These are the best sports equipment for home

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If you want to get fit in your living room, you should set up a small fitness room. We tell you which sports equipment is the best for home!

If you start with sports, you have enough to do with your body weight at first. Squats, lunges and co. can be mega exhausting.

But at some point, you reach that point where you want more. And that's where sports equipment for the home comes in.

If you want to have a healthy and good-looking body, you build exercise into your daily routine.

But because all fitness studios are currently closed and you can actually save the money, we have made a search and found the best sports equipment for home.

In the long run, this will save you money, time and stress.

Home Gym Ideas

What small sports equipment is useful at home

Small exercise machines are great for working out in the living room. They save space and can be stored almost anywhere. As a moderately advanced, they bring a lot of variety to the workout at home.


The classic for beautifully shaped arms should not be missing in any home gym. If you are looking for effective and space-saving sports equipment at home, then you should buy dumbbells.

The small dumbbells have been leading the popularity scale for many years. No wonder: The application possibilities are enormous. In addition, they put an end to angle arms :)

They are also easy to store and not very expensive to buy.

What you should know before buying

There are different dumbbells. Those that have a fixed weight. You can't add or take away weight here. This is not so practical. With regular training you will soon notice that the body quickly gets used to the weight and wants more.

So better are short dumbbells, where you can flexibly expand or reduce the weight.

For some exercises, the lightest weight will do, while for others you'll be happy to tolerate more.

And then you can choose between 30mm or 50mm. If you're wondering what this means, it's the diameter of the barbell. If you're not a bodybuilder or professional weightlifter, you don't need a 50mm barbell.

Have you ever seen colorful dumbbells? They look cute, don't they? But I wouldn't buy them if I were you. The weight plates are often made of plastic, which is not so durable.

You are on the safe side with dumbbells that are made of cast iron. They are indestructible and have a 1A quality.

Sports equipment for home


My absolute favorite are kettlebells. With them, especially the torso can be strengthened wonderfully. But the arms are also in demand.

Kettlebell swings and similar exercises allow for a much more flexible workout than traditional dumbbells.

The kettlebells have been celebrating their success at least since Crossfit became trendy. For me, they are sports equipment for the home that makes a lot of sense. You can improve your speed and explosiveness with them.

What you should know before buying

The purchase of a kettlebell is very inexpensive. It can be stored wonderfully and comes in many different weight classes.

Unlike dumbbells, however, you are bound to a weight here. You can neither add nor remove weight. Therefore, it is worth buying at least 2 different kettlebells.

Make sure you have a wide grip. Both hands should fit next to each other in the grip so that you can train very flexibly.

Models for beginners start at 2 kg upwards is usually at 30 kg end. With 3-4 kg and 5-6 kg you are very well advised as a beginner.

Sports equipment for home


You don't really want visible arm muscles? But you want to improve your endurance and coordination? Then the trampoline is the right choice for you.

Trampolines show that sports equipment for the home can also be a lot of fun. Bouncing helps you forget about stress and puts a smile on your face.

What you should know before buying

If you're short on space, make sure you buy a trampoline that folds up.

Also, it should be possible to easily remove and reattach the support bar. At the feet of the trampoline should necessarily be rubber caps, so that the floor is not scratched and your neighbor is not disturbed by the jumping.

Pull-up bar

There is room for a pull-up bar even in the smallest apartment. You can mount a lot of models in the door frame or on the door frame.

With the pull-up bar you train your entire upper back and define your arms.

A little tip: Hang her up so that you have to walk past her regularly. Every time you pass under it, do a few pull-ups. This is ideal, especially for beginners.

This way you'll be able to do more pull-ups week after week.

What you should know before buying

Make sure that the pull-up bar fits into your door frame. Measure carefully beforehand whether you choose the door frame or the door frame.

The training effect is almost the same. But not every door is made for every model.

Models that you hook into the door frame allow you to pull yourself up much further.

The big advantage with both: You do not have to make holes in the wall and you can always hang the rod in another door.

Vibration plate

The queen of small fitness equipment is the vibration plate. With it you can strengthen your entire body.

It serves to build muscle as well as to reduce fat. Training on the plate allows you to get the most out of the workout in a short time.

All you need is a nearby power outlet and you can start exercising right after you buy it. Most plates have exercises and training instructions in the accessories.

And if not, then take a look at our vibration plate exercises. We have tested the plate ourselves and told you the most effective exercises on it.

What you should know before buying

There are plates with a holder and some without. Also, they differ quite a bit in performance.

If you choose a model without a holder, you have the advantage that you can store it anywhere. Even under the bed.

