How many calories does an apple have?

How many calories in an apple

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Have you also just wondered how many calories an apple has? Then you've come to the right place. We tell you everything about the calorie content of apples.

First of all, an apple does not make you fat. However, it does matter how many apples you eat per day if you want to change your diet.

Because like any food, apples also contain calories. By the way, did you know that every German eats around 17 kilograms of apples a year?

There are 20,000 different varieties of apples. However, only the fewest varieties make it to the supermarket.

How many calories in an apple

An apple has 45 to 70 calories per 100 grams.

A medium-sized apple weighs about 150 grams. It therefore contains about 67 to 90 calories.

Not all apple varieties have the same calorie content. Therefore, it is difficult to answer this question so sweepingly.

The higher the proportion of water, the fewer calories are hidden behind the crisp red or green skin.

Tip: Do you know the cookbook "Everything Apple?" That's 192 pages full of recipes with apples from sweet to savory. You can order the cookbook at Amazon.

Why the apple is healthy and how you can lose weight with apples

Golden Delicious apple nutritional values per 100 gram

Nutritional values in 100 g
Calorific value 288 kJ, 69 kcal
Protein 0,4 g
Carbohydrates 13,8 g
Fat 0,8 g
Dietary fiber 2,4 g


Much more important than the question: "How many calories does an apple have?" should be how many healthy ingredients are hidden in it.

The calories of a medium apple are the same as a small cookie. The only difference is that you get a lot of nutrients at the same time.

Apples are true mineral and vitamin bombs. You can find 30 vitamins and trace elements in them. In addition, the minerals magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron.

What is special about it is that apples contain a lot of potassium. Potassium regulates water balance and plays a role in energy production. It acts on the heart muscle and regulates blood pressure.

In addition, you absorb fiber with every bite. They swell up after the meal. This keeps your stomach and intestines busy longer and you don't get hungry as quickly. Fiber is also mega important for a smooth digestion.

So instead of wondering how many calories an apple has, you should be more concerned with the many health benefits of apples.

Pectin, which is hidden in every apple, is also particularly healthy. It helps to bind harmful substances and flush them out of the body. This ensures that our cholesterol level is lowered.

Besides pectin, you will also find cellulose in apples. Both are dietary fibers that our body cannot digest. They swell up and make us feel full.

Do not peel the apple before eating! Because in it are 70% of all vitamins!

Vitamins in 100 grams of apple

Vitamin in 100 g
Vitamin C 12 mg
Vitamin E 0.5 mg
Vitamin B1 0.04 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2 0,03 mg
Vitamin B6 0.01 mg
Vitamin A 4.3 µg


Why the calories in apple varieties are different

How many calories an apple has depends on the variety.

An apple consists of 80 percent water. In the case of old apple varieties such as Crown Prince Rudolf, the water content can fluctuate more strongly. And with it the number of calories in the apple.

On average, an apple contains about 10 to 13 grams of fructose per 100 grams. Older apple varieties contain anything from 5 to 35 grams.

Apple calorie amount

By the way, it pays off to reach for older apple varieties several times over. They contain more vitamins and nutrients!

"How many calories are in an apple?" Well, now you see that this question really can not be answered so quickly.

Sweet or sour - which apple has more calories

Depending on the variety and fructose content, an apple tastes sweet or sour.

The most famous sweet apples are: Golden Delicious, Gala, Red Lady. Sour apple varieties are Boskoop, Gloster, Holsteiner Cox.

You'll find a mix of sweet and sour in Elstar and Jonagold.

Sweet apple = more calories. Sounds logical, doesn't it? But it's not always the case. You would think that there is more fructose in a sweet apple.

The fact is that sour apples contain the same amount of sugar, but simply more acid.

Sweet apple varieties contain more long-chain carbohydrates in the form of starch. These are converted into sugar. But this does not change the amount of carbohydrates, which always contain the same number of calories.

The glycemic index of an apple is 35, which means that the apple causes the blood sugar level to rise only slowly. This prevents attacks of ravenous hunger.

So it is basically not so important how many calories an apple has. It helps you avoid cravings and gives you a good feeling of satiety.

How many calories an apple has

Our conclusion

So how many calories does an apple have exactly? There are about 70 calories per 100 grams. That may not sound like as few as you'd hoped, but the fact is that an apple contains far fewer calories than candy. And provides a lot of minerals and vitamins.

Enjoy it and don't forget: peeling is forbidden!

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