How can I train my buttocks?

Exercise buttocks woman

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Turn flat into firm! A firm butt no longer has to remain a dream. We show you how you can train your butt most effectively as a woman.

A tight butt is at the top of your wish list? Then let's work on it. There are numerous exercises that will make sure your butt is nice and round and firm.

You don't even need any equipment or devices for these exercises. You can do the workout at home in the comfort of your living room.

All you need is a little discipline and perseverance - and nothing will stand in the way of that tight butt.

However, before we start training, you should know a little bit about the anatomy of the buttocks.

Gluteal muscles: what's behind them?

There are 3 major butt muscles that can be trained. If you want to have a crack butt, you should pay attention to all three muscle groups in the buttocks.

Training only the biggest muscle won't get you anywhere. But let's look at this in detail.

The buttocks consist of the gluteus muscle

  • Minimus
  • Medius
  • Maximus

Butt muscle building

Gluteus Minimus Muscle

The small gluteus maximus lies much lower than the medium and large gluteus maximus and, together with the medium gluteus maximus, forms the silhouette of the hips.

When this muscle is trained, fat accumulation between the thighs and the pelvis is prevented. This is exactly the place where some fat mass is located.

This is also referred to as the Banana fold.

Musculus Gluteus Medius

The middle gluteal muscle is used for the lateral rotational and lifting movements of the hip and is a short, thick as well as fan-shaped muscle.

It is located almost entirely under the gluteus maximus.

A well-toned mid gluteus provides a nice look and also supports the upper half of the buttocks.

Gluteus maximus muscle

The gluteus maximus is not only the largest but also the most superficial muscle.

It is primarily responsible for hip extension and stabilizing the thigh in extension as well as external rotation. The large muscle also prevents your pelvis from tilting forward.

Here, it forms the main shape of the gluteal zone and is located on the posterior side of the pelvis.

Which muscle makes the buttocks round?

The tight, crisp and round buttocks often desired by women can be achieved by training the gluteus maximus muscle. This muscle forms the largest part of the buttocks.

You see it when you stand sideways in front of a mirror. It is curved outward.

But even if you can only see one muscle on the outside, the others should not be neglected during training. Each muscle has a different task.

Why should women exercise the buttocks?

First of all, butt training is not just for women. Men can also benefit from a trained buttocks.

After all, if you sit in front of the computer or TV all day and drive from A to B by car, you'll make sure that your booty gets lazy in the truest sense of the word.

The result: a rear end that is not trained enough gives up its tasks to other muscles. Quite classic: the lower back and thighs. Doesn't sound very daunting now, does it?

However, it is precisely this incorrect loading that leads you to Pain you will get. And mainly in the lower back. Keyword: slipped disc.

When the buttocks atrophy, a whole range of problems arise in the body. Those who do not train the buttocks usually have poor posture and often also a hollow back.

This is due to the fact that not only the muscles of the buttocks atrophy, but also the hip flexor.

A trained butt, on the other hand, increases performance - in everyday life and in sports. So it helps you when carrying heavy boxes, climbing stairs, running or cycling.

All good reasons to get started with butt training for women today!

What is the best workout for the buttocks?

To get a firm and round butt, you need to build up your gluteal muscles. This works best with strength training.

But don't worry, you don't have to go to the gym and lift heavy weights. There are many exercises that you can easily do with your own body weight at home in your living room.

The exercises are really easy to do. So simple and fast that you can easily get a tight butt.

In general, it is important to train as much as possible all the muscles of the buttocks, that is, not only the large gluteal muscle, but also the medium and small.

And believe me, if you work out diligently, your butt will be crisp and firm from it.

But the best butt workout won't do you any good if you eat an unhealthy diet. In order to build muscles, you need to provide them with sufficient energy and nutrients. It is very important that you eat plenty of proteins. This will help your muscles grow.

You can find out how many calories you should eat in one of our nutrition plans. These are tailored exactly to your goal.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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Don't forget to drink. Liquid boosts the metabolism and provides more energy and better recovery.

You can find great workout exercises in this video. The best way is to combine them with the exercises that I present in this post.

