17 healthy foods you should always stock up on

healthy food legumes

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Healthy food belongs in every pantry. We tell you which 17 foods should not be missing at home. So you can easily eat healthy and balanced. Meal time!

Everyone talks about balanced and healthy nutrition. Of course, we already know quite a bit about it. But when the workday was exhausting, the household is waiting and the weekly shopping is due again, we often fall into unhealthy habits.

Most of the time, people do some quick shopping on the way. Hungry and in a hurry. By the way, this is the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to healthy food. If you go shopping hungry, you buy much more than you need. In addition, it must then go quickly - in the shopping basket ends up very often unhealthy stuff.

What's in it? Mostly a large portion of sugar, preservatives and colorings. If you were full, you probably wouldn't buy these foods. Would you?

So put an end to it! And stock up on healthy foods that can be used in a variety of ways. That way, you'll always have something healthy on hand. We'll tell you what you can't afford to be without in your pantry!

Healthy foods you should always have at home:

1. pulses of all kinds

Peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils and Co should not be missing in any pantry. They provide large amounts of vegetable protein and fiber. This keeps us full for a long time and is even said to prevent diabetes.

healthy food legumes

Use the legumes for salads, Brownies or simply fry them with a little onion, salt and herbs.

You have a dinner that not only fills you up, but is also prepared in no time at all. Whether you choose the canned version or dried legumes is up to you.

2. potatoes

Very often potatoes are simply underestimated and labeled as fatteners. This rumor has persisted for a long time. Yet 100 grams of the earth tuber have just 70 calories.

Potatoes always become calorie bombs when they are prepared. Deep-fried fries, hash browns, ready-made potato salads and the like give potatoes a bad name.

But it does not have to be. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and put them in the oven at 180° with rosemary and a little olive oil. You'll have a perfect, low-calorie meal and you can still do some important tasks during the baking time. Perfect :)

3. oatmeal

Under no circumstances should you do without oatmeal. They should always have a fixed place in your pantry. Similar to legumes, they provide fiber.

They allow the blood sugar level to rise only slowly after eating. So you are full for a long time. Oatmeal can be used to make delicious soups and mueslis quickly and easily. They are especially delicious when you boil them briefly in milk and then serve them with fresh fruit.

4. quinoa

Have you ever tasted quinoa? No? Then it's high time! The small miracle grain makes long full and can be prepared very versatile. Whether sweet with honey, Cinnamon* and berries or savory as a salad - the choice is yours.

Simply quick healthy cooking

Quinoa should not be missing in any cupboard, because it is very easy and quick to prepare. Mixed with fresh fruit and vegetables, this little protein bomb provides you with everything you need.

5. eggs

Did you know that eggs are edible for a long time after the best-before date? You should be able to enjoy them without any problems for up to 4 weeks after the best-before date.

To do this, simply do the water test. Put the eggs in the water, if they come up or float in the water, you should not eat them. If they stay at the bottom of the bowl, you can eat them without any problems.

Eggs, by the way, are true vitamin bombs. You'll also find all nine essential amino acids in them. And they are wonderfully versatile. Whether sweet, spicy or a simple fried egg. Eggs simply always go.

If you eat an egg at lunchtime, you should even be spared from food cravings. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

6. frozen or fresh berries

Fresh berries can be quite expensive. Besides, they are usually covered with a nice furry layer after 2 days. Tip: Collect wild strawberries and blueberries in the summer. They taste much better than the frozen variety from the supermarket.

healthy smoothies

No matter whether you pick them yourself or buy them: The colorful berries are still full of vitamins and minerals even when frozen. You can mix them into yogurt, muesli or your next smoothie. But also with quinoa or rice with Cinnamon* taste the fruity berries.

7. natural yogurt and cottage cheese

As the saying goes: curd makes you strong. This also applies to yogurt. Both dairy products are great sources of protein.

However, it's better to leave ready-made fruit yogurt in the supermarket. It contains an insane amount of sugar. It's best to mix your own cut fruit, frozen berries and oatmeal into your yogurt. If that's not sweet enough for you, you can add a spoonful of honey. This keeps you full for a long time and gives you mucis.

Natural yogurts are healthy foods because they make a great probiotic. Yogurt contains live bacteria that support your intestinal flora and boost your digestion. Hurray for the natural yogurt!

