Always cold feet - What you can do!

Always cold feet

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Do you always have cold feet despite two blankets and socks? And even when it's not really the depths of winter? That may be the reason!

You are lying in bed, want to sleep but your feet are not playing along. They are freezing cold. And that although you wear socks and even use two blankets. And that even though it's not the deepest winter.

Or you are at work and although the room is actually warm you always have cold feet.

Do you recognize yourself?

Why do we women always have cold feet? What is the reason? Well, that's a good question that not even 100% science can answer.

One guess is that it's because women have less muscle and body mass. So we produce less heat. Because muscles really heat us up.

As soon as it gets a little cooler, the ice toe season begins.

But the good news is that if you always have cold feet, it's usually harmless. It may be unpleasant, but there's rarely anything serious behind it.

The cause of ice legs is a narrowing of the blood vessels. This slows down the blood flow and less blood ends up in the toes.

The most common reasons why you always have cold feet

  • Cold and wet
  • Shoes too tight
  • Lack of exercise
  • Sweaty feet

Why you always get cold feet in cold weather

Autumn and winter is peak season for cold toes. As soon as the temperature drops outside, our body protects the important parts of the body. The feet and hands are not among them.

The whole body is still supplied with blood, but not quite as much. The blood ends up where it is most urgently needed for survival. That is, the brain, the organs and the chest and abdominal cavity.

Here, our body tries to maintain a constant 37°. And it can only do this by drawing a little blood from the legs and arms. To compensate for the temperature difference, we start to freeze. The muscles tremble and thus generate a little bit of heat.

Smart, actually. Just stupid that we then always have cold feet.

Tip: the secret weapon for warm toes

As soon as summer is over, I have ice legs. I can count on that. It starts in mid-September at the latest, usually earlier. The phenomenon lasts until the next summer. Wonderful, isn't it? Icy legs for 9 months.

But because that's totally uncomfortable and makes the feel-good factor approach 0, you can help out with an electric foot warmer. The device looks like a giant shoe that can accommodate both feet at the same time. A massage function is also included.

Electric foot massager with heat function
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You just put your cold feet in the device, plug it in, and it starts giving you light massages and a big dose of warmth. Just great for cold toes on days when you've tried everything to warm up but it just hasn't worked.

What are the most common cause of cold toes

There are many different reasons why you always have cold feet. Once you've figured out what the cause is, you can take active steps to prevent it.

1. ice legs due to wetness

When your feet are wet, the body begins to release heat to the outside. Evaporative cooling is created.

At the same moment, the blood vessels constrict and this leads to poor blood circulation. The cycle starts all over again.

Wet feet don't only have to happen outdoors and in rainy weather, though. It also happens when you sweat. In fact, sweaty feet are the main reason for cold toes. They make your socks wet. If you always have cold feet, you should look carefully what shoes and socks you wear. Can your feet breathe in them?

I had ice cold feet in my favorite ballerinas a few years ago in the summer. Even with socks it did not get better. Now, in retrospect, I know: my feet could not breathe and therefore sweated.

Always cold feet

Since I am on the road with my Birkenstocks, I have never had cold toes again :) They are breathable and are not made of plastic, which is a boon for the feet.

In the fall and winter, you should take off thick shoes as soon as you are in the warm.

Do you sweat a lot in your socks? Check the material or take a second pair of socks for emergencies. As soon as the feet are dry, it is also over with the cold toes.

Tip: In winter and at really low temperatures, waterproof snow boots will keep you warm and dry!

2. iron deficiency leads to cold feet

Too little iron ensures that the blood cannot be transported properly. First you notice it in your toes and fingers. And later you shiver all over your body. By the way, every third woman suffers from low iron levels!

You don't have to go to the doctor for an iron test. You can also do it at home. There is now a whole range of self-tests.

The Iron self-test from Cerascreen helps you to measure the concentration in the blood. To do this, take a few drops of blood from your fingertip. Use the enclosed envelope to send the sample to a laboratory, where it is analyzed.

You can read the result on the Cerascreen website within 2 days. In addition, you will receive a list of foods that contain a lot of iron and helpful tips for your everyday life.

Iron self-test from Cerascreen
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From a total of 6 iron supplements, you then choose the one that best suits your needs. The capsules are included in the price.

3. always cold feet because of too tight shoes

In pumps, ballerinas and especially higher shoes that fit tightly, the blood supply is simply cut off.

The tight shoes press on our fine blood vessels and nerves. And already the blood can no longer flow freely.

The result: cold feet!

Get out of your shoes. No matter how nice they are. They just don't do you any good. Grab comfortable shoes and you'll feel much more comfortable.

Another point for Birkenstock :) Super stylish and mega comfortable.