Also recommended

  • Skipping rope
  • Minibands*
  • elastic fitness bands
  • Exercise ball
  • Medicine ball
  • Fascia roller

What great workout equipment you can put at home

Unlike the small sports equipment, with the larger ones you usually have to decide on 1 to a maximum of 2. After all, space is pretty limited for most of them.

Rowing machine

During a workout with the rowing machine you mainly train the large muscles of the back, the trapezius muscle and the lower back.

But also the thighs and calves have a lot to do during the workout. In addition, your endurance will improve and the cardiovascular system will be strengthened. Overall, a rowing machine is therefore one of the best sports equipment for home.

What you should know before buying

The device itself weighs a minimum of 20 kg. So it's not meant for you to move it in and out every day.

You need quite a lot of space for it. You should calculate at least 2 meters in length.

However, you can also use it to train quite effectively and customize the machine to your needs. You can adjust the difficulty of the weight and with some devices even use your competition training program.

Elliptical machine or stepper

If you want to train your buttocks and legs, then a stepper or elliptical trainer is the right piece of sports equipment for your home. You can adjust the resistance of the pedals and make the workout more intense.

If you regularly get on this piece of sports equipment, you will not only improve the strength of your leg muscles, but also your endurance.

On top of that, the stepper is said to be particularly efficient in boosting fat burning.

Better than a conventional stepper is an epilliptical stepper. It combines pedaling with circular movements. You can walk on it both forward and backward.

What you should know before buying

Home exercise equipment like the stepper needs to be used regularly to see effects. They are not primarily made for you to build a lot of muscles. They also have their focus on the lower body.

The upper body is often neglected. If your goal is to build muscle in the lower body, then a stepper is definitely worthwhile.

With a total of about 60 kg (and up), the device is relatively heavy and not intended for you to change the location. However, good models have transport wheels that help you move around.


Treadmills are the most popular sports equipment for home use. They are wonderful for improving endurance and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

From the cheap hobby treadmill to the expensive profile treadmill, you can buy whatever you feel like. Many machines allow you to change the incline and run at speeds of up to 20 km/h.

They also measure your pulse, calories burned, distance, and more.

Living room sports equipment for home

What you should know before buying

Look around for a treadmill that has a folding mechanism. You can then store it much easier. It's also worth looking at the number of preset programs.

It's worth spending a little more money and buying a treadmill with good cushioning and a sturdy handrail.


Cycling even though it's raining and freezing cold? An ergometer will help you. You can train regardless of time, place and weather.

An ergometer should be in your living room if you want to lose weight, tone legs and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

You can choose from the preset programs whether you want to do an easy, hard or medium distance. If you have joint pain or problems with the spine, then an ergometer is a very good and gentle training device.

Besides you can watch TV or listen to music. :)

Why it makes sense to invest in sports equipment for the home

Let's have another quick look at why it makes sense to get some exercise equipment.

Let's compare this directly with the fitness studio. That way you'll see that you can save on membership. This equipment pays for itself very quickly.

1. save time

The biggest advantage of working out at home is that you can save yourself a lot of time. This already starts with the journey to the studio.

If it takes you 20 minutes to get to the gym and you work out 3 times a week. Then you spend 40 minutes a day to get back and forth home. If you work out 3 times a week, that's 2 hours a week.

In that time, you would have already done a large portion of your workout.

If you're busy at work, have kids, or just don't want to waste that much time, keep this number in mind.

If you buy sports equipment for your home, you can start working out as soon as you get home - without any lead time.

2. you are flexible

Just like the time factor, flexibility also plays a big role. If you have irregular working hours, then sometimes it's not compatible with the studio.

It's different when you have training equipment at home. Your home gym is simply open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

3. the devices are always free

There is nothing more annoying than having to wait for a machine to become free on a hectic day. Often they are then also sweaty, which is not particularly appetizing.

It is not uncommon for equipment to have to be replaced because many exercisers pay little attention to it. And then it gets even more congested during rush hour.

But it's logical: most people have time for training after or before work. From 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., there is therefore quite a crowd in some studios.

If you have to wait, the whole workout will take much longer overall. The workout is not effective if the breaks are too long.

This can't happen to you at home.

4. you save money

Good, many studios are now very cheap. For just 20 euros you can train there per month. But calculate how much you pay over the years. And then even for the fact that you don't actually go there anyway.

Purchasing sports equipment for your home may be a little more expensive at first, but it's worth it in the long run.

You can save yourself money every time you workout in your living room.

An increase in the price of training is also guaranteed not to happen at the Homegym :)

Our conclusion

Sports equipment for home let you train independently from place and time. You can access your training equipment at any time and don't have to share it. If you train regularly, you also save a lot of money in the long run, which you would otherwise spend on the gym.

Have fun setting up your home gym!

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