Never again ingrown hairs in the intimate area

Ingrown hair in the intimate area

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Pustules and red spots in the bikini area are annoying. We put an end to it and show you how to get rid of ingrown hairs in the genital area and prevent them in the future!

We all know from our own experience that the skin in the intimate area is particularly sensitive. sensitive is. You cut yourself much faster when shaving your bikini line than on your legs or armpits.

Unfortunately, many depilation methods cause the hair to grow in. This causes red Pimple and Inflammations.

Fortunately, sometimes ingrown hairs in the genital area are only slightly inflamed. But sometimes it can be quite painful if a hair does not penetrate the skin.

A red, often even purulent, film forms around the hair. Pimples. It hurts and doesn't look good.

But you can prevent this. Put an end to ingrown hairs!🙅🏼

What does an ingrown pubic hair look like?

In the case of an ingrown hair, some unsightly symptoms on. Inflamed pubic hair is characterized by pain, itching, swelling and redness. A bump appears directly in the area where the hair has grown in, it looks like an inflamed pimple and is sensitive to pain.😖

Who is particularly prone to ingrown hairs?

Depending on skin and hair type, we are differently susceptible for this. There are people who never have this problem. And others who constantly have ingrown hairs in their genital area.

Women and men are particularly susceptible with curled hair. Your hair tends not to grow straight, but to curl a little more as it grows.

Why do you get ingrown hairs in the genital area?

If you shave or epilate regularly, you can get ingrown hairs in your intimate area. The reason for this is that the hair does not move upwards after removal, but slightly diagonally under the Skin grows. Dead skin flakes and clogged pores can prevent the hair from penetrating the skin.☝🏼

In short, ingrown hairs are formed:

  • when we wear clothes that are too tight,
  • improperly care for the skin before and after hair removal
  • shave and epilate too often.

That is why the hair remains under the skin

Every hair, whether on the head, on the feet or in the intimate area grows in a small channel. It goes from the root of the hair to the surface of the skin.

The hair normally grows along the canal to the surface of the skin. When it does, we have no redness and inflammation. But unfortunately it can happen that the Growth path of the Hair disturbed becomes. The hair is therefore looking for another way to come to the surface.

While it grows and simply cannot penetrate, the Inflammation. It continues to grow under the skin and causes the swelling.😖

Especially with the Epilate or Waxing we are susceptible for ingrown hairs. As we pull out the root of the hair, the alignment of the hair can change. The hair then no longer grows straight, but at an angle into the skin.

But also with the Shave we are no better off. Because then it may be that the short hair lateral into the Skin grows.

This is usually due to the fact that after the hair has been removed, a whole Thin layer of skin forms. It is barely visible to the naked eye. However, it is sufficient to prevent the hair from coming to the surface.🙅🏼

What you can do about this is Regular exfoliation z. B. with a DIY exfoliating cream. When you exfoliate, you scrub away this layer of skin. The hair has a free path and can grow unhindered.

Get rid of ingrown hairs

Tight clothing makes hair grow in

If we like to wear particularly tight clothing that constantly rubs against the skin, ingrown hairs are unavoidable.

Because friction is poison for freshly shaved skin. And especially in the genital area. Because this is where the skin is particularly sensitive.👐🏼

Hard fabrics such as jeans or underwear seams cause irritated skin. So it's best to shave on Evening and then slip into a wide pants.

Do you reach morning to the razor, you're with a Skirt better off than with tight pants. Opt for cotton underwear without seams. Although this is not always a huge visual highlight, it prevents irritated skin.

Incorrect skin care promotes ingrown hairs in the intimate area

We all ensure that the ingrowth of hair is favored. And that is through Incorrect application of epilators and shavers.

Quickly apply shaving foam, remove the hair and you're done. The result: ingrown hairs. Very common are Incorrect preparation shaving and the wrong Aftercare freshly shaved skin is the cause of pimples in the genital area.☝🏼

If the growth channel is blocked by creams, sebum or dandruff, the hair has no chance to reach the surface. If the skin cream is too rich in fat, it clogs our pores.