4. how lack of exercise leads to cold toes

You have tight shoes in which you sweat and you don't move enough? Then you have all three main causes covered and don't have to wonder why you always have cold feet.

Because lack of exercise also leads to poor blood circulation in our body. The metabolism slows down and with it the blood circulation.

If you sit a lot at work, your body notices that you don't need your feet right now. It introduces an economy program and ensures that the feet are not supplied with so much blood.

Tip: Do you know our training plan against belly fat? It helps you lose belly fat and build muscle easily at home in your living room!

Therefore, move regularly even at work. Go for a short walk if you always have cold feet. Just 2 minutes of walking quickly provides relief.

Tip: A standing desk has helped me. Now my legs are not constantly about to fall off and I feel much more comfortable.

5. why low blood pressure always causes cold feet

Do you have low blood pressure? Many women suffer from it. As a result, the blood flow is slowed down. This leads to cold hands and feet.

If the blood pressure is very low, you will freeze all over your body and be knocked out.

As long as it is in a "normal low" range, exercise will help you get the blood flow going. Get into the habit of exercising regularly!

Why we women always have cold feet

Have you ever heard a man complain about cold toes while yours were still very warm? Then you are an exception.

Because most of the time it's the other way around. We are shivering and he is still warm.

Always cold feet cause

Young women in particular complain about always having cold feet. And this is no imagination. Studies have shown that women cool down much faster than men.

Our cold level is 5 degrees above the temperature at which men get cold.

Often the blood pressure and the lack of muscles are the reason.

What you can do if you always have cold feet

Now we know what the causes are. But you can do much more against the ice legs.

1. build muscles

Women freeze faster because they have less muscles. But of course we can do something about it. Namely, build muscles.

They keep our whole body warm because they function like small heating plants and generate heat.

In short, the more muscles we have, the warmer we are.

But don't worry, you don't have to become a bodybuilder! A toned and trained body is already enough to have ice toes less often.

2. move

Yes, we've already had that. But it can't be said often enough! Exercise is the key to better blood circulation. That's exactly what our body needs right now!

If you're lying on the sofa right now and reading these lines, then poke your running shoes on the side and go for a little spin.

If you implement this tip, within 5 minutes you will feel life coming back into your feet.

Cold feet - sport helps

The long-term strategy is to build muscle!

Tip: Do you know our training plan against belly fat? It helps you lose belly fat and build muscle easily at home in your living room!

3. a warming cream

Have you ever heard of Tiger Balm? The pungent cream made of herbs and menthol helps you when icicles sprout on your toes.

It boosts blood circulation and makes you smell good :)

Attention: Wash hands well afterwards and do not bring near the eyes!

4. do toe gymnastics

Here we are again on the subject of lack of exercise. If you don't have time to get up and go for a spin, then doing toe exercises will also help.

Circle your feet, tighten your toes, rub your feet together and massage them with your hands. All this will provide better blood circulation.

5. a foot bath

No time for jogging, no desire or simply bad weather? Then a foot bath helps to make ice-cold toes disappear.

Ice cold toes what helps

To do this, soak in enough water to cover your feet with warm water. There are many bath additives that stimulate blood circulation. This is really good for you!

6. wear the right shoes

You may be wearing the wrong shoes. If they are too tight, the blood cannot circulate.

If they are stylish, but do not have a good sole, then you probably always have cold feet because of it. The sole of your fall and winter shoes should be very thick. This makes it harder for the cold to make its way to your feet.

It is also important that your winter shoes are water repellent.

Invest in leather or a breathable material. Stay away from plastic boots. Insulating insoles provide additional warmth.

7. eat warming stews

If you're shivering as a whole, eat dishes that warm you from the inside. No matter how cold or warm it is outside.

How about a goulash or curry? It can be quite spicy.

Ginger and chili are foods you can put on pretty much any food. And already you benefit from the fiery spiciness :)

Add to that a warm cup of herbal tea and you'll feel much better.

8. smoking makes the legs cold

If you smoke: stop it!

Cold hands and feet combined with smoking are a sign that your blood vessels are constricting.

You should definitely not take this lightly. Because the constriction happens throughout the body, in the organs, in the heart and in the brain.

While you smoke, your blood pressure rises and the flow of blood decreases. This leads to a disturbed blood flow throughout the body.

9. go to the doctor

You still have cold feet even though you have tried all the tips? If you have icicles on your legs, you should see a doctor. There are diseases that cause cold feet. Often it is related to the thyroid gland. But it can also be an undetected diabetes.

Or you have a Durchlbutungs- or hormone disorder.

Our conclusion

If you always have cold feet, it is usually harmless. In rare cases, diseases are behind it. Exercise regularly, build up your muscles, eat warm food and wear the right shoes. Then your icy legs should soon disappear on their own.

Get well soon and warm feet we wish you! :)

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