Can you eat carrots with black spots?

Carrots black spots

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Eating carrots is generally considered healthy. But what if carrots get black spots? Can you still eat them, or are they past their prime? Let's find out!

Carrots are a great vegetable. They can be snacked on their own, used as a side dish, turned into soup or enjoyed as a salad. Hardly any other vegetable is so versatile and good storable like carrots.🥕

Anyone who has ever grown their own knows how good they are. Freshly harvested taste. They are crunchy, slightly sweet and unbeatably aromatic.

But not everyone has the space to grow their own carrots, and in winter it is not possible to harvest fresh vegetables even for garden owners.

Then you have to purchased carrots to fall back on. Unfortunately, they are usually only available in large quantities.

That annoys me every time. Because how am I supposed to consume 1.5 kg of carrots on my own?

After I have used three or four carrots for cooking, the Rest at Refrigerator.

About a week later, I remember: Ah, there were still carrots. Open the fridge - and then the realization: again dark spots on the carrots. The black spots cover almost every carrot.

Really annoying! Is that dangerous?

Today we're going to address a topic that always confronts me with the question: Throw them all away? Sort them out? Or just use them all? Can carrots with black spots still be used?

What do black spots on carrots mean?

Black spots are the earliest signs for Mold on carrots. Initially, the vegetable shows small, brown or black spots, which become larger and darker over time; in addition, carrots can later develop hairy and muddy and have fur-like patches.🤢

Dark spots are a sign that the vegetables have already been older is. Carrots tend to develop black spots if they are overcooked. long humid air which can cause them to spoil.

These spots can also be caused by a fungus or a bacterium that has attacked the carrot. infected has. The mold responsible for this is Thielaviopsis Basicola (also known as Chalara). It is the cause of black root rot.

When do carrots turn black?

Carrots tend to develop unsightly black spots in storage immediately after harvesting, which are usually caused by pests such as Chalara or Thielaviopsis. Alternaria can also be responsible, but is less common.😫🥕

The longer the vegetables are stored, the higher is the Probability, that the mold forms.

 Can you still eat carrots with spots?

If your carrots still have the same texture and smell as usual and only have a few small black spots, you can use them eat anyway! At this stage, the mycelium of the fungus is not yet very advanced.😋

Simply cut all parts with visible spots and peel the carrots thoroughly before you cook them.

However, if the black spots are furry and white, mold has formed. It has already gone all the way through the carrot. It is now time to remove the carrot to throw away.

Go through this checklist if you want to be sure. Throw the carrot when,

  • black spots have spread strongly
  • the dark areas are furry
  • Mold is quite clearly visible
  • the carrots are not firm and crunchy
The dark spots not only make the carrots visually unappetizing, but also ensure a bitter taste.

How can I prevent carrots from getting dark spots?

Basically, you can prevent the infestation cannot be prevented. It occurs when the vegetables are harvested or packaged. However, you can create an unpleasant climate for the Chalara mold. Then it will not spread so quickly.☝🏼

The fact is that Mold and mushrooms feel at home where moist is. You should therefore remove the carrots from the packaging quickly after purchase.

In the Plastic packaging form the carrots quickly dark spots. Only wash the carrots before you use them for cooking - natural soiling from soil can even protect against infestation. Buy therefore as No pre-washed carrots.

Follow this if you want to prevent black spots:

  • Wash the carrots only before using
  • Take bought carrots from the plastic packaging
  • Cut off the green
  • Store them in a cool and dark place - in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator or in the cellar
  • Do not store them next to apples, bananas or grapes

If you opt for the Refrigerator, should the Humidity not be too high. Place a layer of kitchen paper in the vegetable drawer to absorb condensation. Carrots should be stored in a cool, dark place, but should never be exposed to frost.☝🏼

What else do I need to pay attention to during storage?

To keep carrots fresh for longer, place a Storage tin with kitchen paper and cover them with a perforated Aluminum grill tray from.

Place the carrots inside, close the tin tightly and put it in the fridge. To achieve optimum results, you should use the absorbent paper towel every two days exchange.😊

If you have a vacuum sealer, you can cut the carrots into small pieces after washing them. Use the device to remove the oxygen and then store the packs in a cool, dark place. To the Freeze Carrots are suitable not good, they take on a rubbery consistency after defrosting.

Who with Preserving has been busywho can also store the carrots in storage jars.

Our grandparents still knew the so-called rent. This was a Sandpit, in the cellar or in the Earth is buried in the ground. They can be used to store storable vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and more. for months keep fresh.😋

However, the root vegetables must be in the best condition. Even one rotten carrot can spoil the entire stock leave.

Why do my carrots get dark spots within 2 days?

No sooner bought than stains appear? In this case, the carrots were already with the mold infected, when you bought them. The stains will then appear during storage - especially if you create the perfect conditions for them.

In a humid Plastic packaging feel the Mushrooms Correct probably. It is not possible to predict exactly when the dark spots appear and why it sometimes takes longer.😕

Our conclusion

Carrots with black spots are not absolutely bad. Depending on how far the infestation has progressed and how deep the stains are, you can still use them - by cutting away the affected areas.

The fact that carrots form black spots during longer storage is hardly at prevent The faster you use them up, the better.

Remove the plastic and store them in a dry place, otherwise they can quickly become inedible before you use them. So be sure to store carrots in a cool, dark place until you need them!

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