13 foods that should always be in the icebox

You should always have this in the freezer

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Ever had nothing edible at home? Maybe you overlooked the holiday or forgot to go shopping. And now it's evening, the stores are already closed but your stomach is rumbling. And always ordering food becomes too expensive and unhealthy in the long run. The solution? Always have the right food in the freezer.

For anyone who occasionally finds themselves pressed for time, a freezer is the answer. But despite the many options, most people still just freeze junk food. This is unnecessarily expensive and unhealthy.

The great thing about freezing? You can prepare things when you have enough time and have something to eat when it has to go really fast.

Also, it is perfect for stockpiling. Especially for those who have their own garden. If the harvest has turned out more abundant, you can simply send the surplus into hibernation and wake up whenever you need it.

13 foods that must always be in the icebox

Of course, not everything is suitable for freezing. And the icebox, after all, has only limited space. But what is now particularly suitable for the freezer?

1. freeze herbs

A bed of herbs in winter is one thing above all: pretty dead. To protect the herbs from freezing you just have to freeze them. The controlled hibernation does not harm the taste and you always have herbs from your garden at hand. What more could you want?

Simply pick the herbs in time, wash them thoroughly and chop them. It will be very practical if you fill the chopped herbs into ice cube trays. This way, the herbs are already portioned ready for cooking. You only need to add them to the food and cook them until they are defrosted. Of course, you can also fill the containers with butter or olive oil. Depending on what you need when cooking then.

You should always have this in the freezer

Almost all herbs are well suited for freezing. Rosemary, chives or parsley, for example, do not lose their aroma during hibernation. Basil, however, you should always have fresh on hand. It doesn't like the freezer.

2. always have peas in the freezer

Unlike most other vegetables, peas do not mind the freezer at all. The great vegetable neither loses flavor nor becomes mushy. The vitamin C content also remains approximately the same and you don't have to pick them out of the shell first.

3. stock is perfect for the freezer

The basis of all soups and sauces is stock. Indispensable in top cuisine, stock should also not be missing in normal households. Due to the extreme reduction of the liquid, the stock becomes very strong. Here, too, it would be a good idea to fill it into ice cube trays.

It is best to make the stock when you are cooking elaborately for many people. Then a lot of "waste" comes together (vegetable peelings, end pieces, etc.) that you can use super for the stock. In addition, you have to let the whole thing simmer forever anyway.

Funds may not be super quick to make, but if you make a lot at once and freeze in small portions, it still pays off. Your soups and sauces will thank you. I'm always happy to whip up a great soup with stock really quickly. For example, when I'm sick and don't have much energy to cook.

4. sauces can be stored in the icebox

Pasta is cooked quickly. How convenient is it to have a ready-made bolognese or tomato sauce at hand? Quite. Pasta with sauce tastes great and is the perfect meal when you need carbohydrates quickly but the energy for cooking does not exist.

Preferably, just make a double portion of sauce and freeze the rest for a rainy day. Your overtired future self will thank you. Promise.

5. store meat in the freezer

Protein is important. And meat is also pretty important for most dishes. So to the omnivores among you, the vegetarians don't have to read through this now :) .

Meat can be super frozen. But be careful! Once thawed, raw meat please do not freeze again. Especially minced meat to have on hand is very convenient. It is so versatile. Whether you just feel like lasagna, burgers or bolognese.

6. ice cubes for girls nights out

The perennial favorite in the freezer, ice cubes you can always use. When you have a garden party and the white wine is not yet cold enough, for example. Or for milkshakes, for iced coffee and as a first aid for insect bites.

What should not be missing in the icebox

It does not always have to be the same, boring ice cubes. Ice cubes look especially beautiful when you add fruit or herbs. How, that you have never done? No problem, here's the Instructions for extremely original and delicious ice cubes.

7. puff pastry is ideal for the icebox

There are things in the kitchen that you just don't make yourself. Puff pastry is one such thing. The practical dough is usually bought ready-made. You don't have to do all the work to make it.

If you have puff pastry in your freezer, you don't have to worry about surprise guests. In no time at all you can conjure up small tartes, sweet pastries or puff pastry buns.

8. freeze berries in the freezer

You can actually buy berries only in the summer. In winter, the conscience prevents the purchase and they do not really taste. One option would be of course to hike to the strawberry land and the whole blessing then immediately boil down and to Process jam. But then you just sit on all the jam and do not know what to do with it.

How about making just half into jam next time and freezing the rest in convenient portions? Whether it's spicing up smoothies, making a quick dessert or using them in cakes. Berries are always handy in the freezer.

9. freeze bread and never be hungry again

Everyone who does not live with the large family knows the problem. Bread is always hard or moldy. Alone or in pairs you can not get the loaf away.

A remedy is to always have a few frozen slices in the freezer. If possible, freeze immediately after purchase with little air in the freezer bag. When needed, simply take them out and toast them briefly. The delicious bread roll is ready. By the way, frozen bread slices keep for about 3 months.

10. spinach is perfect for the freezer

The fresh green leaves become flabby extremely quickly. The remedy is the spinach in the freezer.

When freezing fresh spinach, be sure to wash it thoroughly. Then remove the woody stems and blanch briefly. This removes nitrates and bitter substances from the vegetable. Then drain well and put the spinach into freezer bags.

11. always have cold packs in the icebox

What's better in the summer than a spontaneous picnic or trip to the lake? Especially when you can load a cooler bag with cold packs and get perishable food and drinks to their destination in a cool place.

Cool packs are also practical outside the warm season. If you have to leave the groceries in the car for a longer time, for example.

12. ice cream you should always have in the freezer

For the cheat-days, the spontaneous movie nights with girlfriends or as a substitute for a failed menu. Ice cream must always be present in the freezer.

Vanilla ice cream also harmonizes super with the also frozen berries, for example. Simply heat briefly and serve with the ice cream. The dessert is ready.

13. too much wine? Off to the freezer!

The wine bottle just won't and won't get empty? But soon the wine is bad. A pity, actually. But the remedy is the ice box. Simply fill the wine into the really practical ice cube containers. Already you have super portioned wine for cooking. Then you don't have to open a whole bottle just for the sauce.

My conclusion:

With a little preparation, you don't have to fill your freezer with junk food to eat on stressful days. Filling the freezer with healthy foods that are also really convenient is not that hard. Ice cream and puff pastry are of course indispensable exceptions :) Quick desserts are also essential, not for the figure but for the psyche.

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