Special Lotion and Creams can prevent ingrown hairs. Apply the lotion directly after hair removal.

The special creams soften the skin and open the pores. This prevents them from clogging. If you use a normal moisturizer, it can often lead to ingrown hairs and pimples, especially on sensitive skin.

The problem is that a normal cream does not closes pores. This can cause inflammation because the hair does not come to the surface.

A solution to this problem comes from Australian Bodycare. In the "Intimate Shaving Set" you will find a wash lotion, shaving gel and an aftershave balm. I use the products myself and have to say that they are really very helpful. The reason for this is that Tea tree oil*. It disinfects and soothes the skin. The smell takes some getting used to at first, but is better after a while. Tea tree oil* smell than getting pimples and ingrown hairs 😉

Australian Bodycare Intimate Shave for intimate shaving
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Why frequent shaving promotes ingrown hairs

It's really mean, but the more often we the hair remove, the greater the probability that they will grow in.

Every epilation or shave irritates the skin. We Remove not only the hair, but at the same time also take Skin with.

After shaving, the skin begins the healing process. New, thin skin forms. Ingrown hairs in the genital area are the result if the hairs cannot penetrate the skin.

Due to the irritation irritate we use the Hair growth and the channels in which the hair should actually grow.

And there we have the salad!

If we then shave incorrectly, it gets even worse. Shaving is gentle on the skin in Direction of the Hair growth. This puts less strain on the skin.

👉Tip: The After Shaving Balm from Australian Bodycare* has particularly good reviews on Amazon. It helps against razor burn, ingrown hairs and pimples after shaving. So you cover all the problems that can occur after hair removal.

ingrown hairs and pimples in the intimate area

How can I remove ingrown hairs in the genital area?

Did you know that ingrown hairs in the genital area, armpits and legs equally often can occur? The skin in the intimate area is just much thinner and paler. And the hair is often darker. That's why we notice ingrown hairs in the intimate area especially on. Especially when they are found in the bikini line.

Once the ingrown hairs are there, we want to get rid of them. And we want to do it as quickly as possible. In four steps you put an end to the pustules and inflammations.

What you need:

  • Disinfectant for hands
  • Disposable gloves
  • Tweezers or sterile needle

1. preparation

Don't just start at random. Take your time for the Preparation and open the pores so that you can remove the hair better and more easily.

Here's how you do it:

  • Place a warm and damp washcloth for 10 minutes on the affected area
  • Take a warm shower or, even better, a warm bath. Massage Gently massage the intimate area to loosen sebum deposits and skin flakes. Then rinse the area with clear, warm water and thoroughly remove any soap and washing lotion residue.

2. disinfection

It is important that you disinfect your hands, gloves and tweezers/needles. Only then can you be sure that you none additional Bacteria into the inflammation.

Otherwise, you'll conjure up hair root inflammation.

3. remove hair with tweezers or needle

You need a lot of dexterity if you want to remove the hair with tweezers. There are special tweezers that are very pointed at the front, they are called Precision tweezers made of stainless steel. It is also used in beauty salons and can be used by finest ingrown Hair remove. You can buy the pointed tweezers online or go to the drugstore.👐🏼

Pointed tweezers have the advantage that you can really only the Skin injured, which must be. If you use tweezers with a large surface area, you will damage your skin more than necessary.

Needles are best suited when the hair is very stubborn under the skin 🪡.

  • Puncture the area and try to bring the hair to the surface.
  • Then grab it with tweezers as close to the root as possible.
  • Now carefully pull it out of your skin in the direction of growth.

If the inflammation is very bad, leave the hair in place for a while after loosening. Your skin will now recover. After 1 to 2 days then pluck the hair out with the tweezers.

Tip: Use a Traction ointment*

Mild inflammation can be treated with Train or Zinc ointment get better. Rub it directly onto the area with freshly washed hands.

Put a band-aid on it and wait a day. Mild inflammation usually resolves within 2 to 3 days.

