Pimples under the skin: 6 reliable ways to get rid of them!

Get rid of pimples under the skin

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Pimples under the skin are painful and shine from afar. We'll show you how to get rid of subcutaneous pimples and how to avoid them.

Anyone who has ever had a subcutaneous pimple knows the pain all too well: often the whole face tenses and hurts.

Speaking can hurt and you can probably see the red bump even at night. A disaster!

Unlike normal pimples you may Pimples under the skin Do not squeeze or prick the pimple. You will spread bacteria under the skin and the pimple will spread. In the worst case, you will be scarred for life.

What you need is patience and the right care to make deep-seated pimples move outward.

And that's exactly what we're going to tell you today!

What are underground picks?

Pimples, which sit under the skin, are located in the deep layer of the skin. They are filled with pus and feel like thick lumps. In addition, they are reddened and cause intense tension pain.

Normal pimples are clearly visible on the skin from the beginning. Either by a reddened spot or a white spot of pus. Pimples under the skin are often not visible at first - but can be felt.

The encapsulated pimples are so painful because the inflamed area, can hardly expand.

Basically, subcutaneous pimples are also just pimples. At least in terms of their formation and composition. Both normal pimples and subcutaneous pimples involve bacteria, sebum and skin flakes.

The difference lies in the severity of the symptoms, which can last for several weeks.

Pimples under the skin you cannot and must not express. They slowly migrate to the outside. Only with proper treatment, subterranean pimples heal without scarring.

Good to know: Subcutaneous pimples can appear in various places, e.g. on the face and back, but also under the armpits or in the bikini line. In the bikini area, they are usually ingrown hairs that you notice as lumps under the skin. If they get bigger and more painful over time, you should see your dermatologist.

How do subcutaneous pimples develop?

Get rid of underground pimples


Underground pimples arise in the deeper layers of the skin. The red bump is an accumulation of Too much sebum and dead skin flakes. Bacteria multiply in this environment.

It takes a few days for your immune system to destroy these bacteria. So the pimple works at full speed. It becomes red, thick, tense and terribly painful.

Lack of hygiene is rarely a cause of Pimples under the skin. Rather play Stresshormonal changes or Diseases a role.

Deep pimples also arise when Medication or unhealthy diet disturb your inner balance. Now you need to be patient and proceed with caution.

What symptoms cause pimples under the skin?

Underground picks, unlike normal picks, have a much longer life and hurt like hell.

This is due to the encapsulation and inflammation. From the very first day, these symptoms show that a deep-seated pimple is in the process of forming:

  • All of a sudden, an area of skin hurts without you seeing a pimple or injury. At the same time, the affected area becomes more and more tense.
  • The area quickly becomes warm and develops into a red bump within a few hours.
  • Pus may form after one or two days at the latest. This is dangerous because it increases the risk of blood poisoning.

If the symptoms appear, you should act immediately. This is the only way to avoid pimple scars.

Where do pimples most often appear under the skin?

Basically, you can be affected by subcutaneous pimples anywhere on your body. However, they particularly like to settle on the chin, forehead and cheek.

Underground pimples on the chin

They occur very often in women and are a sign of hormonal imbalance. Therefore, they like to form shortly before the period.

Pimples under the skin on the cheek and nose

Subterranean pimples also like to appear on the cheek and nose. They are very unpleasant and can be very painful. Tip: If you are often prone to pimples in this area, wash the cover of the pillow every third to fourth day - in many cases, this will quickly improve the skin condition.

Subcutaneous pimples on the forehead

The good news: subcutaneous pimples on the forehead are often smaller and rarely become infected. But they can be very stubborn.

How to remove pimples from under the skin?

Under no circumstances should you squeeze or even try to squeeze pimples that are under the skin. Either this will cause scars, even worse inflammation or you will carry already formed pus into your bloodstream.

The fastest way to get rid of pimples is to react immediately. So better not wait long and start immediately with small measures!

Observe the pimple without pressing, scratching or rubbing it. If it becomes very inflamed or just won't go away, you should see a dermatologist.

Never touch your face with unwashed fingers. This will aggravate the inflammation!

Unlike typical skin blemishes that can be treated with commercial lotions and ointments, a subcutaneous pimple is better treated with natural home remedies.

1. cold

Cool the affected area immediately. Use either ice cubes or cooling pads. Cooling helps to prevent the inflammation from spreading further.

Put a thin cloth between the skin and the ice cube to avoid frostbite!

The faster you manage to cool the area, the less intense the redness will be. If time allows, you can leave the cold on the skin for an hour and repeat the process later.

2. tea tree oil

The classic against all kinds of pimples is Tea tree oil*. The essential oils it contains have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote the healing of wounds.

For this purpose, place a sterile compress with hot water on the inflamed skin area. After about 10 minutes, the pores are opened.

Dab Tea tree oil* with the cotton swab on the pimple. But be careful: wear Tea tree oil* never apply without a carrier oil, otherwise it is much too harsh and dries out the skin very much.

It's best to reach for natural products that are Tea tree oil* included. Like the Australian Bodycare product line. It has a disinfectant and soothing effect.

Anti pimple cream with tea tree oil
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I use the Anti pimple cream with tea tree oil itself for a short time and am just trying out how it works on my skin. Overall, I can say after 7 days but already that the skin is less oily, which is already a very good start in the fight against pimples.

3. steam bath

Here, heat helps treat subterranean pimples by opening the pores and allowing the inflammation to rise to the surface. All you need is a pot of hot water (or chamomile tea) to hold your face over - while covering your head with a towel.

If you suffer from blemished skin as a whole, then you can take these steam baths as a preventive measure. 2x per week is optimal to prevent pimples under the skin.

