Intermittent fasting: lose weight healthily in the eating rhythm & without renunciation

intermittent fasting: Intermittent fasting plan to lose weight

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Intermittent fasting is a diet trend fresh from the USA. We explain everything you need to know about eating in rhythm.

The principle of intermittent fasting is quickly explained. Those who choose it eat in a certain rhythm and fast in the other. The term "intermittent" comes from Latin. Intermittere means "to interrupt" and "to suspend."

Intermittent fasting is therefore linked to a specific eating rhythm. In contrast to "normal" fasting, you do eat solid food. However, at certain intervals.

Explained very succinctly, you simply alternate between meal breaks and food intake.

Intermittent fasting - eating like our ancestors

Think about your everyday life. When you're hungry, go to the nearest snack bar, supermarket, or whip up something edible from your bag or fridge.

You have the opportunity to eat 24 hours a day. And even in abundance. We rarely feel really hungry. Right?

It was different with our ancestors. When man still lived as a hunter-gatherer, there were constantly days on which there was nothing to eat. If no prey was shot or no berries were found, the stomach remained empty. This only changed when people settled down and started raising cattle and farming.

Can you imagine that? Not eating for 2-3 days? For most people, that sounds impossible. But our bodies can easily withstand it.

Advisor: Slim and healthy with interval fasting
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Giving up solid food makes us more resilient

However, giving up solid food once in a while does not harm our body at all. In fact, the opposite is true. If you don't eat solid food in between meals, you take the strain off your body. This makes the organism more resistant.

Overeating and obesity are major problems in our society. They lead to many cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of high mortality rates.

intermittent fasting

And although you all know this, we often find it difficult to curb and control our food intake. No wonder: we come to food constantly and everywhere.

Many studies show that an alternating rhythm of eating can reduce cardiovascular disease. And it is precisely this alternating rhythm of food intake that is intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting - The 4 variants in comparison

There are no very strict guidelines on how intermittent fasting should be carried out. There are a large number of variants and variations. But they all have one thing in common: You have to drink a lot!

  1. The 20:4 diet

    This fasting is based on the 24-hour day. 20 hours becomes long none fixed Food eaten. The time window for the intake of food is only 4 hours. This method is recommended only for a short time. Very few people last long.

  2. The 36:12 diet

    Here you fastest Every 2. day. One day you eat normally. The last meal is eaten at 8 pm. Then you fast for one day. You take only water. And the day after next you start again with your usual breakfast.

    The best known are the 5:2 diet and the 16:8 diet.

  3. The 5:2 diet

    To two days the week must fasted will be. You can decide for yourself what these are.

    But that doesn't mean you don't eat anything on those days. Intermittent fasting means smart and little to eat.

    Women are allowed on fasting days Maximum 500 calories to consume. Men a little more with 600 calories.

    With this method, you are allowed to limit your calorie quota to one or more Divide meals. As it is easier for you.

    On the five other "non-fasting days" there is no unrestrained gluttony. That would be too nice or? :)

    intermittent fasting

    But intermittent fasting is not that strict. Because you can eat what you like and what is healthy. The recommended Calorie intake lies with 2000 per day.

    There are no guidelines on carbohydrates or fat. Everyone can eat what he likes.

    The 5:2 method is ideal for those who want to balance a few small sins. Or for those who want to balance their Digestive tract relieve would like

  4. The 16:8 diet

    Those who choose this form of intermittent fasting have a more difficult time. This is because intermittent fasting can also be done on a daily basis. The best known form is the 16:8 diet.

    Especially beginners this fasting method seems easier. Because here you do not have to go without food for a whole day.

    In the 16:8 diet, the alternation between eating and not eating is simply adapted to the Time of day adjusted.

    There is a time window of 8 hours per daywhere all your meals take place. The rest of the time your body gets rest.

    This meal break promotes the Fat burning. Studies suggest that during the break in the 16:8 diet, protein plaques in the cells are broken down.

    What does that mean specifically? If you choose intermittent fasting according to the 16:8 method, you eat very early dinner and have a late breakfast.

    Your daily routine could look like this: Breakfast: 10 am, lunch between 2 and 3 pm and dinner at 6 pm.

    There are no specific guidelines for the meals. But of course you shouldn't pack in massive amounts of fat and sugar.

However, intermittent fasting is not that strict. There are many moderate forms. Like the 14:10 diet or the 12:12 diet.

