Detox your life - detoxify your life with WE GO WILD


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Detox is much more than just a diet. We show you what the trend is all about!

Detox (from the English word detoxication) is currently everywhere. The diet, which is supposed to have a detoxifying effect, is becoming more and more popular. But detox can be much more than just a diet!

Detox - "detoxification" can be applied to all areas of life, it can do much more than just drop the pounds. We show you how the trend can work in all areas of our lives and what detox options are available.

Detox in all areas of life
Detox in all areas
  1. Detox your home

    Between all the Everyday stress it can be quite difficult to keep your apartment/house clean. The nonsensical things pile up without end, the rooms are full of junk that no one needs anymore. You plan to finally clear out everything, but then you don't have the time or the motivation.

    Take a weekend to clean up your "living space", you will feel so much better afterwards.
    The state of the apartment always shows a little bit the mental state. If you are fine, everything is pretty clean, if not, the clothes are piled up on one chair, the dust bunnies are everywhere and it just looks horrible.
    For me it's like this: As soon as I tidy up, I also tidy up a bit with my feelings and I feel better right away. Like a detox diet for the head :)

    4 secret tips to make tidying up easier:

    • Less things = less cleaning

      The horrible vase you wanted to throw away long ago, the broken string of lights from Christmas, the 30 cups of which you use exactly 5. Try to throw away or donate everything you don't need/want/is broken. This will give more space to the more important things and make it easier for you to clean up next time.

    • Think before instead of fretting later

      When you go shopping, you tend to buy things that you really don't need or that you already have two of at home. Think before you buy something: "Do I need it?", "Don't I have it yet?", "Do I absolutely have to have it? Only if you can answer all these things correctly, buy it. Your wallet and your closet will thank you.

    • Fixed clean up times

      Dedicating 10-20 minutes to tidying up every day at the same time makes a huge difference! This makes it easier to outsmart the bastard, the rooms are always in order, and there are no big clean-ups.

    • Everything has its place

      An order system in which (almost) everything has a fixed place, can be cleaned up much faster and more efficiently than if you always have to decide anew where what goes.

  2. Detox your digital life

    Always available, always up to date. The Smartphone is already so involved in our lives, we would not get along without it. That's okay too, digitalization is not fundamentally evil :) . But sometimes you need to detox digitally and take time out from the constant linking, sharing, uploading.

    In 6 days/steps to a more conscious use of the cell phone

    (guaranteed possible and manageable, has been extensively tested :D )

    Digital Detox" graphic - Digital detox in 6 days
    Digital Detox balances your life with smartphone

  3. Detox your mind

    Instead of Hectic and ProductivitySometimes there must also be relaxation, otherwise the healthy living will go wrong.

    You don't have to climb a mountain or live in a monastery for a year to come into harmony with yourself; little things in everyday life can often be enough.

    5 relaxation tricks that help (instead of causing more stress):

    1. Exercise/Sports:

      A real panacea for stress. Why? Quite simply, stress is a defense mechanism and prepares the body for flight or fight. If flight/fight fails to occur, the pent-up energy remains in the body, the state of emergency persists. Exercise helps dissipate this energy. You will immediately feel better after a little exercise. Especially yoga (done correctly) is a real stress killer because it is a mixture of relaxation techniques and movement.

    2. Write/talk about it:

      Whether you write your problems on a piece of paper and burn it, keep a diary or just talk about it with a trusted person. All this leads to a reduction of stress, you can reorganize your thoughts or even come to a different point of view.

    3. Take a "spa break."

      Whether it's a whole luxury day with your girlfriends, or just a bubble bath at home. Everything counts. By the way, if you don't want to spend all your money on bath bombs, I have something for you: DIY bath balls

      Make bath bombs yourself bath balls
      Relax with homemade bath balls

    4. Start meditating regularly:

      For thousands of years, people all over the world have meditated to focus and calm themselves. Why not you? Don't worry, you don't have to sit cross-legged for hours and not move. Build it naturally into your daily routine. Whether it's just after you wake up, 2 minutes before you go to sleep, or half an hour, it all counts. Youtube videos with guided meditations always help me, why don't you try it out?

    5. Do not forget to breathe :) :

      In stressful situations, it can often help to breathe correctly. There are many different breathing techniques - my favorite: sit upright and consciously relax your shoulders and back. Then breathe in consciously, wait a short while and breathe out much slower/longer. Through this slow, conscious breathing, your body automatically relaxes.

  4. Detox your body

    Of course, you can only feel good if you eat right and get enough exercise. But that's usually not so easy. But it doesn't have to be!

    3 Habits You Should Break:

    1. Sitting too long:

      Sitting around for long periods of time is already considered almost as dangerous to our health as smoking! Young people and adults sit for up to nine hours a day. It doesn't help to go for a run to compensate for this. Getting up in between, walking a few steps and taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help. Active sitting can also contribute positively to your health. Active sitting actually just means that you change your posture at least every 15 minutes, i.e. you don't stare at the monitor in the same position forever.

    2. Snacks in front of the TV. Non-stop:

      Chips, cookies, popcorn. Whether you're hungry or not, snacks are a must at the movies and in front of the TV. What sometimes is no problem at all, soon becomes a bad habit that is hard to break. Just try to replace your snacks mainly (not completely!) with the healthier variety or leave them out completely. Healthy snacks are for example a handful of nuts, vegetable sticks, fruit or rice cakes.

    3. Spending all your free time in front of the TV:

      There's nothing wrong with indulging in an hour of television after a long day. I'm sure there isn't. But watching hours of automated TV on the weekend keeps you from using your free time more wisely. Reduce your TV time and you'll have more time for family, sports and hobbies.

    3 Habits to Get Into:

    1. Get enough sleep:

      Basically, adults need 7-8 hours of beauty sleep. Of course, this varies from person to person. You certainly know how much sleep you need to be fit for the day. Try to get enough sleep as often as possible, your body will thank you.

      Tips against stress

    2. Eliminate convenience foods from the menu:

      Even if the temptation is great. (Quasi) live without finished products is beneficial for body and wallet. And there are many recipes that are ready in 20 minutes, the frozen pizza can not keep up. This gives you control over what you eat and what you don't, how much sugar and salt is included, etc.

    3. Sunscreen. Lots of it. Daily:

      Skin cancer, wrinkles, premature aging. Sunscreen helps against all this, but most people only use it in the summer when absolutely necessary. Invest in a good sunscreen, if you have problem skin preferably an oil-free one and start smearing :) Your skin will thank you.

Our conclusion:

Detox is much more than just in between times a Detox water drink. Consciously take time for the individual areas and give your body a break. It will thank you many times over!

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