These are the 10 most common reasons why you are always cold

Small woman, being small, advantages small women

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Women are always cold! But what is the reason for that? Are we simply more snivelling than men? Of course not! We know what the constant shivering is really due to!

The largest scarf wrapped around the neck. The sweater is roughened from the inside. One Hot water bottle on the belly. Thick socks on the feet.

For this purpose a hot tea in the hand. A blanket over the legs. Oh, and the Heating also runs at full speed. 728 candles do the rest. The feel-good temperature is slowly within reach.

Your male counterpart, on the other hand, feels like at the Sauna infusion. He can only shake his head uncomprehendingly. Sits half naked next to it and gasps for breath. It's like that or similar everywhere at the moment.

We get to the bottom of it. Are we women really wimps? Why are we always cold? And do we have to accept that?

10 reasons why women are always cold

Our blood circulation makes us shiver

When it gets cold outside, the body changes the way it circulates blood. It does everything it can to keep our important organs to protect. This means that it redistributes the blood. Our feet and hands are left behind.

cold feet

Do you always have ice blocks on your legs? Your fingers are always cold? Then it's time to change your Blood circulation boost. How to do it? Look here: With these 11 home remedies you will never get cold feet again.

You are too slim

Might seem like serendipity in the summer. In winter, it's honestly... shit!

A BMI (=body mass index) below 18.5 indicates underweight. This could be a reason why you are always cold. Are you underweight, missing you Body fat. This is important so that your body can protect you from cold temperatures.

Probably eats you also simply too little. This slows down the metabolism. If it doesn't get enough fire, we don't produce enough body heat. The consequence: we freeze!

Iron deficiency makes you feel cold all the time

Are you just always cold? The reason could also be an iron deficiency. The mineral ensures that our red blood cells work properly. The red blood cells transport the oxygen through our body. This brings Heat and Many nutrients into our cells.

Good mood food

But before you reach for a dietary supplement now. These foods contain a lot of iron:

  • Liver
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame
  • Beans and peas
  • Quinoa and amaranth
  • Eggs
  • Spinach

Iron deficiency can be quickly corrected by a healthy and balanced diet.

Too little iron ensures that the blood cannot be transported properly. First you notice it in your toes and fingers. And later you shiver all over your body. By the way, every third woman suffers from low iron levels!

You don't have to go to the doctor for an iron test. You can also do it at home. There is now a whole range of self-tests.

The Iron self-test from Cerascreen helps you to measure the concentration in the blood. To do this, take a few drops of blood from your fingertip. Use the enclosed envelope to send the sample to a laboratory, where it is analyzed.

You can read the result on the Cerascreen website within 2 days. In addition, you will receive a list of foods that contain a lot of iron and helpful tips for your everyday life.

Iron self-test from Cerascreen
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From a total of 6 iron supplements, you then choose the one that best suits your needs. The capsules are included in the price.

Lack of fluids ensures that we are always cold

You probably already know 789 reasons why: Drinking water is crazy important! Especially if you are always cold! If some have slipped your mind, we'll be happy to help you with your knowledge :) 15 reasons why you should drink more water.

drink more water

We are 60% made up of water. If we drink enough, our body releases heat. The protects us from shivering. Also, our fluid intake is closely related to the Metabolism together. The more we drink, the better our body can work. And we are not always so cold. :)

The thyroid gland does not work properly

There are countless symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. If we are always cold, this can also be an indication. Does the gland in our throat produce too little hormoneswe speak of hypofunction.

If the hormone is not sufficiently present, it slows down the metabolism. This usually works as a Engine in the body. It ensures that we are warm. Do you also suffer from thinning hair and dry skin? Are you constantly tired? Then just to be on the safe side, have your thyroid checked by a doctor.

A deficiency of vitamin B12 makes you tremble

We already know the role of red blood cells. But not only iron is important for them. The body needs to be supplied with sufficient vitamin B12 to ensure the Blood cells form to be able to. By the way, a deficiency of the vitamin can even lead to depression and poor performance!

protein food salmon fish

Vitamin B12 must be absorbed by the Food ingested. Animal products in particular are good suppliers. So if you are not vegan, reach for this:

  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs

Do you follow a vegan diet? Then you will have to resort to preparations. There are hardly any vegetable productswhich serve as a safe source of vitamin B12.

You are a woman

Every woman fights with a man in some sphere of life about the heating domination. Is it your colleague? Your seatmate at school? Or your boyfriend at home? Assert yourself! We have (as always) the better arguments!

Because we women lose heat faster than men. This is because our tissues are thinner. We also have a lower percentage of muscle. This ensures that we freeze more quickly.

A small percentage of muscle mass

We can struggle, we want. Women have a lower percentage of muscle mass than men. If we use our (few) Exercise muscles, we generate Heat. This ensures that we do not cool down.

arm training woman
You're always cold, but you really don't want to look like Arnie? No problem! Train with your body weight to build muscles build. Also you can click on low weights fall back. So you build muscle and are still beautifully defined.

Diabetes can make you feel cold all the time

If diabetes is not treated appropriately, our Nerve cells among them. Sometimes pain develops in the hands and feet. Or our limbs feel numb.

The nerve cells then do not transport information in our body correctly. This makes our Feet and Hands cold. Are you always thirsty? Are you always tired and weary? And are you struggling with food cravings? Then go to the doctor and get a check-up!

You sleep too little

Sufficient sleep is important. It ensures that your body can regenerate. Only then will you stay fit and healthy. Everyone knows that. But it goes even further! If you sleep too little, the Activity of the hypothalamus. You only understand station?

Sleep killer sleep in, after runningThe hypothalamus is a component of our brain. It has the control function. This means that it regulates the Most important body functions. First and foremost the body temperature. If we sleep too little, this affects the performance of the hypothalamus. And we freeze.

Our conclusion:

There are many different reasons why we are always cold. A healthy diet, enough sleep and drinking plenty of fluids are the best solutions against being cold. Give it a try!

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