A Traction ointment* you should always have at home. It not only helps against inflammation in the genital area, but also with normal pimples. You can use it to get rid of underground pimples in particular. Traction ointment* is available online at a particularly low price.😊

4. aftercare

Even if it is small, an inflammation is an inflammation. It is therefore worth treating the affected area with disinfectant solution to treat.

When I have an ingrown hair in the intimate area, I take for it Betaisodona solution. It works antiviral, antifugal and antibacterial. The inflammation will soon disappear. You can order the solution either at store pharmacy or buy in the normal pharmacy.

Disinfect the affected area regularly. Of course, immediately after you have removed the ingrown hair and don't forget the needle or tweezers themselves!

Also has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect Tea tree oil*. However, you should never undiluted Apply. Mix 1:1 with another vegetable oil. Almond oil* is particularly gentle on the skin.

Products in which Tea tree oil* are particularly gentle and kind to the skin.

How do I bring out a deeply ingrown hair?

It becomes particularly annoying when a hair very deep is ingrown under the surface of the skin. In such a case, you need to open the pores to get it out. To do this several minutes Apply a warm, damp cloth to the area or lie in a warm bath for at least 15 minutes. This will open the pores and soften the skin.

Now carry the Traction ointment* and leave them Overnight work. In the morning, repeat the process with the washcloth and you should be able to pull out the hair with sterile tweezers.😊

Disinfect the wound afterwards!

Tip: How to get rid of ingrown hairs permanently

Some Skin and Hair types have a strong tendency for hair to grow in. Even the best tips and tricks are often of little help.

If this is also the case for you, you should consider a permanent Hair removal think about it.

Who like me very Sensitive skin quickly gets pimples, redness, ingrown hairs and the like from shaving. This is particularly annoying in the bikini area.👙❌

I recently discovered something new for myself: a IPL hair removal device!

This scleroses the hair roots. The hair can therefore no longer grow back. This works wonderfully if you have light skin and dark hair. This also prevents the typical dark spots on the skin that can occur despite shaving.

I use the IPL device for Bikini line and the Shoulders. Give it a try. Most manufacturers offer a 100-day money-back guarantee.

Braun IPL hair remover Silk-Expert Pro
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Get rid of ingrown hairs in the genital area

What happens if you do not remove ingrown hairs?

It can happen that you get a Hair follicle inflammation grow. If the hair cannot reach the surface, the skin reacts with redness, swelling and inflammation. In most cases, the ingrown hair is encapsulated by the body over time and eventually dies.

Ingrown hairs are often associated with a Boils or a Carbuncle. This always happens when the hair is not visible in the first place.

Surely you know those red pimples where you can already see the hair if you look closely, right?

However, it is often the case that the ingrown hair in the intimate area is not visible at all. And yet it causes inflammation. This is always the case when the Inflammation at Hair follicle forms.

There are two possibilities, how this can happen.

How long does it take for an ingrown hair to be gone?

Ingrown hairs usually disappear by itself. However, you have to be patient. There are no fixed periodhow long it takes for an inflamed hair to calm down again. It depends very much on the type of skin and how badly it is ingrown. The more you scratch or irritate the skin, the longer it takes for the skin to calm down.☝🏼

As a rule, it takes at least 14 daysuntil an improvement can be seen.

In more serious cases, a harmless ingrown hair root can lead to hair follicle inflammation. This ignited the Hair follicle after shaving. Boils and carbuncles may occur.

A boil in the genital area

Boils are purulent pustule. They are red and painful. They are usually quite small. In the worst case, however, they can grow into a walnut-sized lump under the skin.

Ideally, a painful pustule will heal by itself. If nothing changes even after a week: off to the Dermatologist!👩🏼‍⚕️

A carbuncle in the intimate area

It is even worse if you develop a carbuncle. In the process ignited not only a hair root, but also a hair follicle. several.

They merge to form a large inflammation. This results in several nodes, which connect with each other under the skin.

