Attention rivet nail: How to deal with it properly!

Rivet nail ignited

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A hangnail may only be very small, but it hurts like hell. What you must and must not do with a torn cuticle, you will learn here.

Do you know that feeling when there's another little piece of skin hanging from the nail bed?

You can't help but play around with it.

In this case, a tear in the cuticle not only looks unsightly, but is also extremely painful.

You constantly get caught on the sweater, tearing it further and further and the risk of inflammation increases.

Especially in the winter months, skin flakes on the nail bed are a common problem. I have them all year round. They come and go when they want.

But how can you remove or even prevent a hangnail? And what should not be done under any circumstances?

What is a rivet nail and how it is formed

A hangnail is not a protruding piece of the nail, but a tear in the cuticle fold.

The term "Nietnagel" comes from Dutch. In the 17th century, the term was adopted into High German.

At that time it was said that such a tear in the cuticle occurs when someone was hit by an envious look. Pretty unfair, isn't it? :)

Torn cuticles can affect not only the fingers, but also the toes.

The tear is usually very painful and can quickly lead to inflammation. Then it becomes red and sometimes even purulent.

Usually, a hangnail occurs when the cuticle is too tightly attached to the nail plate when the fingernail grows out and does not come off.

Instead, it is pulled along. Increased tension is created and the skin tears.

Especially affected are also people with dry skin. Therefore, by the way, rivet nails occur mostly in autumn and winter.

Also, those who have overall cracked, dry nails will be very familiar with the cuticles sticking out.

If you are affected by this, you should change a diet. However, it may take some time before you see an improvement. The body must first compensate for the deficiency before it can build up a nutrient store from which skin, hair and nails can benefit.

That's why it's worth taking natural supplements for a month. In it you will find the nutrients in concentrated form. Your body can absorb them immediately.

If you often struggle with this problem, then try Biotin gummy bears*.

Biotin gummy bears
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They contain a mix of nutrients and vitamins for skin, hair and nails. As a result, the fingernails become harder and do not tear as often.

The causes of a torn cuticle

There are several different causes for a hangnail.

Most often it occurs when the nail grows. If the skin around the nail sits too tightly against the nail plate, a tear occurs in the cuticle fold.

Cuticle torn

If you suffer from rivet nails more often, it may be that the skin around the nail is too dry. Then it becomes porous. Small shreds of skin form.

Tip: Apply cream to your fingers regularly. I got the Burt's Bees cuticle cream from Amazon. The cream provides a lot of moisture to the fingers and prevents rivet nails.

Washing your hands too often is also a cause of torn cuticles.

If you wash your hands often, the skin around the nail becomes softer and rivet nails are favored. The soap additionally dries out the skin.

Stress can also be to blame for a hangnail. If stress gets out of hand, then nervous nail biting often occurs, which drives the development of a hangnail.

Why the small crack on the finger hurts so much

A hangnail is actually just a small crack in the skin. But why does it hurt so much directly on the fingernail?

This is because many blood vessels and nerve endings are located there.

This makes these areas particularly sensitive.

If, on top of that, the rivet nail becomes inflamed, the area swells and presses on the nerves.

What not to do if you have a hangnail infection

You would love to just tear off the scrap of skin. But be careful! This can lead to inflammation. And make everything even worse.

The whole area around the nail can swell and become dark red. And in the worst of the worst cases, your hangnail can become inflamed and even fall off afterwards.

Make sure everything stays as whole and healthy as possible.

Under no circumstances pull on it or even tear off a piece just like that.

Torn cuticle

How to remove and treat the rivet nail

If you don't want the hangnail to get infected, you should definitely not rip it off or brutally pinch it off.

The skin around the nail is so sensitive that quite bad inflammations can easily occur.

If rivet nails stick out, you can only remove them carefully with disinfected cuticle scissors.

It is best to soften your hands in a warm water bath with olive oil beforehand. This softens the skin around the nail and makes it easier to remove rivets.

If the cuticle has grown into the nail bed, please get help from a professional.

Injuries can occur if the procedure is not carried out properly. Germs and other offenders could also make themselves comfortable at the root of your nail.

In the worst case, it can even lead to the loss of the nail.

If rivet nails or the area around them is swollen and red, you probably caught an inflammation. Anti-inflammatory creams can help with this.

However, if it doesn't get better soon, see a doctor to be safe.

How you can prevent rivet nails

You can prevent rivet nails, of course. To do this, care for the skin around your nail regularly.

Not only in winter it is important to cream the hands abundantly and regularly. By applying the cream, the dry fingernails are supplied with sufficient moisture and the formation of rivet nails is minimized.

Rivet nail inflammation

Gently push back the skin around the nail from time to time. This releases tension from the nail plate. It is best if you take a bath beforehand or just give your hands a warm water bath.

This softens the skin somewhat. Then you can gently push back the cuticles with a cuticle pusher or a rosewood stick.

Our conclusion

Removing a hangnail is not that difficult. But always make sure that you work hygienically. It is better to let a professional work on your nails from time to time.

There, the small scraps of skin are professionally removed so that germs don't stand a chance.

What else you can do: Apply cream to your hands regularly and gently push back the cuticles.

For this you will be rewarded with permanently healthy and beautiful nails. :)

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