What fat pads reveal about you and how you can lose fat

Lose fat on belly

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The place where fat deposits are located reveals more about your health than you know. We take a look at the unpopular areas on your stomach, legs and buttocks and give you tips on how to lose fat.

Those who go on a diet almost always lose weight all over the body. Most of the time it is not necessary at all.

Because often you are dissatisfied with only one part of your body and want to lose weight, for example, on the thighs or lose fat on the abdomen.

The good news: with discipline, exercise and a few diet tips, you can reduce the size of the problem zone. :)

Most women know the problem, you gain weight particularly easily in one or two parts of the body. But why is that?

We have the answers for you. And also tell you how you can lose fat.

How the typical problem zones arise

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to lose fat specifically in one part of the body.

It is genetic determines where we put on fat first. This is different for women than for men.

The typical female problem areas are Abdomen, legs and buttocks.

Subcutaneous fat is particularly stubborn. Unlike visceral fat, it is very difficult to loosen.

Visceral fat lies quite deep around our organs and is relatively easy to combat.

If you want to lose fat, you have to look at it as a holistic project. The whole body is required. No sit ups to lose weight on the stomach, that doesn't work.

Why you always gain weight all over your body

If you gain weight all over your body, it usually indicates that your Calorie balance is not good.

Most likely, you are consuming too much sugar, salt and fat. In a nutshell, if you take in more calories than you consume, you gain weight.

Our tipReduce your calorie intake and try to consume at least 2 liters of water, fresh vegetables and whole grains. This way you can lose a lot of fat by a small change in your diet.

Sugar and white flour are eliminated from your diet today. Try to eat as little as possible. Instead, eat lots of fresh vegetables, they are very low in calories and healthy.

That sounds super easy and logical now, doesn't it? But the implementation is no child's play.

Tip: Keep an eye on the calories

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose the category "Lose weight" from four plans.

We calculate your calorie consumption, calorie deficit and create a diet plan that fits your needs and that fits you 100%. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

Why fat deposits on your belly

It is the problem zone par excellence: many women are slim and yet have a life ring on their belly.

If the fat is deposited right on your belly, it indicates a Increased stress level towards.

In men, on the other hand, the increase in abdominal girth is usually hormonal in nature.

When your body is stressed, it usually releases more adrenaline and cortisol. This promotes the storage of belly fat. Losing fat in this area is hard work.

Our Tip: When you are stressed, cravings are very likely. It's best to stay away from sweets like chocolate and cookies in this case. Fresh fruit is very suitable as a snack. Often, a glass of water is also enough to get the desire for sweets under control.

Bitters are also a great option if you're tired of unruly cravings. You can read up on that in this blog post: "How to get rid of cravings with bitters

Why fat is deposited on your buttocks of all places

Lose fat on buttocks

If fat accumulates on your buttocks, you will have a particularly hard time. Here, among other things, are also the Gene blame.

We women literally get rid of the fat on the thighs and buttocks first, and only then is it the turn of the rest of the body regions. Genes prevent us from losing fat quickly in this part of the body.

When losing weight, everything works in exactly the opposite order. First you lose weight on the chest, then on the stomach and only at the very end on the thighs and buttocks.

Our Tip: Mean or? What you can do about it: The best thing you can do here is Targeted abdominal-leg butt training do. You need to lose excess pounds and build muscle.

But you can also cheat away a few kilos with the matching jeans :) How to do that, you will learn here: "Butt Shapes: The perfect jeans for every butt"

Why do I get "hip gold" so quickly?

At the hip gold are mostly the Nibbles blame. Especially with a very sugary diet, our body quickly gains weight at the waist. It produces insulin and that favors fat storage.

Reduce sugary foods immediately and change your diet to a healthy one.

Why you have thick legs

If your legs seem thicker, it doesn't mean you've gained weight. Often the legs are due to water retention swollen and you have a Lack of sleep or exercise.

If you have a very salty diet, swollen legs may also be due to this.

You can lose fat by avoiding convenience foods. And drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Click here to read the article: "15 Reasons to Drink More Water."

Drinking plenty of fluids boosts digestion and drains water retention.

Our Tip: Try using spices other than salt. How about lots of fresh herbs?

How to lose fat from your problem areas

Well, now we know where it comes from. But more important is how you can lose fat.

Lose fat on belly

Those who have too much belly fat are usually desperate to get rid of it. Understandable. Often this can really lead to a psychological burden. If you want to get rid of your belly fat in the long term, you should first make a change in your diet.

Lose belly fat

Our diet is also responsible for belly fat in most cases. Hands off sodas and too much sugar!

But you don't have to give up every single piece of chocolate, you should find the right balance for you.

Here's some more info: "Want a flat belly? With these 41 tricks you can".

With a balanced diet, you can allow yourself one or two pieces of chocolate.

If you forbid yourself certain foods in the long run, this can lead to very large cravings and degenerate into binge eating.

In addition, you should focus on sports like Nordic walking, cycling or water gymnastics. Exercises for your abdominal muscles are also highly recommended if you want to train your core.

Click here to go to the article: "The 14 most effective exercises for a flat stomach".

The most important thing is that you find the time to consistently follow through with your program. Because only if you don't give up after a few days, you can successfully fight against your fat pad on the belly.

However, in order not to lose motivation, it is important that you approach your goal in stages.

Lose fat on buttocks

If you want to lose weight on your butt, it's best to start with strength training. Why? Muscles consume less "space" than fat.

If you tone your butt with strength exercises now, it will appear smaller.

Super exercises for a crisp backside are squats and lunges. You should definitely include these two in your exercise program.

Lunge butt exercise without equipment

Since fat is naturally to blame for a large buttocks, it's also great if you start with fitness training.

Running, boxing, cycling or swimming burn the most calories per minute. You can also try interval training. You can also do endurance training in the living room.

Lose fat on the legs and thighs

The golden rule to lose weight on the thighs and get slim legs is: starvation is useless.

Instead of going on a big diet, just change your diet. Reduce sugary and fatty foods. And try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

As with all problem areas, the easiest way to lose fat is to drink a lot! Drink at least 2 liters of pure tap water per day.

Lose fat legs

Probably the easiest tip to lose weight on the thigh is to walk every day. You should manage 10,000 steps a day.

Before work, during your lunch break and after work: running and walking are now part of your daily schedule.

Of course, you use more energy when jogging. At the beginning you should choose a flat route. Try to do it at least 3 times a week.

Click here to go to the blogpost: "Start running with training plan: How to become a runner in 4 weeks"

Our conclusion

The following applies to all problem areas: Change your diet! As bad as it sounds, you've put on the body fat yourself! And that's because you eat more calories than you can consume.

Any sporting activity helps us lose fat. Strength training - i.e. muscle building - is particularly important. This is the fastest way to fight unpopular fat. Change your diet if you want to see results.

All the best for you!

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