Train inner thigh - 30 days challenge

Train inner thigh

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You dream of toned legs? Then you've come to the right place! We show you how you can train your inner thighs. With this 30 day training plan you start through!

Your legs have been bugging you for a long time? You find them flabby and they urgently need a few workout sessions? Then you've come to the right place!

Take our 30 day challenge and start working out your inner thighs in your living room.

Together with a trainer we have created this free training plan for home. You don't even need any equipment and can start right away.

Come on, let's go! Grab a workout mat and state through today! It's not half bad :)

How you can tell you need to train your inner thighs

You want to train your inner thighs? Then first do a quick test to find out how good or bad your inner thigh muscles are.

With this, you can tell that you need to train your inner thigh:

  1. Lie down with your back on the floor.
  2. Clamp a medicine ball between your feet.
  3. Lift it off the floor with your feet. Hold this position for at least 3 seconds.

Do you find the exercise difficult or can't do it at all? Then you should immediately start exercising your inner thighs. Do you succeed, but are you just having a really hard time? Then you should also start with the workout.

Absolutely everyone who does not specifically train and regularly strengthen their inner thighs will most likely fail the test.

But don't sweat it! Here come the best exercises for your inner thighs packed in a 30 day challenge!

This will improve your leg strength and balance.

30 Days Challenge: Train inner thighs

You want to take up this challenge? Good idea! Then let's get started right away. We've come up with a plan that will make your inner thighs glow.

The challenge consists of a total of only 3 exercises that target your legs. I'll explain the exercises first and then you can download the 30 day plan or save it on Pinterest.

Tip: By the way, the workout becomes even more effective when you Thigh trainer*! It helps you to build up more resistance and thus target the muscle groups even more specifically. This is a very handy and inexpensive foam training device that you can also use for your arms, bottom, back and legs.

Sumo Squats

Squats are enormously important for legs and buttocks. To make them even more effective for the inner thighs, you transform them into little. Sumo squats target butt, thighs and inner thighs at the same time. Mega effective!

Train inner thigh

  • In the basic posture, the feet are wider than hip-width apart. You point the toes outward at a 45° angle. Just like a sumo wrestler.
  • Bend your knees as low as possible. Tighten your abdomen and keep your back straight.
  • Once at the bottom, hold the tension for 3-5 seconds before coming back up.
  • Press back over the heels to the basic position.

If that's too easy for you, you can grab a dumbbell or kettlebell for extra weight.

Side lunges

If you want to work out your inner thighs but don't have any equipment, then side lunges are a great option for your workout. On top of that, you'll get toned inner thighs, a tight butt and shapely legs.

Exercise adductors

  • Stand in a hip-width position. Place your hands on your hips.
  • Keep your upper body upright and stretched. Tense the abdomen.
  • Inhale and take a wide step to the side with the right leg. The left leg is extended.
  • The right one angled.
  • The knee and the toe always point in the same direction.
  • 1x to the right side and 1x to the left = 1 repetition.

Lateral leg lift

Your butt will thank you for this exercise as well. You will build more stability in the legs and

Inner thigh exercises

  • Lie on your right side. Rest your head on your right arm.
  • The left hand is in front of you on the mat and helps you keep your balance.
  • The legs lie on top of each other and are stretched through.
  • Tighten the buttocks and abdomen.
  • Raise the left leg into the air in a controlled manner. Make sure that it is still extended.
  • Lower it again slowly. Lifting and lowering takes at least 5 seconds per pass.
  • It's not about speed, it's about lifting and lowering the leg in a controlled manner.
  • Do the reps with the left leg first before switching to the right.

And yes, on day 16 there really are 49 sumo squats on the schedule. But of course you don't do them all at once. Divide them up into increments of 10 or 15.

Depending on how it is easier for you. You can take a break of up to 30 seconds in between. If you need more rest, take more. If you need less, just take less.

Listen to your body!

If the soreness gets too bad, take a 2-3 day break and then just keep going with the plan.

Inner thigh challenge

How the 30 Day Thigh Challenge works

Well, actually quite simple. The name says it all. For 30 days, you train the inside of your thighs in this challenge.

Now you have the exercises and the plan for inner thigh training. You can start at any time, because there is no official start.

Most start just before the summer season. But why don't you start now? What's stopping you? You don't need more than a mat and sportswear.

Then we train until the thighs really glow. But of course there is also a day break :)

After 30 days, you've finally made it. And you know what? If you really stick with it for a month, you'll quickly notice progress.

Your legs will be more stable overall and you may even see the first firming results.

What 30 days inner thigh training really brings

If many magazines promise you that you will have super toned legs in just 30 days, we are sorry to disappoint you. This is simply not possible.

But that should not be a reason not to start. It is important that you get started and stay on the ball. You will then develop a routine. And that's mega important if you want to take off athletically.

Sports and exercise must become a part of your life and one that comes naturally. Only then will you be able to achieve firm inner thighs.

Whether you can lose weight with the Thigh Challenge

I'm going to be honest and say: no. You won't reach your goal just by doing a few exercises a day. Because did you know that about 70% of athletic success depends on your diet?

In order for our body to build muscles, it needs a lot of protein. What it does not need are white flour, sugar and unhealthy foods and convenience products.

If you don't watch your diet at the same time, you can work out for hours every day and will have little success.

If you want to train the inner thighs to lose weight here, then you should rely on a mix of strength and endurance.

However, it is of little use to train only the inner thighs. You also need to pay attention to the abdomen, back, buttocks and arms. The more muscles you build, the better it is. But don't be afraid. With moderate training, you won't become a muscle hulk.

For us women, that's virtually impossible. That's because hormones get in the way.

In short: You can get firm thighs if you consider this 30-day challenge as the beginning of your athletic career. And very important: After one month, don't hang up your sports gear right away.

Why you should train your inner thighs

Yes, toned legs are sexy. But there are a number of other reasons why you should work out your inner thighs.

The muscle cords of the inner thighs have an important task. Even if we are not even aware of it.

The adductors are responsible for pulling the thigh to the torso. What is this good for? It's the only way we can run and walk. And thereby play sports at all.

The inner thighs ensure that our legs and pelvis remain stable during movements.

And on top of that, they keep our knee where it belongs.

If our adductors are too weak, muscle fiber tears occur very quickly. If you exercise regularly, you should definitely train your inner thighs! This is the only way to prevent painful injuries.

Our conclusion

When we work out, it's usually to get rid of certain problem areas. We want to tone them and lose body fat. That's why abdomen, legs and buttocks are on the agenda.

But there are also parts of the body that very quickly fade into the background. The typical example is the inner thighs - also called adductors. Because you don't see the result quickly, they simply stay out of the picture. Which is really a pity.

Because exercising your inner thighs really pays off.

Give your legs a regular workout. If you want to start exercising your inner thighs, first do the test so that you know what your fitness level is. Based on that you can repeat the exercises more or less often. Adapt the workout to your fitness level.

Good luck with your workout!

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