Train buttocks as a woman: what exercises are suitable for this?

But now we've talked enough! Get a workout mat ready, slip into your gym clothes and let's start the workout.

Do 12 repetitions of each exercise per side and 3 passes. Beginners can also start with 8 repetitions. However, you should not do much less if you really want to train your butt effectively.

Tips for an effective workout

  1. Warm up the leg and hip muscles
  2. Tighten the buttocks during each exercise
  3. Loosen the Hip muscles with fascia exercises at
  4. Train 2-3x per week
  5. Take a 60 second break between each pass


Squat butt workout woman

  • Stand upright in a shoulder-width stance. The toes point forward and the weight is on the heels.
  • Your body is erect and your back is straight.
  • Keep your hands clasped in front.
  • Inhale and bend your knees until they are at 90 degrees.
    Push the buttocks back and lower them. Do this until the thighs are parallel to the floor. The back remains straight during the entire exercise.
  • On the exhale, lift the buttocks again and return to the starting position. Use the strength of the thigh muscles for this.
  • Stretch the hips all the way through and start again.

Donkey kicks for a crisp butt

Donkey Kick

  • Start on all fours.
  • Your hands are directly under your shoulders. The head is the extension of the spine and does not hang down.
  • Now lift one leg off the floor, bend it at hip level, the sole of your foot points upwards and you push the sole of your foot a little further towards the ceiling.
  • Pull the thigh upward. The angle of the leg remains upright.
  • Then lift the leg back to the starting position, as in the picture. The upper and lower leg always form a 90° angle.

Glute Hip Bridge

Bridge exercise buttocks

  • Lie with your back on the exercise mat. Place your arms parallel to your body. The palms are open.
  • Now angle both legs and lift your pelvis off the floor. Push the pelvis really high.
  • Now only your shoulders, arms, head, and the bottoms of your feet are touching the mat.
  • Tighten your buttocks and hold the position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Now lower your butt again. However, do not put it down, but go straight back up. This way the training effect is much greater.

Train buttocks as a woman with lunges

Train gluteus with lunge

  • Come to the starting position: feet are hip-width apart, the gaze is directed forward. The abdomen is tense, the chest is open, the shoulders are tight.
  • Now take a big step forward. At the same time, lower the back knee toward the floor. But do not put it down!
  • Let float nicely 3-4 cm above the mat. :)
  • The buttocks and legs are tense.
  • Using muscle strength from the heel, push yourself back to the starting position.

Side lunge

Side lunge

  • Come into a lateral lunge. To do this, lift the leg as far as possible to the right side.
  • The hips remain parallel, the right knee is bent while the left is extended. Both feet are flat and parallel on the floor.
  • The upper body remains upright and tense.
  • To save your back, you should have a light wooden cross. Be sure to do the exercise slowly to prevent injury.
  • Press back into an upright stance with your heel and switch legs.

Bulgarian squat

Bulgarian Squat

  • Put your left leg on a chair/table. Don't put it down, but put it on properly, then you can keep your balance better.
  • Take a large step forward and place the right leg on the floor slightly wider than stride length. The toes point forward.
  • Fold your hands in front of your torso and bend your arms.
  • Both knees point forward and the back is straight.
  • Now slowly bend the front knee. The leg should form a 90° angle. Your upper body remains upright.
  • The back leg almost touches the floor during the movement.
  • Then go back to the starting position.

Leg lift in quadruped position

Kickback exercise

  • Get into the quadruped position.
  • Your hands are directly under your shoulders. The head is the extension of the spine.
  • Now lift one leg off the floor. Stretch it completely.
  • Now pull the leg up as far as possible stretched.
  • And then lift the leg back to the starting position, as in the picture.

Superman as butt exercise

Train gluteal muscle with superman exercise

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • The view is directed downwards.
  • Raise both arms off the floor. The palms point downward.
  • Those who can, also lift their outstretched legs from the floor.
  • Hold this position for 3-5 seconds before returning to the starting position.

