23 Anti Aging Foods You Should Eat Today

anti aging food carrots

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There are many anti-aging foods that will keep you fit and healthy. We have listed the best 23 for you, which you should put on your shopping list immediately.

It may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but researchers have found that some foods can slow down time. At least the time in which our body ages.

And the best part is that you can find the ingredients for it in some fruits and vegetables. Anti aging foods improve our metabolism and are an energy boost for our body.

We have discovered a study from Washington University School of Medicine. It states that Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) have an influence on the aging process. This study was conducted on mice and will now soon be tested on humans.

Improvements in metabolism were detected in older mice that drank water containing NMN.

NMN is found in fruits and vegetables. Avocado, broccoli, cabbage, edamame and cucumber are typical suppliers.

But of course, even this is not a magic potion for eternal youth. We cannot stop the aging of our bodies. But we can at least slow it down. In addition to anti-aging foods, sufficient sleep, little stress and a balanced lifestyle help.

Why does food help the skin stay young?

You naturally lay the foundation for a youthful appearance when you follow an anti-aging diet. A mindful meal plan will lead you to promote cell regeneration from within.

The anti-aging diet is based on just a few guidelines, and once you learn them, you can help keep your skin young every day.

It's quite normal that you don't look the same at 60 as you did at 20. As cells age, wrinkles appear among other things.

These factors promote premature aging:

  • Nicotine
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
  • Too much sun
  • Foods that promote inflammation, such as sausage, meat
  • Heavily processed foods
  • Unhealthy diet

Antioxidants for strong cells

If we are exposed to these influences, then we speak of oxidative stress for the cells. Antioxidants help in the fight against free radicals. They are found in many foods. Antioxidants include Vitamins such as C, E, carotene, zinc, sulfur and selenium.

If you consume enough of them, you can keep the free radicals and their cell-damaging effects in check.

Anti aging food against free radicals and oxidative stress

  • berries - especially dark berries like blackberries or elderberries
  • Green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, cucumber
  • Nuts and nut oil
  • Carrots and tomatoes
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic and onion

Omega 3 fatty acids for flexible cells

Omega-3 fatty acids not only prevent inflammation in cells. Many people are not aware that every cell has a fat membrane, which is the outer layer. Through the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, those who have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids from fish, walnuts or Flaxseed*, a more flexible cell membrane.

Protein (protein) provides healthy skin

Protein is no longer valued only by athletes. We all need protein every day, whether it comes from animal sources such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, or from plant sources such as legumes, nuts, seeds and oatmeal. They help maintain healthy skin, intact muscles and a youthful appearance by helping to repair minor cellular damage.

What foods keep you young?

Basically, all foods that are unprocessed keep you young. You should eat self-prepared food without preservatives, little sugar, a lot of water and a lot of vegetables if you want to build on the anti-aging power of food.

All foods that provide lots of vitamins and nutrients are a great way to stay fit and healthy.

The most important building blocks of your anti-aging diet are

  • good skin care from the outside
  • many vitamins and nutrients
  • Sufficient fluid intake every day

What foods make us look old?

All foods that are unhealthy make you look old and age faster. Studies have shown that this includes fast food and highly processed foods.

Avoid these foods if you want to look young:

  • Sugar and sweets
  • Fast Food
  • Ready meals
  • Alcohol
  • (too much) salt
  • Energy drinks
  • Too many carbohydrates
  • Coffee

These 23 anti aging foods will keep you young

If you regularly consume these foods and focus on a healthy anti-aging diet, you will quickly notice that your skin appearance improves.

Food is not a miracle cure that works in a day. They have both preventative and, more importantly, long-term benefits for your health and appearance.

The top 10 foods against premature aging:

  1. Green tea
  2. Flaxseed*
  3. Sweet potato
  4. Spinach
  5. Carrot
  6. Blueberries
  7. Nuts
  8. Berries
  9. Broccoli
  10. Apples

Now let's look at the foods that promote a youthful appearance. I'll also tell you why they do that and which active ingredients in them are particularly beneficial.

Green tea against inflammation

Especially in winter, tea is a great alternative to fruit juices and water. Let the tea steep a little longer - this releases the antioxidant catechins. It is not only anti-inflammatory, but is also said to prevent cancer.

Linseed for the skin

They contain proteins, fiber and omega 3 fats. All this is needed by our body to get rid of skin impurities. Already half a cup Flaxseed* is said to result in our skin being better supplied with H₂O. Skin irritation and redness no longer stand a chance.

Mix a handful Flaxseed* Simply add them to muesli, sprinkle them over a salad or add them to linseed bread.

Sweet potatoes against wrinkles

Anti aging food sweet potato

You should reach for the sweet potato in between. This anti-aging food is one of the healthiest in the world.

