The 7 most disastrous breakfast mistakes

Breakfast bug

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Have you ever sat in front of your breakfast and wondered if you're even eating breakfast right? We'll show you the 7 most common breakfast mistakes.

Most of us make more breakfast mistakes than we think, even though breakfast is generally dubbed the most important meal of the day.
This could also be why you just can't get a flat stomach no matter what you do.

Why is eating breakfast important?

The body is like a car that needs energy to function. And breakfast is, so to speak, the fuel you fill up in the morning to start the day.

If you go into the day without breakfast, it's a bit like having a car that's almost out of gas. You probably won't be able to get going properly and may feel tired and listless.

When you eat breakfast, you give your body the energythat it needs to wake up and crank up the engine.

Breakfast provides your body and brain with nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. These nutrients help you stay focused, concentrate and improve your thinking performance.

Also, a good breakfast can help you control hunger during the morning. Eating something healthy in the morning will help you feel fuller longer and avoid cravings.

That means less snacking and better meal choices later in the day. Breakfast also has positive effects on your mood.

If you eat a good breakfast, your blood sugar level will slowly rise and you will feel more balanced and happy. This is much better than starting the day with a low blood sugar level and being irritable or grumpy.

What does "good breakfast" mean?

So, a good breakfast is packed with various good things for your body. It contains many vitamins and minerals that help you grow, stay healthy and develop.

Things like yogurt and fresh fruit are especially good because they have a lot of these vitamins and minerals.

It's also important that your breakfast isn't too sweet and contains plenty of fiber. Too much sugar can make your blood sugar levels go crazy, but fiber is great because it keeps blood sugar levels stable and gives you steady energy.

Things like oats are good because they release energy slowly and keep you full longer.

Oh, and if you have time, take your time at breakfast. Enjoy it and chew everything thoroughly.

If you don't get out of bed that well in the morning, you could also prepare parts of your breakfast the night before to make it go faster in the morning.

What are the most common breakfast mistakes?

Breakfast mistake #1: Fruit yogurt is healthy, right?

Most people think they are doing something good for their body with their daily strawberry yogurt. After all, yogurt is healthy and so is fruit.

Would also be true if in the industrially produced yogurt is not extremely much Sugar would hide. So you better make your own fruit yogurt.

There you could even use the "superfood" Chia seeds* mix in.

Breakfast mistake #2: You don't eat anything that keeps you full longer

You're always hungry in the morning? Maybe it's the breakfast.

Carbohydrates cause the insulin level to rise quickly, but it also falls twice as fast. It's better to eat not only white bread and croissants, but also the occasional Scrambled eggs with tomatoes or peppers and wholemeal bread.

Breakfast mistake no.3: No time for breakfast

"I don't eat breakfast, I don't have time for that" is what you hear from many. Of course, the morning the Time when you actually have no time.

You have a hundred thousand things to do and you also have to get to your job, school or university on time. It's not easy to find time for breakfast.

But the negative effects should convince you to find time for breakfast anyway. You are more prone to Cravings, you are probably hungry in the morning, not in a good mood and have a hard time concentrating.

But again, what applies to the majority of people doesn't have to apply to you. If you feel comfortable not eating breakfast and don't suffer from food cravings and the like, then that's fine too.

Breakfast mistake #4: A big bowl of sweet cereal

It's simple, quick to prepare and tastes good to everyone. Nevertheless, you should not reach for your favorite ready-made muesli every day.

The industrially produced mueslis have a lot of sugar in them, even those with the supposed label "fitness", "healthy", "balance".

Every day a hidden Sugar bomb to eat in the morning and be hungry again in the morning is not necessarily the perfect breakfast solution.

How about some homemade granola instead?

Breakfast mistake no.5: The obligatory fruit juice

Orange juice and breakfast belong together, that's for sure. But not all juices are the same. Juices from concentrate or direct juice consist of 100% fruit, so a small glass of orange juice for breakfast is certainly not wrong.

However, if you drink Fruit nectar or a fruit juice drink for breakfast, you should refrain from doing so in the future, as the sugar content is much higher here. And again, a breakfast mistake is avoided.

Breakfast mistake #6: Breakfast "on the go

Lie in bed longer and eat your breakfast on the go instead and just grab an all-in-one muesli from the supermarket? Bad idea!

A good, healthy breakfast that keeps you full for a long time takes time and is not easily replaced with a croissant and a cup of coffee.

If you take a little time for yourself, you'll be able to go about your day satisfied and balanced.

Breakfast Mistake #7: Social Media Breakfast

One of the most common breakfast mistakes ever. You sit at the table, perhaps eating breakfast alone.

Before you even take your first bite, you've already got your smartphone in hand, showering you with selfies, cat videos, vacation photos, and advertisements early in the morning.

Not only will you eat more because of this, because you don't really realize what you're eating, you have no time at all to wake up and get into the day.

Take the time in the early morning to wake up, communicate a little with those around you or keep silent and enjoy your breakfast instead of shoveling it into you as if by remote control.

What is healthiest in the morning?

A healthy breakfast in the morning is really super important. It gives children and adults energy and kickstarts the metabolism.

It also helps us concentrate better. Best of all, eating a good breakfast in the morning prevents us from reaching for unhealthy snacks until lunch.

So, if you already have an appetite in the morning, it's really great if you opt for a balanced diet. Nutrients and variety are the key.

It doesn't have to be mega complicated, just a little bit of everything:

  • Low-fat, high-protein dairy products such as egg or cheese
  • Vitamins and minerals (as the English say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away")
  • Healthy fats (nuts)
  • High quality cereals such as whole grains

What happens if you don't eat breakfast?

According to the American Heart Association, people who don't eat breakfast have higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

This increases the risk of heart disease. Especially if you're already genetically prone to it, you'd better eat something every morning.

Might not sound mega cool, but a little breakfast can make a big difference in your health.

Our conclusion

Eating breakfast is really important, we have learned that. It gives us energy, kickstarts our metabolism and helps us start the day focused.

But hey, that doesn't mean we can just eat whatever we feel like every morning.

It's all about finding a healthy balance. Yes, we should realize that breakfast is our foundation for the day.

But that doesn't mean we have to limit ourselves to just boring greens. There are so many delicious and healthy options out there, from fresh fruit to whole grains and protein sources.

Let's enjoy the variety and pay attention to a balanced diet while we indulge in the morning. Because a good breakfast can really make the difference!

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