Standing lateral leg raise

Lateral leg lift

  • The leg you are standing on is slightly bent, with the toe pointing straight out.
  • The other leg is raised hip-width outward.
  • The toe of the raised leg is bent and points slightly toward the body.
  • The arms are raised crossed at shoulder height. The back should be elongated.
  • Slowly lift the executing leg upwards.
  • The upper body should not be moved.

Train buttocks as a woman with the angle thrust exercise

Butt exercise woman

  • Your standing leg is slightly bent, with the toe pointing forward as in most standing exercises.
  • Angle the lower leg of your so-called executing leg upwards to 90 degrees.
  • You should also angle your foot well here.
  • Both thighs should be parallel.
  • To perform the exercise, bend the upper body slightly forward. You then push the executing leg slightly backwards.
  • Afterwards you bring it back to the starting position. However, you should make sure that only the executing leg moves and that you do not get into the hollow back position.

Fire hydrant kick

Butt train with fire hydrant

  • Start in the quadruped position.
  • Your arms are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips.
  • Now raise your left leg in the air so that your knee comes level with your hip.
  • Now lower it again.

Train buttocks as a woman with the squat walk

Squat walk as a butt exercise

  • Start with a normal squat. The arms are bent in front of the chest.
  • Now take 3-4 side steps while remaining in a squat position throughout.
  • Make sure that the knees do not tilt inward.
  • Once you reach the end of the mat, go in the other direction and thus back to the starting position.

How often do you need to exercise the buttocks as a woman?

A butt workout you can 2 to 3 times a week do. However, your starting position is crucial. As a beginner, you use your booty a maximum of twice a week.

If you belong to the advanced group, you may do exercises for the buttocks even three times a week.

Don't overload your body and muscles right away, though, and take your workouts slowly.

Tip: Your butt muscles grow during the recovery phase! Therefore, you should make sure to take at least one day off between your workouts.

It's best to choose 3-5 exercises from the gallery per workout and perform them slowly and with a lot of tension. At the next workout you choose other exercises again. This ensures that a butt gets in shape especially quickly.

How long does it take to have a nice butt?

You will see, after a short time - usually after 8 weeks at the latest - you will already feel noticeably fitter. With regular training sessions of about 20-30 minutes you can already achieve great results.

Not only your body, but also your butt in particular will thank you:

  • your buttocks can be tightened in a more controlled way
  • you get used to the training
  • you will have more and more fun
  • Abdomen, legs and buttocks become firmer
  • your butt becomes firmer and gets a better shape.

In addition, we recommend that you watch what you eat. Because, unhealthy food can ruin your training success very quickly.

What are the most common butt training mistakes?

1. too much cardio

Cardio training has a variety of health benefits. It improves endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system and relieves tension.

But be careful: It's not the endurance training that shapes your body, but the strength training! So feel free to do cardio sessions as a supplement to strength training, but don't overdo it!

If you want to have a firm butt, you should focus on exercises that build it up.

2. no variety in the training

To get a bigger butt, you should start with exercises that target the butt. However, you should not always do the same exercises.

Your muscles always need new stimuli so that you can effectively strengthen your buttocks.

So always change the exercises and also change the number of repetitions or take tools at hand, so that you challenge your butt muscles again.

3. not enough calories

An effective butt workout should stimulate muscle growth and give the butt a nice, round shape. The muscles need not only a training stimulus, but also the right nutrition to develop.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet that provides you with enough energy. Because the muscle cannot grow in a calorie deficit. How high your calorie requirement is, is individual and depends on your starting position.

If you're after ideas for healthy, balanced meals that taste delicious and keep you energized, check out our recipes.

4. lack of warm up

No matter which workout you choose, it's important to always warm up before exercising. At Warm up you prepare your body for the upcoming load.

Always allow a few minutes for warming up, otherwise you risk injury.

Only then can you get started!

Our conclusion

If you are a woman and want to train your butt, now you have the best exercises for it. You can do all of them in your living room. If you are just starting fitness exercises, hang in there! In the beginning, you are inclined to give up faster. Keep reminding yourself of your personal goals and with a little perseverance, you'll make your dream of a tight butt come true.

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