfectly fine if you use the paste 3 to 4 times in a row.

However, always take care of your hair and scalp. Natural home remedies such as vitamin C powder can also dry out your hair and scalp. If you notice an itchy scalp, stop the process.

Use after each pass Moisturizing productsto protect the mane from drying out.

FAQs about vitamin C in the hair

Can vitamin C damage my hair?

Basically, vitamin C for the hair not harmful. On the contrary: it can even contribute to stronger and shinier hair. Vitamin C Supports the Regeneration of the hair follicles and protects the hair from free radicals.

However, too much vitamin C in powder form or applied directly can dry out the hair and make it brittle. It is therefore important to use vitamin C in moderation.

In Shampoos and Conditioners Vitamin C is usually present in a skin-friendly concentration and can develop its positive properties there.

Are there alternatives to vitamin C for lightening hair?

While vitamin C is a popular way to lighten hair naturally, it's not the only option.

Lemon juice contains Citric acid*, which also has a brightening effect. Simply mix lemon juice with water and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it Several minutes and then rinse it out 🍋.

Chamomile not only lightens the hair, but also conditions it. Prepare a chamomile tea, let it cool down and then pour it into your hair. Leave it Several minutes and then rinse it out.

Honey is a natural moisturizer and can also lighten hair. Mix honey with Olive oil and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it a few hours and then rinse it out 🍯.

Cinnamon* can reduce the red color cast in bleached hair. Blend Cinnamon* with honey and olive oil and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it a few hours and then rinse it out.

Our conclusion

Who with Vitamin C powder hair If you want to lighten your skin, you should definitely give this home remedy a chance. The Method is very simply It is easy to use, inexpensive and does not damage the hair. Don't forget to mix the powder with shampoo and then use a treatment or conditioner.

Good luck!🩷

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