Tea for dehydration, which acts immediately

Tea for dehydration

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You have water retention that you want to get rid of? Try tea for dehydration! We'll tell you which varieties are best for you.

We all have annoying water retention at one time or another. That's nothing to worry about.

But it sucks big time when your legs or feet are so swollen that you can see it and can't hide it.

And of course, it feels anything but good.

There is fast and natural help from nature: tea for dehydration.

When you rely on tea for dehydration, you simply flush out the excess water. The reason for this are natural ingredients of herbs.

If you have large amounts of water retention for a long time, you should have this clarified by a doctor. Because sometimes tea can not help to dehydrate, there must be brought up other guns.

Do not ignore the problem. Because if you have a lot of water in your body for a long time, you weaken the heart muscle and can get high blood pressure.

Birch leaves tea for dehydration

Why you should drink tea for dehydration

Yes, you read that right: If you want to get rid of water, you have to drink water. Sounds a bit illogical at first, but makes sense on closer inspection.

The human body consists of 70 percent water. It's not only when we go to the toilet that we flush water out. We also lose a little fluid every minute through our skin and when we breathe. And not only during sports, but also when sitting.

Yet water is mega important for our body. It is a means of transport for many substances. Water ensures that our blood remains fluid, that harmful substances are flushed out and that our brain and digestion function.

If you drink very little, you will notice this not only in headaches, but also in concentration problems and listlessness. And because the body stores water.

If our body does not get enough water, it stores it for emergencies as a precaution. So if you start drinking enough, you give it the signal that it doesn't need to build up stores. The water is quickly broken down again and the spook is quickly over.

If you drink water or tea to drain, you flush out pollutants, and with them, the culprits of water retention.

What tea is suitable for dehydration

If you want to get rid of water retention quickly, boil some hot water. There are delicious teas that will help you get rid of the water in your body.

It is especially effective when you use a mix of several herbs. For this purpose, tea blends are a good choice.

This tea for dehydration acts particularly quickly

  • Nettle tea
  • Birch leaf tea
  • Dandelion tea
  • Horsetail tea
  • Green tea
  • Ginger tea
  • Parsley tea
  • Juniper

All these teas you can get in the supermarket, drugstore or pharmacy. It is best to see what you like and drink the tea regularly.

You can support your body with herbal drainage tablets. The basis is nettles, which have a draining and flushing effect. The big advantage with drainage tablets is that you don't taste the herbs. Most draining teas have a pretty blatant taste of their own. Mostly they are bitter and do not motivate to drink more of them.

Especially good are these 3 varieties of tea for dehydration:

Nettle tea against water retention

You know nettles only as a weed? You should think again. Because nettles are mega healthy.

As a tea, it has a strong draining effect and purifies the blood.

For a cup of 250 ml you need 1 tablespoon of dried nettles.

Tea for dehydration - nettle

Dandelion tea drains

Also very bitter but effective is dandelion tea. It is prepared from the roots of the plant and stimulates the metabolism.

For a cup of 250 ml you need 1 tsp of finely chopped dandelion roots. You can either buy them or, if you know your way around, collect them yourself.

By the way, dandelion leaves are also draining and good for the kidneys. You can prepare a salad from it. It is also bitter, but not as strong as the tea.

Birch leaves as a tea for detoxification

Birch leaves tea for dehydration

Birch tea is not a culinary delight. It tastes very bitter, but it has a diuretic effect. For the birch is strongly diuretic.

You can refine the tea a bit with honey or mint.

For a cup of 250 ml you need 1 tsp of dried birch leaves.

How to take tea for dehydration

In winter, a cup of hot tea tastes mega delicious. But in summer? Phew, it can be quite exhausting.

The good news right away is that it doesn't matter if you drink tea hot or cold for dehydration.

The ingredients and their effect remain the same.

So a cool cup of tea not only tastes delicious, but you can also use it to get rid of water retention.

If you want to do it quickly, boil 200 ml of water, add the tea leaves, enough for 1 liter. Let the tea brew for 10 minutes.

Take the tea leaves or tea bags out of the water and pour cold water until you have a total of 1 liter. This way you can drink the tea for dehydration immediately.

Drink the tea now simply distributed throughout the day. In addition, you should also drink water. Water retention often occurs because we drink too little. So it's best to set aside a jug with 1 liter of water.

You can add fresh ginger to the water, if it is otherwise too "boring" for you to drink. And you have another anti-water drink in addition to the tea for dehydration :)

How to dehydrate your body through nutrition

Tea for dehydration is already a good step in the right direction. But your diet can also help you get rid of water retention.

You don't have to eat these foods exclusively, by the way. Just include them in your diet. And preferably for a few days in a row.

Foods with a high water content and lots of potassium are best, such as

  • Cucumbers
  • Melons
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberries
  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Avocados
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes and rice

You should also include nuts in your diet. Just like dried apricots or bananas - they contain a lot of potassium.

On the other hand, there are also foods that you should not eat if you want to get rid of water retention.

  • Alcohol
  • Salt
  • Caffeine
  • Sugar

Above all, you should use table salt very sparingly. It consists mostly of sodium, which is known for its water-binding properties. So you're making it worse.

How you can help your body drain

Diet, water and tea for dehydration are already on your To Do list? But you can also do more, so that you soon feel great again.

Use the fascia roller

I can see you rolling your eyes over now, I'm not a fan of the pain that can come from rolling with the fascia roller either. But that actually just a sign that you should get on the roller more often.

The fascia roller stimulates your lymphatic system. This activates the drainage system of your body. It thus begins to remove additional water on its own.

However, this is only an additional help if you already drink tea for draining. The fascia roller itself is usually not enough. At least not for me.

Tip: A fascia roller set not only helps you with water retention. You can also use it to massage away tension.

Do a lymphatic drainage

Anything that stimulates the lymph is good. Besides the fascia roller, a massage can also help you. Especially if you have pain because of water retention. For this, contact a masseur or masseuse who offers lymphatic drainage.

This is a very special type of massage, which very gently works the tissues. This stimulates the lymphatic channels. This stimulates the removal of fluid in the tissues.

By the way, the same effect can have a foot reflexology massage.

Go for a walk or play light sports

If the water retention allows it, you should move. The sooner you act against the deposits, the better.

Especially when sitting or standing for a long time, water may collect in the legs or other parts of the body.

So now it's time to get moving! Loose endurance training is especially good for this. You can go for a ride on your bike or go for a walk. The movement gets the circulation and metabolism going and works against the deposits.

You should keep your hands off strenuous training. But you don't feel like it now anyway, do you?

Why you should know the cause of water retention

Have you noticed that your body has been storing more water lately? The reasons for this can be very different. Nevertheless, you should first investigate the causes.

The most common causes are: Pregnancy, menopause or hormonal fluctuations before the period. Older people also tend to store water quickly.

If none of these causes apply to you, it can also be due to the fact that you do not exercise enough or eat the wrong food. Sometimes, diseases such as heart or kidney failure can also be responsible for the fact that you want to take tea for dehydration.

Very often, water retention occurs when two or more causes occur simultaneously.

And where do you notice the water? The typical places are buttocks, abdomen, thighs, upper arms and ankles.

Our conclusion

Drink a lot if you have water retention. Tea for dehydration helps especially well if you also watch your diet and exercise a little. Stay away from too much salt and caffeine, and instead opt for water-containing foods with potassium.

If you have the problem for a long time, have a doctor take a look at you.

All the best for you!

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