4. red light

The same principle as in the steam bath is used in the red light lamp. Its warm rays penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate blood circulation. This allows the accumulated sebum to liquefy and drain away more quickly.

5. clean skin

Whether you have pimples on or under your skin, it's always a good idea to cleanse your face regularly - preferably every morning and evening. Use a mild cleanser for daily use or exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells that clog pores.

6. put on parsley pack

A parsley pack made from freshly chopped parsley, helps calm inflammation and moisturizes the skin.

Cut the parsley leaves into small pieces or crush them in a mortar. Put the green gruel directly on the bump and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Alternatively, freshly cooked, still warm potatoes should also help.

Does traction ointment help against underground pimples?

Yes, Traction ointment* helps against pimples under the skin. It ensures that the encapsulated pimple, including pus, moves outwards more quickly. This allows the pus to drain away and the inflammation disappears.

Traction ointments have an antibacterial property and therefore reduce inflammation.

What you need to know: the condition of the pimple will visually worsen for the time being. The area will become red and thick, giving the impression that the inflammation is getting worse. This is a sign that the pimple is moving to the skin surface and your skin can breathe again.

How do I apply the traction ointment against pimples under the skin?

Traction ointment* has a strong effect and can damage healthy skin. It is therefore important that you apply the ointment selectively and only to certain areas - preferably with a cotton bud or your finger.

Apply the lotion thinly to the skin and put a band-aid over it to protect your clothes and bedding. If the bump under the skin is tiny, a 20% lotion is sufficient. Traction ointment*; if it is very obvious, you can use 50 percent active ingredient content.

In general, you can apply the cream on your face; however, it is important to keep it away from your eyes. After the treatment, wash your hands and repeat the process if necessary. If necessary, wash off old traction ointments with warm water before applying new ones to the skin.

With the application of Traction ointment* You have to be patient. It can take a week for the skin to heal and the tension to subside.

Additional ointment against underground pimples

From when you need to go to the doctor

Pimples in the lower layers of the skin often develop slowly, without moving outward in a noticeable or visible way.

If home remedies and care products do not help, you should quickly consult a dermatologist. He will cut open the inflamed area under germ-free conditions. This allows him to remove the blockage and pus.

Complementary antibiotics in acute cases help heal the pimples under the skin.

In the case of severe inflammation, the rest of your body may already be affected by the germs. Scarring cannot be ruled out in such severe cases.

Your doctor can also tell if subcutaneous pimples are due to a disease. The skin is the largest organ of our body.

It absorbs substances from the environment and tries to drain toxins from the inside of the body back to the outside. So, if one of your internal organs is diseased, it may show up as frequent pimples under the skin.

How you can prevent deep-seated pimples

Many causes promote the development of pimples under the skin. You can do something about some of them in the long term.

Possible triggers are hormonal changes during puberty, menopause or just before your period. The air quality in your neighborhood and stress can also play a role.

Proper skin care prevents subcutaneous pimples

Our skin needs a lot of affection and care. When we wash our skin, we remove excess sebum and prevent pores from clogging. Also, when you cleanse, you wash bacteria from the skin.

  • A mask from Healing earth* once a week. The mask boosts the skin's metabolism and removes inflammatory pollutants from the skin.
  • Cinnamon*-Honey mask as a remedy against underground pimples and other forms of acne. You can apply this mask once a week.
  • Peeling with healing clay or sugar. The peeling removes dead skin flakes and stimulates the circulation of all skin layers. At the same time, you prevent the formation of pimples in the future.

Diet helps against underground pimples

Watch what you eat! With a lot of stress and work, there is little time for good nutrition. Take it anyway! Your body will thank you. Get into the habit of cooking fresh several times a week.

Because fast food and convenience snacks contain a lot of fat and sugar. Both in combination with preservatives and flavor enhancers are a breeding ground for underground pimples.

  • Eliminate light flour and sugar from a diet if you're prone to blemished skin.
  • Drink plenty of still water or unsweetened teas to flush toxins from your body.
  • Reach Foods that are good for your skin. There is a whole range of them. They help prevent blemishes and existing pimples subside.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. At least 3 servings of vegetables per day and 2 servings of fruit. They provide your skin with important nutrients that support your skin.

Avoid stress for pimples

In adults, stress is a trigger for underground pimples. Too much of it causes blemished skin to develop. And unfortunately also subcutaneous pimples.

We all have stress - at work and in our private lives. The magic bullet is: first stay calm and take a breath :)

You can prevent pimples by better time management and short daily time-outs.

  • Refrain from being on your cell phone, reading or talking while eating. Plan walks in the fresh air and sauna visits.
  • Short wellness or hiking vacations also help to relax.
  • Some sports help better than others against stress. Yoga or Chi-Gong belong to the strenuous but decelerating variants.
  • Others are helped by endurance sports like running or cycling, where they can work up a sweat and simply sweat away the stress.

Regular exercise promotes blood circulation in the skin and improves your skin's appearance in the long term.

Hands off stimulants for subcutaneous pimples

Alcohol, nicotine, chocolate and many convenience foods cause pimples on the top and bottom of the skin. In short, hands off. In the long run, healthy eating leads to better health for skin, internal organs, hair and nails.

Beware of dietary supplements: Many of them contain synthetic additives that promote the formation of pimples. It's better to replenish your energy, mineral and vitamin stores with fresh foods.

Synthetic supplements are often recognized by the skin as toxins and it wants to get rid of them.

Our conclusion

Underground pimples are just mean and hurt like hell. And visually they are not a splendor either. They hurt for many days. Right then, it's important to keep your hands off the subcutaneous pimple. You're guaranteed to make it worse.

In addition, incorrect treatment there is a risk of scars. The best way is prevention. So eat healthy, exercise, clean face and try to keep stress at a tolerable level.

All the best for you!

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