Olive oil for constipation: Does it really help?

Olive oil against constipation

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Is your digestion not running at full speed and have you heard that olive oil helps against constipation? Today I'll tell you what's really behind it and what effect the oil has on the digestive system.

It's an open secret: the Digestion is our constant companion, but hardly anyone talks about it. Strange, because after all, it affects every single person. The fact is: we give our intestinal health simply far too little attention. 🫣

It's only when things don't run smoothly that we start to take notice.

Constipation is something that everyone suffers from at some point - women supposedly more often than men. In most cases, digestive problems are nothing to worry about and can be in a natural way under control.

When I had to wait at the doctor's the other day and was leafing through a magazine, one article in particular caught my eye: Olive oil against constipation was written in large letters on the front page.

As a big fan of home remedies, this made me curious. A simple, natural method against constipation? I need to know more about that! 💡

So: what's really behind it? Can oil help with constipation or is this just a persistent myth? And if so, how exactly does the oil stimulate digestion?

I've taken a very close look at it for you. Here's what you really need to know about it!

When do we speak of constipation?

You don't have a bowel movement for a day? That's not a problem yet. Constipation is when you less than three bowel movements within a week have. The stool is often very hard and you have to push hard. Now it can become really painful - if anything comes loose at all.

The intestine reacts to this with Cramps and quite severe flatulence. You feel uncomfortable and as if you urgently need to go to the toilet.

Once there, it quickly becomes clear: nothing is moving. 🙈

Instead, the Abdominal pain stronger. You are not alone in this, by the way. Surveys show that around 60 % of the German are sometimes plagued by constipation problems. 15 % even suffer permanent including.

Many people reach for laxatives from the pharmacy. However, reaching for the kitchen shelf should be just as good and help in a natural way.

What are the causes of constipation?

Try to find out what is causing your digestion to go on strike. If you know the cause of constipation, you can take preventative action next time. The most common triggers include

  • Lack of exercise
  • Low-fiber diet
  • Drinking too little
  • Medication, such as painkillers, antidepressants, iron supplements
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause
  • Digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroidism
  • Relatively recent surgical procedures
  • Anal fissures
  • Ignoring the need to go to the toilet
  • Severe stress

Mostly play several this Trigger at the same time with. If too many of these factors come together, it is no wonder that the body reacts with constipation.

Exciting: If you have a sensitive digestive system, changes to familiar routines can also lead to sluggish bowel function. This often occurs in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Also the Psyche has a strong impact on our Intestinal health and vice versa. Enormous stress has fatal consequences - It can cause our digestion to go on strike.

Does olive oil help against constipation?
Does olive oil help against constipation? It has been used for digestion since ancient times!

Does olive oil work against constipation?

The Fatty acids in olive oil ensure that Inner of the intestine supple and permeable. Olive oil can also help to ensure that the Stool more water and thus becomes softer, you can find out exactly how this works in the Study by the World Journal of Gastroeterology read up.

Olive oil is a home remedy for constipation and digestive problems of all kinds. As with any home remedy, there are No guaranteethat the complaints are really alleviated. ☝️

But the fact is: people are already using olive oil since antiquity for digestion. This tradition goes back thousands of years and is anchored in many cultures around the Mediterranean.

Even the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans recognized the health benefits of olive oil and its positive effect on digestion.

But why do so many people swear by olive oil for constipation right now? Quite simply: It is natural, gentle and in most cases effective. In short: it lubricates the paths so that everything can flow again - and that completely without chemical mace.

Depending on the progress of the constipation, preparations from the pharmacy can be used either additionally or later if the oil is not effective.

Plus point: olive oil is full of healthy fatty acids and antioxidants that support your belly. Simple, effective and gentle.

How do you take olive oil if you have sluggish digestion?

The medical journal stated that 2 x 1 tablespoon olive oil a day to keep the intestines going. Around the Mediterranean and wherever olives are grown, even larger quantities are recommended. Olive oil farmers in Crete are said to swear by drinking a whole glass of olive oil every day - their digestive system is used to it.

Where both agree: The oil has the greatest effect when it is preventively on an empty stomach in the morning and In the evening before going to bed consumes. 👈

I even found a study on this. In the Journal of Renal Nutrition from January 2015 researchers found that daily olive oil significantly reduced constipation in patients on hemodialysis (kidney dialysis).

Caution: A lot does not help a lot! Olive oil is well tolerated, but with large quantities it can stimulate the intestines too much. The result: Diarrhea! Therefore, you should not exceed 2 tablespoons per day if you are not used to olive oil!

