How to get started as an interval fasting beginner!

Interval fasting beginners

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Intermittent fasting is supposed to make the kilos tumble and without having to do without anything. You want to try the diet? We tell you what you need to pay attention to as a beginner interval fasting!

You have the desire to eat healthier and lose a kilogram or two?

Lose weight, purify healthily and do not starve during the entire diet. This is what intermittent fasting promises.

But already in the decision for the right method do interval fasting beginners difficult.

Because interval fasting comes in many different forms. This can be very irritating at first, especially for beginners.

If you feel the same way, you've come to the right place!

Interval fasting beginners

What is Interval Fasting

Intermittent fasting helps you lose weight healthily and maintain your desired weight.

However, this diet is not about starving for days or doing without anything.

Instead, intervals are set in which you take a break from eating. This prevents your body from missing important nutrients.

Intermittent fasting teaches our body to access reserves.

Because of regular meals and snacks in between, the body is constantly in storage mode. That's why you don't lose weight so easily.

Tip: Learn more about intermittent fasting in the book "Intermittent fasting: for a long life -slim and healthy". I ordered it from Amazon.

The best methods for interval fasting beginners

There are different options when it comes to interval fasting.

The best known and most common method of intermittent fasting is the 16 to 8 method.

This means you go without solid food for 16 hours and eat whatever you feel like for the next 8 hours.

A modified form of the 16 8 method is the 14 to 10 fast. Here you fast for 14 hours and then have 10 hours in which you can eat.

Interval fasting beginners

The 12 to 12 method is best for interval fasting beginners. As the name suggests, you eat for 12 hours and fast for 12 hours. You can do that easily!

Another variation of intermittent fasting is the 5 to 2 interval fasting plan. However, this one is not based on hours, but on days. With 5 to 2 Intermittent Fasting, you eat for 5 days and fast for 2 days.

How 12:12 Interval Fasting Works for Beginners

For interval fasting beginners, the 12 to 12 method is the simplest. Here you eat for 12 hours and fast for 12 hours. Every day of the week.

So if you eat breakfast at seven in the morning, you can eat until seven in the evening. After that, only water and unsweetened teas are allowed. Until the next 12 hours have passed.

If you're not a fan of breakfast anyway, you can set your eating phase at ten in the morning to ten at night.

With intermittent fasting, there are no set times. This makes the diet a little easier and you can adjust it to your everyday life.

However, as an interval fasting beginner, make sure you stick to your chosen times. This way your body can get used to it better.

Many interval fasting beginners report exhaustion and headaches in the first few weeks. But once the body has adjusted to the new diet plan, the side effects disappear.

The better you can stick to the 12 to 12 concept, the faster you will notice your first progress.

And if you're up to it, you can go from interval fasting beginner to advanced. That means you switch to the 16:8 method.

What you have to pay attention to as an interval fasting beginner

With the 12 to 12 diet, there are a few basic rules that will help you lose weight as an Intermittent Fasting beginner.

1. three meals per day

Also eat three meals during the 12 to 12 diet. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be within the twelve-meal-hour window.

Eat the largest portion in the morning and the smallest portion in the evening. This way, your body has less energy to spend on digestion at night.

It can devote itself undisturbed to various cell and metabolic processes. This allows you to sleep restfully and have a balanced hormone balance.

2. eat a balanced diet

Intermittent fasting does not ban any foods and does not impose a calorie limit. However, if you want to lose weight, you should avoid pizza, burgers and ice cream even as an Intermittent Fasting beginner.

Interval fasting beginners

In between and in moderation it is no problem. But a balanced and healthy diet should be in the foreground.

A balanced diet keeps you full for a long time and gives you energy, while simple carbohydrates and sugar give you cravings.

3. stay disciplined even as an interval fasting beginner

During the twelve meal hours you can of course eat whatever you want, but it is not a license to gorge yourself on everything without limits.

Eat only when you are hungry. Listen to your own body and eat until hunger is satisfied. By the way, you should only eat up to 80 percent full.

This is because the feeling of satiety does not occur until 15 minutes after the last bite.

So if you eat slowly, you eat less.

4. move enough

Exercise helps you lose weight. Whether it's a yoga class or a sweaty HIIT workout, it doesn't matter.

But don't spend too much in the first weeks. Because as an interval fasting beginner, you first have to get used to part-time fasting.

5. drink enough during the fasting phase

Most interval fasting beginners deliberately skip breakfast and start with lunch. But if you don't eat anything in the morning, you don't absorb fluids through food.

If you also decide to forgo breakfast, make sure you drink enough. Tap water, unsweetened teas and black coffee are allowed.

Tip: The Slim Body Tea from Shape my day at Amazon contains lemongrass, nettle leaves, rosehip peel, raspberry leaves, lemon myrtle, elderflower, rose petals and marigolds. All of these ingredients are said to help with weight loss. Moreover, the tea tastes pretty delicious :)

Why you lose weight with the 12 to 12 method

If you feed your body food continuously, you burn only carbohydrates.

Intermittent fasting causes the body to switch from carbohydrate to fat metabolism.

In the meal breaks he falls back on the reserves that you have created for him. Hello belly fat! :)

How much you can actually lose during interval fasting is not exactly determined. But the success also depends on your own willpower and discipline.

Because if you follow the guidelines exactly as an interval fasting beginner, you can reach and maintain your ideal weight with the 12 to 12 method.

Interval fasting beginners

The advantages of part time fasting

The fasting break stimulates cell regeneration. Because by abstaining, the body has to spend less energy on digestion at night and can use it for repairing cells and genes.

Intermittent fasting is also said to prevent dementia, strokes, heart attacks and cancer. Due to the break in eating, digestion works better again and flatulence is reduced.

A healthy and balanced diet gives us new energy and ensures that we are more satisfied and happier.

Part-time fasting is especially good for interval fasting beginners. This is because the 12 to 12 method can be perfectly incorporated into everyday life. It is a healthy way to lose a few kilos over several weeks.

For whom the 12:12 method is suitable

Intermittent fasting according to the 12 to 12 principle is suitable for just about everyone. Especially for interval fasting beginners, this method is a good start, which also brings quick success.

The twelve hours also offer a large margin. So you can easily have dinner with the family or lunch together with colleagues in the office.

Since you should be sleeping eight hours at night anyway, that only leaves four hours you should be able to go without eating.

Our conclusion

The 12 to 12 method is the optimal everyday diet for interval fasting beginners.

Really anyone can do it and with a little perseverance and discipline you will soon be rewarded with your dream weight. Without frustration and cravings.

Maybe you can switch to the 16:8 method soon.

Good luck! :)

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