Nettle hair tonic for a healthy scalp!

Nettle hair tonic

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Dandruff, itchy scalp or even hair loss? Bring your scalp back into balance! We show you how you can make nettle hair tonic yourself.

Frequent showers, the wrong shampoo, styling with heat, caps - the scalp can go on strike. When it gets too much, it reacts with itching, flaking or burning.

After all, our scalp is very sensitive and the basis for beautiful and healthy hair. It needs sufficient care.

A hair tonic made from nettles comes in just the right place. It soothes the scalp, strengthens the hair roots and stimulates hair growth.

What you should know about the nettle

Most people still know them from childhood. If you were careless while playing and grabbed the burning and poking herb, the fun was over quickly.

That's why stinging nettle is stored away as an annoying weed for most people. But you should give the plant another chance.

Because the nettle has so much to offer!

It is said to have a circulation-promoting, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. In addition, it is a real vitamin and mineral bomb. It contains lots of iron, vitamin C, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Nettle plant is often used for detoxification and purification during cures and diets. The plant is good for liver and gall bladder and stimulates digestion. It also helps against fatigue and regulates iron deficiency.

Nettle can be used in many ways. As a healing nettle tea, as a blood circulation-enhancing bath additive, as a facial tonic against acne or you use a homemade nettle hair tonic for healthy hair.

Why the hair tonic from nettles is good for your hair

For a beautiful hair is important that it is well nourished. Especially the wrong care, frequent styling, stress or a lack of silicic acid is to blame for the fact that the hair looks strained, dull and limp.

By the way, silicic acid is an important component of our hair substance. It acts directly on the hair root, where the creatine is newly formed.

Plants rich in silica can therefore support hair growth and strengthen your hair. It gets more shine and strength.

In the nettle contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and especially silica. Therefore, it should also definitely be turned into a hair tonic.

Nettle hair tonic is used against hair loss, oily, dry or itchy scalp and dandruff.

The circulation-promoting ingredients strengthen the hair roots and the anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect brings your scalp back into balance.

And the good thing is that nettle grows almost everywhere in large quantities. You don't have to search long for the medicinal plant. Spring or autumn are the best times to collect nettle roots.

Nettle hair tonic make yourself

Care tips for healthy hair

In order to maintain a healthy and beautiful mane after using the hair tonic, you should treat your hair gently. No chemicals and no extreme external influences. This sounds easy, but it is not always so simple.

We give you 5 tips to follow to keep your hair healthy.

Wash your hair properly

To preserve the natural protective film of your hair, you should wash your hair less often.

At first, they will quickly become greasy, but after a while your hair will look much healthier again. Dry scalp and broken hair will be a thing of the past.

In addition to the homemade nettle hair tonic use the right care

Do not stress your hair and scalp too much and use gentle hair care. In addition to using homemade nettle hair tonic, you should also avoid shampoos with artificial additives.

Fragrances, artificial colors, parabens and other softeners damage your mane in the long run. The hair becomes shaggy, straw-like and greasy faster.

Not infrequently, you also breed dandruff with it, because the scalp is simply irritated.

Also, do not wash your hair too hot, because this will make them lose even more moisture.

Use homemade nettle hair tonic and avoid exposure to heat

Now you have to be strong! Straighteners, curling irons, blow dryers - these styling aids conjure up beautiful hairstyles, but they damage your hair enormously and irritate the scalp.

Therefore, you should do without it as often as possible.

Can't do without a blow dry? Then let your hair air dry a little first, so that your hair is not exposed to the heat for too long.

Healthy diet for healthy hair

A healthy lifestyle and diet are essential for your hair and scalp. Vitamins and trace elements are important to avoid dry hair. Eat plenty of foods with zinc, iron and proteins. This will stimulate your hair growth.

A lack of nutrients or prolonged stress can promote broken hair and dry scalp.

Cut your tips regularly

To keep your mane shiny and well-groomed, you should cut your hair regularly. This prevents split ends from moving further up and damaging your mane.

How to make nettle hair tonic yourself

Often our hair is stressed and washes slowly. The scalp is no longer supplied with sufficient blood and hair problems such as hair loss, scalp itching, dandruff or even very greasy hair occur.

Here then only one thing helps: make nettle hair tonic yourself!

Nettle act detoxify, strengthen the hair roots, and soothe the scalp.

DIY nettle hair tonic

You want to make a nettle hair tonic yourself? It is very simple and ensures a healthy scalp and well-groomed long hair.
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Menge:0.5 Liter

Du benötigst

  • 250 g Nettle roots
  • 1/2 Liter Wine vinegar
  • 1/2 Liter Water


  • Sieve
  • Pot
  • Clean bottle


  • Chop the nettle roots and put them in a pot.
  • Pour the vinegar and water over the roots.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes.
  • Take the pot off the stove and pour the mixture through a sieve.
  • Pour the hair tonic into a clean bottle. Done!
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It is best to store the nettle hair tonic in a dark place in a dark bottle. This way it can be used for up to a year. However, it is advisable to mix smaller quantities and use it up as soon as possible.

How to use the DIY hair tonic correctly

Wash your hair as usual. After shampooing, apply about 5 tablespoons of nettle hair tonic to the scalp. Massage the hair lotion properly.

The homemade nettle hair tonic is not rinsed out. You can style your hair normally afterwards.

To enhance the effect of the DIY hair tonic, you can wet the hair completely with the liquid and leave it overnight wrapped in a towel.

Applying the hair tonic stimulates the scalp and stimulates hair growth. For the nettle hair tonic to be effective, you should use it once or twice a week and for a longer period of time.

Nettle hair tonic DIY

Our conclusion

Everyone has to struggle with brittle hair, hair loss or dry scalp. But the homemade nettle hair tonic brings your mane back to shape and soothes the scalp.

Apply it regularly if you want to see results. And give your hair a break from the many care products that are packed with silicones, fragrances and the like. Have fun trying it and good luck!

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