The magic bullet for headaches: espresso with lemon

Espresso with lemon

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You have a thick skull, but no painkiller is handy? No problem! Espresso with lemon is the absolute insider tip when it comes to fighting headaches. Don't believe it? Then read on now!

People's number one complaint is definitely headaches. According to the WHO, up to 80 percent of adult Europeans suffer from headaches in the course of the year.

The causes are as varied as the ways to fight them. Today we're going to explain to you how you can get rid of this cranial hum super easily by drinking espresso with lemon.

What at first glance may sound a bit unbelievable and also rather disgusting, is a proven and healthier home remedy for headaches and even migraines. I, too, have often benefited from the sour caffeine-fruit combination.

So it doesn't necessarily have to be the chemical club when your head annoys you again.
What effect is behind espresso with lemon and in which cases you have to try this secret weapon, you can read here!

How do headaches develop?

Of course, there are countless causes and variants for and of headaches. We can not illuminate everything around the topic in this article.

Headaches that are easy to drink away with espresso with lemon are the primary headaches. The so-called idiopathic (primary) headaches include, for example, migraine, cluster headaches and tension headaches.

With primary headaches, the symptoms appear virtually out of nowhere. They are not secondary symptoms of another disease.

Possible causes are literally tensions in the neck area. In addition, a thick skull can also be caused by too much stress, too little sleep or the weather. Sometimes it is due to genetic predisposition or simply our hormones.

In order for you to understand why espresso with lemon can help with headaches, you first need to know how headaches occur.

Since there are so many variants and triggers for headaches, the whole dilemma can only be roughly explained. Important for you is: The blood circulation in your head plays a decisive role!

The pain impulse is sent by the trigeminal nerve. It addresses the nerves on the cortex and also those located directly under the scalp.

It's through your bloodstream that pain impulses are sent. Therefore, blood flow is a big factor when it comes to headaches.

The caffeine contained in espresso can eliminate headaches because it affects your blood circulation. If you suffer from migraines, you can try a special piercing: "The migraine piercing - does it really help? My self test

Why do lemons help with headaches?

Lemons contain substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. This means they can help reduce inflammation in the body, which often plays a role in headaches.

In addition, lemons also contain a lot of vitamin C. This vitamin is a real superhero when it comes to strengthening the immune system and keeping the body healthy.

And a stronger immune system can help ward off headaches.

Another advantage of lemons is their refreshing effect. The sour taste and scent of lemons can be simply refreshing and help relieve tension and stress.

And less stress can mean fewer headaches!

Citresso: Why does espresso with lemon help with headaches?

Actually, it is generally said that coffee is a cause of headaches. So it is rather absurd that espresso with lemon should provide relief for the very same.

Caffeine can actually be a cause of headaches. However, it can just as easily fix cranial hum.

This is because caffeine affects the nervous system. It can drive your heart to work harder, thereby stimulating blood pressure. Therefore Coffee with lemon, by the way, like to use as a turbo diet touted.

The increased pumping power can be both good and bad for your head.
If the blood flows more easily, some areas can be better supplied with nutrients and oxygen.

This can reduce the causes of certain types of headaches. Caffeine is also said to have a vasoconstrictor effect.

This has a particularly positive effect on migraines. Here, the blood vessels are dilated and this unfortunately supports the sensation of pain.

Do the blood vessels tend to contract when you drink espresso with lemon, it can counteract those migraine pains. So caffeine can actually help.

It also blocks the formation of an enzyme that is necessary for pain transmission. If the enzyme is stopped, you perceive the pain less strongly.

Important: In case of very severe or long-lasting headaches, you should always consult your doctor and get a diagnosis!

The vitamin C of the lemon also plays an important role when it comes to headaches.

Vitamin C is said to stimulate the formation of a messenger substance that is supposed to reduce pain very quickly. The vitamin in the yellow fruit studies have shown an analgesic effect is said. And you benefit from it when you drink espresso with lemon.

How to make a Citresso?

So with headaches, chemicals don't always have to help. Natural and possibly healthier home remedies have long been proven.

And espresso with lemon is also one of the effective remedies for me in reducing headaches.

And that's how you make your fruity blend for a thick grumpy head. All you really need is espresso and half a lemon.

  • Prepare yourself a fresh cup of espresso.
  • Do not add any other sweeteners.
  • Cut a lemon in half.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon to the espresso.
  • Drink the combination quickly.

So you can put an end to the headache with a quick and sour little sip of espresso!

By the way, you should not throw away the coffee grounds. You can prepare many great DIY projects from it. From scrub to fertilizer for the garden to hair treatments, much is possible!

But read for yourself "This is why you should never throw away coffee grounds".

How often should you drink espresso with lemon?

Well, how often should you enjoy this espresso with lemon? Well, there is no exact rule. It all depends on you and your needs.

Let's start with caution. Since espresso contains caffeine, you shouldn't overdo it. Too much caffeine can lead to unpleasant side effects. So, stick to a moderate amount.

It is also important to note that lemons are acidic and can cause stomach problems in some people.

If you are sensitive or already have stomach problems, keep this in mind and listen to your body.

A good idea is to start slowly and observe how your body reacts to it. If you notice positive effects and it's good for you, you can incorporate it into your routine on a regular basis.

But if you notice any negative reactions, you should stop and consult your doctor.

Ultimately, it's about listening to your body and finding what's right for you.

Does espresso with lemon work against hangover?

Did you overdo it yesterday or were the drinks just too tempting? When you wake up with a hangover, you need an effective home remedy.

It turns out that espresso with lemon is really effective. This drink inhibits certain enzymes that become active during a hangover.

Is it allowed to drink espresso with lemon for headache during pregnancy?

If you're struggling with headaches during pregnancy and are thinking about drinking espresso with lemon, there are a few things you should consider.

It is always advisable to talk to your doctor first to make sure it is safe for you and your baby.

Every pregnancy is unique, and your doctor knows your individual situation best.

If your doctor gives the green light, it's important to keep an eye on the dosage. Too much caffeine can have negative effects, so it's important to enjoy espresso with lemon in moderation.

A moderate amount is usually safer for you and your baby.

Also note possible reactions of your body. Everyone reacts differently to foods and drinks, and there is always the possibility of side effects.

If you notice any unusual symptoms or are concerned, you should seek medical advice immediately.

Our conclusion

Sour is not only fun, but also goes to headache properly to the collar. Just try it out the next time you have a headache.

Maybe it doesn't always have to be the pain pill? Espresso with lemon reduces your pain sensation, stimulates the blood circulation and can be a huge help with headaches.

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