8. apples

They are really healthy food and are among the fruits that have the longest shelf life. You can easily have apples at home for 14 days without losing their taste. If they are stored in a dark and cool place, they can be eaten even longer.

wisdom teeth food recipes porridge with oatmeal

If they are a little wrinkly, you can peel them with Cinnamon* Bring to the boil and then fold into the yoghurt with the bananas and oats. No pantry should be without apples.

When you switch between the varieties, you always have a new taste experience. Did you know, for example, that there are 20,000 different varieties in Europe alone? Well meal :)

9. green tea

Green tea leaves provide flavonoids, secondary plant compounds. The hot drink not only perks us up, it also provides a large portion of good mood. Drinking a cup of green tea with a meal can boost your metabolism. This helps you lose weight. Sounds great, doesn't it?

10. wholemeal pasta

Pasta has the reputation of making you fat. But it doesn't have to be. It's best to go for whole-grain pasta. They keep you full longer and do not let the blood sugar level roller coaster. In addition, they also taste much better :)

Pasta also has a bad reputation because it is usually served with really high-calorie sauces. But that doesn't have to be the case. Make your own vegetable sauce from fresh tomatoes, zucchini, herbs and spices. Done.

11. canned tuna

The canned fish has already saved days. Finished with onion and a little fresh vegetables, it is the perfect satiator. In the can it can be kept for many years.

Especially tasty: Mix tuna, sour cream (or yogurt) with onion, salt and a few herbs. You have a quick sandwich spread. If you have salad at home, a tuna salad can be prepared in no time.

12. linseed

Whether as oil, whole, flour or coarsely ground. Flaxseed* should be a permanent fixture in the kitchen. The little brown superfood is completely underestimated. It provides soluble fiber, protein and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3).

Vegetable protein sources Flaxseed

For those who often struggle with digestive problems are Flaxseed* a real miracle cure. The seeds contain mucilage, which stimulates digestion.

Flaxseed* You can simply mix them into yogurt, add them to a smoothie or sprinkle them over a salad. Who wants many Flaxseed* However, you should not forget to drink. Too many seeds and too little liquid can lead to constipation.

13. onion, garlic and co.

In healthy and fresh cuisine, it is impossible to imagine life without leeks such as onion and garlic. They give the dishes only really taste.

In addition, they are also very healthy. Onions contain many essential oils and sulfur-containing compounds (sulfides). These secondary plant compounds are said to have many positive effects. Among other things, they are supposed to reduce the risk of cancer and protect us from bacterial diseases.

14. nuts in all variations

Hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts - the list seems endless. But all nuts have one thing in common: they are true all-rounders. Nuts are rich in fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals. They should not be missing from any menu.

Alkaline food nuts, lose weight

You can easily add them to your cereal, smoothie, salad or enjoy them as a snack in between meals.

Nuts have the advantage of having a very long shelf life. They are best eaten unsalted. But be careful: don't overdo it. Nuts are healthy food at the same time but also full of calories.

15. green stuff

Lettuce, spinach, cabbage, arugula and co. do not have such a long shelf life. Nevertheless, they should not be missing from any menu. You can increase the life of green leafy vegetables by storing them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Add them to salads, smoothies, pasta and the like.

The chlorophyll it contains colors healthy foods green. The green pigment resembles hemoglobin - our blood's own pigment. Chlorophyll helps our bodies carry oxygen and make new blood. Vegetables of all kinds, by the way, are packed with nutrients and vitamins. Many dishes can be "stretched" with them - vegetables give them more volume. The great thing about it: You get really full but hardly take in any calories.

16. dark chocolate

Stop binge eating

Yes, read correctly. Dark chocolate* you can have at home without a guilty conscience. Two to three dark pieces a day make us happy!

This is due to the flavonoids contained in the cocoa bean. They ensure that the chocolate is not only anti-inflammatory, but also lowers blood pressure. Yum!

17. wholemeal bread or crispbread

Yes, bread is one of those things... Either you don't have any at home or you have too much. But bread is very easy to freeze. You can always take the amount you need in the morning out of the freezer the night before.

So you always have fresh bread. Dry and hard wholemeal bread is then a thing of the past. Alternatively, crispbread can be stored for a very long time or go bad. Here, too, you should reach for the whole grain version - it keeps you full longer and tastes much better :)

Our conclusion

If you have healthy food at home, you can prepare a quick meal in no time. Stock up your pantry once a month. Shopping works best when you create a weekly plan. That way you don't have to throw away much and you know in advance what you're going to eat and when.

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