For whom is intermittent fasting suitable?

This is the ideal weight loss method for those who find it easier to eat nothing at all than only a little at a time.

Intermittent fasting is an approach to Body fat to lose, without that in the process certain foods are completely forbidden are.

Those who are currently on break know that they will soon be allowed to eat normally again. That makes it easier to stick it out.

A late breakfast is a matter of habit. And you shouldn't eat too late in the evening anyway.

Intermittent fasting is also ideal for those who are not fans of pinpoint calorie counting.

What can you eat and drink during intermittent fasting?

In principle, you have a lot of freedom. With all methods you should no sugar or other isolated carbohydrates. Like white flour, white rice, pasta, etc. This is the only way our body can keep blood sugar and insulin levels low.

During the fasting phase are only Water or unsweetened beverages such as coffee or tea are allowed.

Your diet includes lots of healthy things, like fruits and vegetables.

intermittent fasting

After the 1st meal of the day, intermittent fasting experts recommend that Food supplements such as vitamins and antioxidants to take. This strengthens the body during the fasting cure.

Because through our usual eating habits such as fast and unhealthy food, the body is burdened. And that every day. We must first get used to intermittent fasting.

What do experiences with intermittent fasting show?

Those who start intermittent fasting feel hungry. This especially affects those who constantly reach for snacks or sip sweet drinks. If you are also one of these people, this eating method teaches you to Appetite from hunger to distinguish.

Because very few people are really hungry. Most only have an appetite for something in particular.

prevent yoyo effect

For the feeling of hunger can also be the Blood sugar level be responsible. This hits you if you like to snack and eat a lot of sugar. They make your blood sugar rise quickly and fall quickly. When the blood sugar level drops, you have an appetite again.

Advisor: Slim and healthy with interval fasting
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The positive effects of the controlled eating rhythm

Intermittent fasting has many positive effects on the human body. Especially the Resilience of the body is strengthened.

This diet method is said to have positive side effects such as lowering blood pressure or protecting against diabetes. It is also said to reduce other age-related diseases. Losing weight is said to be easier thanks to intermittent fasting.

This speaks for intermittent fasting

  1. Bye bye yoyo effect

    Short-term fasting provides positive impulses in the metabolism. Intermittent fasting means that the yo-yo effect does not occur so easily.
    Unlike other fasting methods lasts the weight loss longer. For this you take sustainable and healthy. But of course, this also depends on what you eat at mealtimes. It shouldn't be burgers, meatballs and the like.

  2. No fasting crisis

    Have you ever had a diet crisis? These occur mainly when you completely give up solid food. Since that's not the case with intermittent fasting, you need to No fasting crisis to fear. This is because our organism does not change the way of digestion as long as it gets regular food.
    Our body uses its glycogen stores (stored carbohydrates) for energy. When they are depleted, it sets about burning fat. The Fat burning runs slowly but healthily.

  3. Intermittent fasting lowers blood pressure

    Of course, this does not happen overnight. But over the course of intermittent fasting commutes with many High blood pressure again. In rodents, the fasting method has already been confirmed in connection with blood pressure. Studies on humans have so far been conducted only randomly.

  4. Intermittent fasting regulates blood sugar and cholesterol

    As you eat healthy and regularly, intermittent fasting has very positive effects on your Blood sugar and Cholesterol. It decreases your blood sugar and insulin levels. Both have many negative effects on the body. High blood sugar is associated with acne, cancer, hormonal imbalances, depression and much more.

  5. Intermittent fasting protects our nervous system

    As we decrease our blood sugar and insulin levels during the fasting method, the formation of protective proteins and antioxidant enzymes is favored. We need both to deal with Stress to deal with.
    Intermittent fasting also promotes the release of neurotrophic factors. These are proteins that are secreted in our central nervous system. They control the growth and health of newly developing nerve cells. They are also responsible for the quality of our nerve cells.
    Intermittent fasting is also designed to enhance the natural Aging process slow down.

Our conclusion

Intermittent fasting requires much less restraint than other weight loss methods. It is very suitable for the office and everyday life. You do not need a plan for intermittent fasting.

With this fasting method, you learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite. If you ignore the "hunger", it fades away. And at the latest then you know that it was not real hunger, but only desire and appetite.

If you want to lose a few kilos without giving up your favorite food, you can definitely succeed with this weight loss method.

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