Tight chest and sexy cleavage: these are the best exercises!

Train pectoral muscle woman

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What woman doesn't want a firm décolleté? Put your high-necked sweaters back in the closet! We show you how you can train your pectoral muscle.

Your chest is made up of two muscles. The small and the large pectoral muscle. And then there are many small muscles. These are located between the breast tissue.

The muscles are responsible for lifting your arms in front and above.

If you strengthen your entire chest muscles with targeted training, your bust will be firmed and toned.

Why women should train their pectoral muscle

There are many reasons why women should exercise their chest. If the chest muscles are neglected, muscular imbalances and postural damage can occur.

Strength in the chest is also important for many full-body exercises. In addition, many exercises train not only the pectoral muscle, but also triceps, shoulder and also biceps.

Apart from that, training helps to tighten the skin and connective tissue. So the effect of breast training is clearly visible.

Even with sagging breasts, a beautiful result can be achieved through pectoral muscle training.

Your chest muscles are a large muscle group that burn a lot of calories when you work out. This provides overall well-defined and coherent proportions.

How often you should train your chest

For a visible result, you should repeat the training two to three times a week. And over a longer period of time.

Incorporate the exercises into your daily routine or workout schedule.

With increasing training you can also increase the difficulty. This works either through the number of repetitions, variations of the exercises or with heavier weight.

For push-ups, place your hands closer to your body or place them on a medicine ball. But also the feet can be placed on an elevation, such as a band or a chair. This makes the exercise much more difficult.

However, to be able to do them several times, you need patience. Start with the easiest variation and work your way up to the harder exercises step by step.

Why breast training does not make the bust smaller

The great fear of every woman: "The bust becomes smaller during pectoral training." However, this fear is completely unfounded.

The chest does not become smaller through training. On the contrary!

By training you do not change the fatty tissue of the breast, but only the underlying muscle tissue.

So the chest even gets a little bigger through training. But even this is within limits, because it is almost impossible for women to build up real muscle mountains naturally.

The volume of the chest decreases when you lose a lot of body weight.

With a healthy and balanced diet you can maintain your weight and with additional training you can give your bust an aesthetic look.

Train pectoral muscle as a woman: the best exercises

You want to train your pectoral muscle? What are you waiting for? We have selected the best exercises for you. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise. Let's go!

1. push-ups

Push-ups - train the pectoral muscle

  • Support yourself with the palms of your hands
  • The arms are fully extended and the hands are directly under the shoulder
  • Tighten the buttocks and make sure that your body forms a line
  • Now bend your arms and go so deep that your chest touches the floor.
  • Push yourself back up.

If you can't do normal push-ups yet, keep your knees on the floor.

2. press hands together

Chest muscles train woman

  • Stand up straight. Legs should be about hip-width and parallel.
  • At the level of your chest, place your palms together.
  • Tighten the abdomen and press the palms together firmly.
  • Hold the tension for at least 10 seconds.

3. train pectoral muscle as a woman with the butterfly

Butterfly Arms - Butterfly Exercise

  • Stand hip-width apart and take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Stretch your arms to the side.
  • At shoulder height, bring your arms together in a controlled manner.
  • Return to the starting position.

4. military plank

Military Plank pectoral muscle workout

  • Start in a simple plank.
  • Your elbows are under your shoulders and your body forms a line.
  • Now straighten up into full planks (push-up starting position).
  • And then it's back down again.

5. bench press with exercise ball

Bench press with exercise ball

  • Lie down with your back on an exercise ball.
  • Make sure you can move your shoulder blades freely.
  • The knees are positioned at a 90 degree angle.
  • Take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Guide the arms upwards until they are almost stretched.
  • Then the hands slowly come back to the chest.

6. triceps dips to train the pectoral muscle

Triceps Dips Strength Training

  • Place the palms on a small table or chair. The fingertips point towards you.
  • Angle the legs.
  • Raise and lower the buttocks with the strength of the arms.
  • Do not push yourself off the ground with your legs. The force should come exclusively from the upper arms.

7. dumbbell flyes

Butterfly arm exercise lying down

  • Lie on your back.
  • Take a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms straight out to the side at shoulder height.
  • The legs are bent.
  • Bring the arms together in an upward stretched position.

8. wall press for a firm décolleté

Pectoral muscle workout woman

  • Stand in front of a wall with a distance of half a meter.
  • Let yourself fall against the wall.
  • Intercept yourself with your hands and push back again.
  • Also vary with hands. Grasp sometimes a little wider, then again very narrow or offset.

9. shoulder press to train pectoral muscle as a woman

Shoulder press - train the pectoral muscle

  • Starting position: upright stand.
  • Take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keep your arms bent at shoulder height.
  • The palms of the hands point forward.
  • Stick your arms up.
  • Hold briefly and lower again in a controlled manner.

10. reverse butterfly

Reverse Butterfly

  • Take a dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang down.
  • Bend forward with your upper body.
  • Now lift your arms up to the sides.
  • Briefly hold the tension and return to the starting position.

11. chest press for strong pectoral muscle

Chest press without equipment

  • Starting position. Stretch your arms to the side. They should be at shoulder height. Palms face forward. Bend
  • the forearms upwards.
  • Bring the elbows together.
  • Arms remain at right angles.
  • Squeeze your elbows tightly together and push them up.
  • Return to the starting position.

Our conclusion

With exercises to train the pectoral muscles, you can succeed in toning your décolleté and bust. However, this requires regular training and a healthy diet. Train at least two days a week. But please do not overdo it. The body needs one or two rest days after a strength workout. Muscles do not grow during training, but during breaks.

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