With these 10 tips you can finally break the habit of biting your fingernails

Nail biting tips

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Nervousness, boredom or just habit. There are many reasons why you bite your nails. With these tips, you can break the habit of biting your nails.

It is unattractive, unsanitary and sometimes even dangerous for health.

What often starts unconsciously can develop into a bad habit.

Bitten fingernails, torn skin, inflammation and pain. Often it even goes so far that the nails are bitten bloody.

Beautiful and healthy nails definitely look different. But how can you break the habit of biting your fingernails?

We have investigated!

How to stop biting your nails

There are several ways to make sure that your nails stay healthy.

We have the 10 best tips for you to break the habit of biting your fingernails.

Bite fingernails habit

1. make yourself aware of nail biting

For very many, nail biting happens unconsciously. Often they do not even notice that they have their biters back on their nails.

To help you break the habit of biting your fingernails, you should always be aware of when you are biting your nails. Try to observe yourself. You can also ask friends or relatives to make you aware of this.

2. keep your fingernails short

Cut your fingernails as short as possible. This will make it difficult for you to nibble around.

Tip: Wrap a band-aid around your fingers. This will also prevent you from putting your fingers in your mouth.

3. go to manicure

Professional care prevents brittle cuticles. There are fewer cracks and the temptation to bite something off decreases.

You can also have artificial nails or gel nails done during a manicure. This way you give your natural fingernails a break and they can grow in peace.

You probably won't chew on the artificial nails. Or? After all, you would ruin the great nails.

4. finger nails chewing habit with special varnish

There is a special nail polish that helps you break the habit of biting your fingernails. It tastes terribly bitter. But it is not dangerous.

The horrible taste prevents you from biting further. It also allows you to observe when you start biting your nails. The taste can stay in your mouth for up to half an hour.

Because often times you nibble quite unconsciously. Do you have the Special varnish against nail biting* on the fingers, unconscious nibbling is a thing of the past. It tastes mega bitter and disgusting.

At the same time, it is transparent and thus imperceptible to the eye.

Tip: Such a Special varnish against nail biting* You can order it from Amazon or buy it at the pharmacy. It should be part of your standard equipment.

Nail polish against fingernail biting
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Once you see how beautifully your fingernails recover, you will stop chewing even without bitter varnish. The price is really affordable and will not drive you to ruin. Your nails will thank you!

5. bite only one nail

How now? You're supposed to keep chewing? You can't break bad habits overnight. But it works in slow steps.

Break the habit of nail biting

Instead of biting off all your fingernails, you can get into the habit of biting only one nail. At some point, you should also spare this one.

6. chewing gum prevents nail biting

You can break the habit of biting your fingernails with chewing gum. Because the chewing gum keeps your teeth busy. You will be less tempted to bite your nails.

That's a good red herring :)

7. stop biting fingernails with the help of hand creams

Even intensely scented creams can stop you from biting. The distinctive smell keeps you away from your nails. In addition, your cuticles and nails are also cared for.

8. anti-stress ball for bitten fingernails

You like to bite your nails when you are nervous or stressed? To break the habit, a stress ball can help. As soon as you want to put your fingers in your mouth, take the ball and knead on it.

You can always take the ball with you and take it out of your pocket anywhere.

9. hypnosis therapy

Often fingernail biting lies buried deep in the psyche. Hypnosis can help. The doctor puts you in a kind of trance state.

This way he gets access to your subconscious. He tries to resolve the actual reasons for nail biting.

Bite fingernails

However, one session may not be enough. How many sessions are needed varies from person to person.

10 Habit Reversal Training

Habit Reversal Training means behavior reversal training. This is a special self-control training from behavior therapy. You can break the habit of biting your fingernails in just 4 steps.

Step 1: Sharpen your awareness by noting the situation in which you start chewing.

Step 2: The second step is to find a substitute action. This works in a similar way to the anti-stress ball.

As soon as you feel the urge to bite your nails, you should do something completely different.

Sit on your hands or knead around on an anti-stress ball. Do this for a few minutes so that the chewing impulse doesn't come right back.

Step 3: Make clear to yourself the reasons why it is better to stop biting your nails. This will motivate you. It also helps if family members or friends praise you for your success so far.

Stop biting fingernails

Step 4: Once you have found a substitute action, consolidate it. You feel the urge to bite your nails and in this situation you reach for a pen and twist it between your fingers? Good!

In order to consolidate the substitute action, you should not only do this in this situation. In between, grab a ballpoint pen or an anti-stress ball.

The three types of nail biting

The three types differ in the extent of biting on the fingernails. Do you recognize yourself in one of these types?

The occasional chewer

The occasional nail biter only bites his fingernails from time to time. Moreover, he is aware of it. He usually only wants to remove annoying corners or a torn nail.

The regular chewer

This one nibbles his nails very often. Mostly he does this because of behavioral problems or stress.

The excessive chewer

This guy bites his fingernails pathologically. Often down to the nail bed. This happens both unconsciously and consciously.

The causes of fingernail biting

There are various causes for nail biting. This is also the reason why it is so difficult to break the habit of biting fingernails.

Although nail biting is usually a bad habit, it can also be caused by psychological disorders.

People who bite their nails are usually shy and insecure. More self-confident people are less affected.

Bite fingernails habit

Many sufferers like to bite when they are nervous and under pressure. For example, during exams, worries or fears. Nail biting has a calming effect on the person.

Chewing your nails to the edge of the nail bed often leads to bloody and inflamed fingernails. It also hurts a lot. Such fingernail biting may indicate a psychological disorder.

But there are also people who bite out of sheer boredom.

Why you should break the habit of biting your fingernails

Nail biting is very often a bad habit. It looks unhygienic and unsightly. But not only that: when you bite fingernails, you pick up numerous germs and dirt.

In addition, the nails and cuticles are weakened. The fingernails grow back slowly and may even look changed. The germs can also cause nail bed inflammation.

In addition, the nail matrix is damaged by chronic fingernail biting. If this is damaged, ingrown nails may result.

Our conclusion

If you want to break the habit of biting your fingernails, you should first find the cause. Observe yourself and find out in which situation you particularly like to nibble.

With our tips you can put an end to nail biting. Try them out!

Good luck!

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