Does a massage gun help against belly fat?

Massage gun against belly fat

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The fat pads are stubborn. Around the hips, they wrap themselves around your middle like a life preserver. You've tried a lot of things and now you're wondering if a massage gun will help against belly fat. Then you've come to the right place. This is what you really need to know about it!

A massager against belly fat, that would be a great invention. Just put it on, turn it on, lean back and let body fat melt away.

What many manufacturers have promised us through shaping belts, special creams and co. is now actually said to be possible with massage guns. More and more people are asking themselves the question: Does a massage gun help against belly fat or is that just a sales pitch?

We've taken a close look at it. But let's start from the beginning and clarify a few basics.

How useful is a massage gun against belly fat?

In general, a massage gun is a percussion massager. The device sends rapid vibrations through the tissue with the help of a massage head. This is to relieve pain and tension, promote blood circulation and aid recovery after exercise.

The areas of application are correspondingly diverse: massage guns are used to loosen muscles before training, as a recovery measure after running or as therapy for back pain.

More about how and especially for whom massage guns are usefulyou can read here.

At first glance, it seems only logical that fat cells should also react to the vibrations of the massage gun - after all, they are also made up of cells. But does that really work?

How does fat loss work?

Before we can answer this question, we must first understand how exactly our body stores energy in the form of fat.

In very simplified terms, our cells store excess energy in the form of fat.

If we consume more energy than we need, the cells store this energy for later use. If, on the other hand, we need more energy than we have available at a given time, the cells release some of the stored fat.

This process is controlled by various hormones in our body, such as insulin or glucagon. Burn belly fat, however, is a whole other chapter and much more difficult than on many other parts of the body. Now let's see how a massage gun helps against belly fat and can influence this process.

Can vibrations reduce belly fat?

As already mentioned, a massage gun sends vibrations into the tissue via a massage head. These vibrations are supposed to loosen muscles, relieve pain and support regeneration. But can they also break down fat cells -. first and foremost lower abdominal fat?

Theoretically, this is possible. This is because the vibrations could theoretically break down the cell membranes of the fat cells and cause them to release their contents.

However, this effect has not yet been proven in a scientific study. There is no evidence that the vibrations of a massage gun can help reduce belly fat.

At best, the massage gun can help improve the appearance of your skin by increasing circulation and making it look firmer.

So if you're looking for a way to lose weight, you'd better try something else. Massage guns may help with cellulite, but they are unlikely to have a significant effect on belly fat.


If you're interested in a gun that's not made for professional athletes, but for everyday use, then you should take a closer look at this one.

OM-Go massage gun
Particularly practical in use
With this gun you are particularly flexible. It is very easy to handle and very light. It has 4 attachments and you can choose from two colors.
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It is very handy, fits well in the hands and is above all lightweight. You can use a flat attachment with nubs to treat large areas of the body like thighs and buttocks. But the device is also ideal for tension in the neck and co.

I have shared it with a great many other Massage guns subjected to a self-test. 

Can a massage gun help you lose weight?

A massage gun can help you lose weight as a supportive measure. But it is not a panacea. Because to lose weight, you need to consume more calories than you eat. This calorie deficit is best achieved through a mixture of exercise and diet.

Even the best massage gun for belly fat can't do that for you because it doesn't contribute to the calorie deficit. So if there is no calorie deficit, the massage gun will not make you lose weight by itself.

A massage gun can help you lose weight and be a good supportive measure. When you do strength training or jogging to lose weight, your muscles are used.

Sore muscles are a common consequence. This prevents you from exercising on the following days. Your weight loss will be slowed down. A massage gun can help to counteract this effect.

Studies have shown that massages with such a device accelerate recovery and significantly relieve muscle pain. If you use a massage gun, you can return to sports faster.

Those who exercise more often and build up more muscles can burn more calories. This in turn leads to the fact that the fat pads disappear.

Does a massage gun help against belly fat?

Massage guns can be a help in the fight against local fat deposits, such as belly fat, thigh fat and co.

The massagers can not only relieve muscle tension, but also bring other benefits such as strengthening connective tissue. Many women suffer from cellulite, for example, because their connective tissue is weak. This leads to the formation of fat deposits under the skin, which are visible to the outside.

Cellulite occurs mainly on the thighs and buttocks, but can also be quite massive on the abdomen.

When you strengthen your connective tissue (such as with massage guns and exercise) your body can better retain the fat. On top of that, it is broken down during exercise, so the body has less to hold back. Thus, the circumference of the abdomen, legs and buttocks decreases.

What are typical use cases of massage guns?

After sports: After a strenuous workout, many people like to use a massage gun on their muscles to loosen them up and promote circulation.

This can help reduce muscle soreness and aid in the recovery process so you can return to peak performance sooner.

For tension: They are often used in the health field to release tension and adhesions of the fascia.

Due to the high vibration frequency and the excellent power transmission, you reach the affected areas very effectively and intensively. Therapists also use massage guns because they are easy on the joints and the guns can reach a speed that the masseur can never achieve.

Massage connective tissue: The massage gun is not limited to supporting sports recovery. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as reducing the appearance of cellulite. A study conducted by Ankara University has shown that the massage gun is an effective method to reduce cellulite.

The vibrations help to break down toxins in the connective tissue so that they can be eliminated by the lymphatic system. The strong stimulation also promotes blood circulation and stimulates collagen production, which helps to tighten the skin.

Our conclusion

Although manufacturers state that massage guns help with weight loss, this is only partially true. The most important factor in losing weight is to make sure that the body consumes more energy than it takes in.

Those who use a massage gun against belly fat should therefore see it as an accompanying measure and not as a panacea.

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