Hair follicle inflammation does not develop on its own. They are caused by Bacteria responsible. They are usually staphylococci. You are particularly susceptible if your skin is very dry or damaged.🦠

When shaving, it often happens that we irritate the skin or cut easily. This is already enough for a pustule to form.

Who removes ingrown hairs?

Inflammation is not to be trifled with. If the redness is accompanied by pus, a doctor should take a look. It is better to see a doctor once too often than to wait too long! A Dermatologist can remove ingrown hairs and even does so quite frequently - especially in the genital area and armpits.👩🏼‍⚕️🪡

If the hair has already visibly inflamed or to turn into a Abscess it's time to see a doctor.

You won't believe how often ingrown hairs in the genital area turn into boils! My dermatologist says that every 10th woman ever had a boil in the genital area. There's nothing embarrassing about it. Dermatologists see them regularly.

Depending on the size of the purulent pimple, the dermatologist will open it or prescribe a cream that has a disinfecting effect.

Inflammation under the skin can lead to Bacteria into the Bloodstream get there. And this can even lead to a Blood poisoning lead.🦠

Ingrown hair in the intimate area

How can I prevent ingrown hairs?

Even better than removing ingrown hairs in the genital area is to prevent them from appearing in the first place. They are caused by irritation of the skin and in most cases lead to inflammation.

If you don't want to do without silky smooth skin, you should use this Tips follow:

Do regular scrubs

You can use a scrub to remove or prevent ingrown hairs. Exfoliants help best if you use them every day or at least every other day.📆

Due to the rubbing particles scrub you the dead skin cells simply away. This has the advantage that the hair does not grow in and can poke through the skin.

You can use exfoliating gloves, brushes or exfoliating pastes.

Body scrubs with Tea tree oil* are particularly effective. Tea tree oil has a disinfectant effect and prevents red spots. You therefore disinfect the skin before you start shaving. This way, you can be sure that your skin is already well prepared for shaving. Exfoliating prevents ingrown hairs from developing in the first place.💪🏼

Do not shave too often

Yes, everyone wants silky soft skin and preferably around the clock. But every time you remove hair, you damage the skin and favor thereby ingrown hairs.

As a general rule, the rarer you shave, the better. Always shave in the direction of growthThis will prevent the skin from being affected too much.☝🏼

Use razor or sharp blades

Have you ever heard of razor planes? Compared to normal razor blades, the blades these do not dull so quickly.

Often lead Blunt blades at Skin irritations after shaving. That won't happen with a safety razor. The blades are super sharp. You pay just 15 euros for 100 replacement blades. So it doesn't hurt so much financially if you replace a blade earlier as a precaution.

The razor itself is made of wood and metal and the steel blades come without plastic off. You just change the blade and do something good for the environment.

If you are interested, I can give you the Shaving razor from WLDOHO* recommend. I have the plane myself in use and am very happy with it, because shaving pimples and itchy armpits occur much less often.

What I also like is that for every model sold, a Tree planted. WLDOHO is committed to protecting the environment and wants to help avoid the plastic that is always generated by a conventional razor.

Wldoho razor plane
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By the way, you can choose from four different designs to choose from. From rose gold with sandalwood to maple wood with gold and also for those who prefer classic black or white, there is something for everyone.

You have nothing to lose. If you're not completely convinced after 100 days, you can get your money back. I love my safety razor and wouldn't want to be without it!

But a top razor brand has also captured our editorial hearts: Estrid*. Doesn't mean anything to you? Then take a look at my years of experience report: "My Estrid shaver experience: My honest report after 2 years of testing!

The Swedish razors are made from recycled material and the blades become plastic-free packaged. Especially for sensitive skin, who is prone to razor bumps, the razor with a gentle blade and gel pad is ideal.

You can choose between several pastel colors or even more inconspicuous tones.💛

Estrid razor
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Our conclusion

The fact that hair grows into the genital area is unfortunately again and again occur. If it has already happened, you can use Traction ointment*tweezers or peeling.

But it is much better to prevent. This means taking proper care of the skin before and after shaving.

Good luck and don't let ingrown hairs bother you. We all have them sometimes!

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