Inner restlessness? This could be the cause!

Inner restlessness cause

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Shaky hands, weak knees and a queasy feeling in the stomach - many people are affected by nervousness and inner tension. Here you can find out what causes inner restlessness and how it manifests itself.

Before exams, job interviews or the first date - everyone is nervous in such situations. But if this inner restlessness is a constant companion, then we speak of persistent inner restlessness.

Those who are constantly under power and cannot find rest are usually also affected by sleep disorders, headaches and concentration difficulties.

The causes of inner restlessness can have different roots. Permanent stress or other psychological factors are often behind it.

How you can recognize inner restlessness at an early stage and what causes inner restlessness can have, you can find out here!

Inner restlessness cause

What is inner restlessness?

Inner restlessness is a state in which you feel tense, excited and nervous inside. The emotional state can occur in different life situations or phases.

Inner restlessness is often associated with anxiety and the feeling of being under pressure. The tension can manifest itself differently from person to person. However, inner restlessness is not exclusively negative.

Thus, the condition also occurs during joyful events or in the infatuation phase. A simple form of nervousness occurs for a short time and disappears again. Long-lasting inner restlessness can have health effects.

That is why it is important to recognize inner restlessness and get to the bottom of the cause.

Recognize inner restlessness: These are the symptoms!

Tension and nervousness often occur in certain situations. However, many people suffer permanently from inner restlessness.

This can manifest itself differently depending on the person affected. However, the body sends clear signals. Thus, in addition to inner restlessness, most people also suffer from the following symptoms:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Negative thoughts
  • Trembling
  • Concentration disorders
  • High pulse
  • Headache
  • Feeling of weakness
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling of pressure in the chest
  • Impatience
  • Irritability
  • Urge to move
  • Sweating
  • Skin redness (especially on the face)
  • Gastrointestinal complaints (nausea, vomiting)
  • Dizziness

As you can see, the range of how inner restlessness can make itself felt is very wide. In most cases, the symptoms disappear after stressful situations. However, inner restlessness can also persist and become chronic.

So as soon as your body reacts like this permanently, you should definitely do something about it. You can find great tips and helpful treatment options here.

After you have identified the symptoms, the next step is to find out what the cause of the inner restlessness may be.

Inner restlessness cause

Cause: What triggers inner restlessness?

The cause of inner restlessness usually lies in the imbalance of tension and relaxation and too much stress.

People who suffer from inner nervousness do not manage to find the balance between a healthy load and relief. That is why the inner restlessness arises.

If you suffer from inner turmoil and stress for a long time, you should not leave your body alone with it. Support it during the difficult time.

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Why this emotional state of inner restlessness occurs and what causes it is as varied as the symptoms. The following causes are very common.

Psychological factors

Especially mental upsets lead to inner restlessness. So when you find yourself in difficult life situations, life-changing steps are imminent or you are mentally attacked, nervousness occurs.

This is perfectly normal and can also be quickly brought under control again. Depression or other mental illnesses are usually accompanied by inner restlessness.

Permanent stress

If you suffer from permanent stress, you feel constantly tense and restless. You have a thousand things to do at the same time and you feel like you have to split yourself several times to get everything done?

Even at night or at the end of work you can't relax because you know how much work is waiting for you the next day? It's high time to pull the emergency brake.

A little stress is healthy and spurs us on. But if you suffer from stress all the time, your body will eventually suffer.

Too much stimulant

Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee are part of your everyday life? Then nervous restlessness is pre-programmed. Because these substances usually have a tense effect and are the cause of inner restlessness in many people.

In large quantities and in mutual combination, these agents lead to inner restlessness. But nervousness and tension can also occur after stopping cigarettes or alcohol - in this case as withdrawal symptoms.


If you are going through menopause, inner turmoil is a side effect. The hormonal changes cause tension at times.

You can't find peace and you are constantly anxious? Don't worry, even if it's unpleasant at the moment, this phase will pass.

Drugs and their side effects

There are drugs, as a side effect have inner restlessness. These drugs include almost all active substances that stimulate the nervous system or the cardiovascular system.

Typical heart-strengthening agents to but also many asthma medicines are affected. However, sedative agents such as sleeping pills and tranquilizers can also develop inner restlessness as a paradoxical effect. However, the restlessness can also occur when these drugs are discontinued.

Inner restlessness cause

When you should see a doctor about your inner restlessness

Inner turmoil is usually caused by certain situations and passes as quickly as it came.

But if you suffer from palpitations, the restlessness doesn't go away for several days for no reason, and you have pre-existing conditions such as depression or heart disease, you should consult your doctor.

In the course of a conversation, possible causes can be identified and action can be taken accordingly.

Most of the time, recognizing the problem, such as a challenging life situation or transitioning into a new phase of life, helps to end the restlessness.

Those affected usually feel the symptoms of inner restlessness, but do not know exactly where they come from. Therefore, in the case of persistent inner restlessness, it is advisable to localize the cause and address it.

Our conclusion

We all suffer from inner turmoil at times. This is completely normal and no reason to worry! Mostly there are unconscious causes behind the inner restlessness.

If you feel tense and nervous for a long time, you should visit your trusted doctor. This will allow you to get to the bottom of the unpleasant emotional state. Together you can find great ways to cope!

We wish you much strength!

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