Can you eat buckwheat raw?

Buckwheat eat raw

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There are varieties of seeds and wheat that can be eaten raw without hesitation. In the uncooked state, their nutrient content is even higher. But can you eat buckwheat raw or will it give you a stomach ache? That's what you need to know!

There are foods that should be eaten raw in order to absorb the most nutrients from them.

And there are foods that you must not eat raw under any circumstances, because otherwise it can cause nausea, diarrhea and the like - a good example is green beans or potatoes.

When I was cleaning out my pantry the other day, I discovered a package of buckwheat - to be used within 4 weeks. Then I wondered if you can eat buckwheat raw.

Are you asking yourself the same question? Then you've come to the right place! I'll tell you everything you need to know about uncooked buckwheat.

But let's start from the beginning for a moment.

What is buckwheat?

There are two types of buckwheat: the true and the common buckwheat. Both varieties belong to the pseudocereals and do not contain gluten.

Therefore, people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can eat them without complications.

Buckwheat is a nutritious grain that provides fiber, iron and protein.

It is also rich in vitamins B and E and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Those who regularly reach for the pseudocereal, eat very healthy.

Buckwheat is characterized by its brown-gray color and has a nutty, slightly bitter and strong taste. You can eat buckwheat in salads, but also enjoy it as porridge or as a side dish.

You can use it to bake cakes, bread or pancakes - this works out quite wonderfully because you can usually replace the wheat flour 1:1.

You can buy it everywhere now - rather rarely as a whole grain, mostly in the form of buckwheat flour.

Who has space in the garden, I can also grow yourself. It is a magnet for bees and butterflies. In addition, it is a natural fertilizer for the soil.

Can you eat buckwheat raw?

Yes, you can eat buckwheat raw. Eating it without cooking or baking it beforehand is even very healthy. Because in this way you absorb the high-quality nutrients of the plant with every bite.

This applies to both the seeds and the plant itself. However, you should never eat the leaves raw. On the one hand, they taste very unpleasant and on the other hand, you can get stomach pain or flatulence.

If you are not put off by the taste, you can blanch the leaves briefly. This will make them more digestible and the taste will also be somewhat more pleasant.

You can add raw buckwheat to muesli or sprinkle on salad. You can also grind the raw seeds and then mix with dates, cacao, a little milk -. this makes a very nutritious Raw Porridge.

However, some people react with a bloated belly when they eat buckwheat raw. Therefore, you should first try it with a small amount.

What are the benefits of eating the pseudocereal raw?

Buckwheat is not only rich in vegetable protein, but also contains minerals such as magnesium and potassium, as well as trace elements such as iron and selenium. It provides the body with essential amino acids.

The enzyme Q10, often found in anti-aging creams, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is found in raw buckwheat. Even though it can be used for baking and cooking, the raw form of buckwheat offers some additional benefits:

  • Buckwheat is rich in nutrients and valuable substances, but they can be lost when heated.
  • You'll find especially many nutrients in the seeds when they begin to germinate. Many vegans swear by homegrown buckwheat sprouts.
  • Sprouting improves the bioavailability of the vital substances. In addition, the dietary fibers become easier to digest. Because the starch content decreases, the sprouts are metabolized alkaline.
  • Sprouts do well on bread, in cereal, on salads, or as a topping for vegetable stir-fries.

Buckwheat helps diabetics regulate blood sugar. There are also studies that say it can have a positive effect on cancer, heart problems and varicose veins.

How to germinate buckwheat?

You just need a container, some water and buckwheat to germinate your own buckwheat. It's very simple!

  • Soak the desired amount in twice the amount of water. Let the buckwheat stand for an hour.
  • Pour off the water and rinse the grains.
  • Put the buckwheat in a sprouting jar or colander that you cover.
  • Let the grains germinate for two days. Meanwhile, rinse them 2x a day with fresh water.

Either eat the sprouts now directly as they are or let them dry and eat them afterwards.

By the way, sprouted buckwheat is also a good base for vegetable roasts!

Can you eat buckwheat raw

When not to eat raw buckwheat?

When you buy buckwheat, look carefully. There are hulled and unhulled grains. You should not eat unhulled buckwheat, the husk is hard and not digestible.

However, most packages from the supermarket are already peeled, which makes for little effort.

Soaking buckwheat in lukewarm water for a short time improves its taste and makes it easier to digest. You can then use it in other recipes, such as vegetable pies or pancakes.

Those who have a very sensitive stomach should refrain from eating buckwheat raw. Then cook the whole grains for about half an hour. They become soft and are better tolerated.

By the way: Do you already know the Recipe for lightning buns from buckwheat flour?

Our conclusion

You can eat buckwheat raw, both the grains and the leaves themselves. Eating it without cooking or baking it beforehand is very healthy, because this way you get most of the nutrients from the pseudocereal.

However, some people find raw buckwheat difficult to digest and should opt for the cooked variety instead.

Before you eat buckwheat raw, make sure you buy hulled grains and soak them briefly if you have a sensitive stomach. This improves the taste and makes it easier to digest. Enjoy your meal!

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