Recipes and ideas for ingestion

Not everyone likes the taste of olive oil. Really good olive oil has a slightly bitter aftertaste and is often described as slightly scratchy and sharp in the throat. If you don't like this, you can make it a little easier for yourself with these recipes.

Delicious shot: olive oil with lemon for constipation

How about a small shot where the olive oil is not too prominent? Fresh lemon juice helps here. It makes the olive oil fresher and covered with the acid the Bitter substances.

Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice (or 8 to 10 drops) to a tablespoon of olive oil.

Citric acid* stimulates the digestive system, as we have known at least since many women drink lemon water in the morning.

If this is too sour for you, you can also use orange juice.

Olive oil with yogurt

Yoghurt is known as probiotic food known for Stimulate digestion - it serves as food for the "good" intestinal bacteria and supports them. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a half a yogurt pot (about 100 grams).

You can also mix in high-fiber fruits such as apples, bananas, pears, plums or peaches. Alternatively, you can use fruit yogurt to mask the taste of olive oil. 😋

Olive oil with fruit and vegetables

You can eat raw vegetables such as Cucumber, tomato or bell pepper with olive oil. Or, if you tolerate it better, mix it over cooked vegetables of all kinds - just avoid flatulent vegetables such as cabbage.

Mix the vegetables with olive oil and a little salt. You can also use fruit and marinate it in olive oil.

All high-fiber foods help to get the digestion going - even a salad!

Drink after ingesting olive oil much Water or unsweetened teas. You should do this in large quantities anyway if you have constipation problems. Liquid softens the stool and helps to remove it.

How quickly does olive oil work for constipation?

Suppose your stomach is empty and you take a tablespoon of olive oil. It takes time for the oil to travel through the stomach to the intestines about one hour. Exactly how long it takes depends on your individual digestion. For some it is quicker - within 30 minutes, for others it takes 30 minutes.

It therefore takes at least as long for olive oil to reach the intestine before it can have an effect on constipation.

If you want to know how quickly it works for you, you should test it on a day when you have no constipation and are at home. That way, you'll know what to expect next time.

On other websites it is written that you can two tablespoons of olive oil and the within 3 minutes relieves cramping and painful flatulence and constipation. However, I think this is an exaggeration - because the oil can't even reach the digestive tract that quickly.

You can watch a great and helpful video of Doctor Weigl here: 😮

How do I recognize good oil?

If, like me, you are very interested in food, then you probably know that there are different quality levels for olive oil. Make sure you choose an oil that is virgin and cold pressed is. You will find a particularly large number of gut-friendly and high-quality ingredients.

You can recognize good olive oil by its taste and smell: it should fresh, fruity, some bitter and sharp be a sign of antioxidants and polyphenols. Pay attention to the acidity. It is a good indicator of the freshness of the oil - anything under 0.8 % Acid content is called extra virgin designated.

The color can vary from light yellow to green and is not an indicator of quality. High-quality olive oil, especially extra virgin oil, has a distinct taste reminiscent of fresh olives.

Cheap or diluted oil, on the other hand, often tastes flat and has little flavor. Caution: Rancid oil can lead to diarrhea.

Are there any side effects?

If you take too much olive oil for constipation, it can cause diarrhea. In other words, the exact opposite. Here, for example dried blueberries against diarrhea be very helpful.

Olive oil contains a lot of fat and can affect the Cholesterol level have an impact - anyone who tends to be overweight or has a naturally high cholesterol level should keep an eye on this. ☝️

When do I need to see a doctor?

Olive oil against constipation is a great first aid. But it is not a panacea and does not work equally well for everyone. You should see a doctor about constipation if

  • nothing stirs for more than 4 days and you have tried home remedies and products from the pharmacy,
  • you have pain, bloating and a painful feeling of fullness that persists
  • you notice an unexplained weight loss
  • Blood is visible in the stool or the stool is very dark in color
  • you have a fever and abdominal pain or if you vomit.

My conclusion

Olive oil against constipation can be a real Miracle cure a golden drop of hope for anyone whose digestive system is not up to scratch at the moment. From what I've found out, it's clear that olive oil is more than just part of a good dressing. Olive oil has the potential to improve our digestion. gentle Wise to boost the economy.

Try it out, but don't expect immediate help. It will take at least an hour before anything starts to move. Ideally, you won't have eaten anything beforehand, which will speed up the process.

If you often have problems with your stomach and intestines, please consult a doctor. A lot of exercise and drinking usually help to get the digestive system going.

All the best for you!

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