The miracle root contains glutathione. This is an amino acid complex that supports our nutritional metabolism and immune system. It is also full of vitamin C, which keeps our skin young and healthy.

If you eat half a sweet potato a day, you are already taking in 4 milligrams of vitamin C. Allegedly, this reduces the formation of wrinkles by 11 percent.

By the way, delicious things can be conjured up from sweet potatoes. Here you come to the contribution: "Make your own sweet potato fries and chips".

Spinach against arterial blockages

Even Popeye relied on spinach. And with good reason. Because the green leaves contain many minerals such as magnesium and potassium. The lutein contained protects against arterial blockages. Those who regularly eat spinach have strong bones, healthy skin and better blood circulation.

Carrots for clear skin

Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. It regulates the formation of our outer skin layer and prevents our pores from clogging. Carrot provides elasticity of the skin and promotes metabolism.

The carotenoid is also thought to reduce the risk of asthma, cancer and rheumatism.

Blueberries for an extra dose of vitamins

Anti aging food blueberries

The small dark blue fruits are full of fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C. Blueberry protects against all diseases - from cancer to heart disease. Because it contains so many antioxidants, it protects our body from free radicals.

By the way, wild blueberries contain up to 30 percent more antioxidants than cultivated ones.

Walnuts as an anti-inflammatory

Nuts are rich in protein, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, and also contain vitamin E, which promotes skin regeneration. Vitam E protects the skin from harmful UV rays and helps the skin retain moisture.

The walnut contains more omega 3 than salmon. The secondary plant compounds in the nut have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the walnut contains as much protein as chicken.

Pistachios store the enzyme Q10 and lecithin - both promote cell renewal.

Broccoli against cancer

Even if you don't like it much, broccoli contains everything our body needs. Calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. In addition, it also contains vitamins A, C and K. The secondary plant compound sulforaphane is even said to have a cancer-preventing effect.

Apples - the all-rounder

Anti aging food apple

A small, inconspicuous apple has much more to offer than you might give it credit for. The pigment quercetin relieves swelling and reduces the risk of allergies, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease, lung and prostate cancer.

If you reach for an apple, choose a red one. Here are particularly many antioxidants in it. Green apples, on the other hand, are a rather poor anti-aging food.

Almonds for our brain

A small all-rounder among the anti-aging foods is the almond. The small nuts keep our brain fit and ensure that our memory improves. In addition, almonds protect our skin from strong UV radiation. Already 20 almonds per day bring 14 milligrams of vitamin E.

The nuts, thanks to unsaturated fatty acids, lower cholesterol, which prevents heart disease. The protein in the almonds makes the muscles grow.

Wild salmon for our nerves

Did you know that 35 percent of our brain is made up of omega 3 fatty acids? The best source for this is fish. The fatty acids keep our nervous system intact. By the way, when you buy salmon, you should go for wild salmon. The ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is better than in farmed fish.

Tomatoes for natural sun protection

Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene. It reduces the risk of bladder, prostate, lung, skin and stomach cancer. In addition, our body is better supplied with blood after we have eaten tomatoes.

Lycopene is a carotenoid that protects the skin from sunburn by forming a protective, skin-derived UV filter on the surface of the skin.

The darker the tomato, the more lycopene it contains. By the way, if you strain the vegetable, your body can absorb the antioxidant better.

Rosemary against strokes

The Mediterranean spice protects our heart and brain. A study with mice has shown that the risk of suffering a stroke can be reduced by up to 40 percent. This is due to carnosolic acid, which wraps around our brain cells like a protective layer. Rosemary is also associated with protection against Alzheimer's disease.

Tuna tightens the skin

A tuna salad is not only a treat for our stomach. Our skin also benefits from it. The selenium in fish ensures that our skin becomes firm and soft.

By the way, tuna also contains niacin. It lowers our cholesterol level and boosts fat metabolism.

Dark chocolate for blood circulation

Anti aging food dark chocolate

Yes, you heard right: Chocolate is also one of the anti-aging foods :) Chocolate contains flavonoids - they promote our blood circulation. This allows us to concentrate better. It is important that you choose dark chocolate. Milk chocolate does not have this effect.

By the way, dark chocolate also contains the tannin. It gives it its bitter taste, lowers blood pressure and makes the arteries more flexible.

Avocado for a natural glow

It is no coincidence that there is so much hype surrounding the avocado. The healthy fat supplier provides a large amount of monounsaturated fats. They lower the bad LDL cholesterol value. In the butter fruit you can also find folic acid, which is good for our blood circulation.

All this provides a fresh glow and makes the skin radiant. Due to micronutrients such as vitamin E, which slows the aging process, and vitamin A, which promotes cell regeneration, the fruit is considered a real insider tip for beautiful skin.

Dairy products for the bones

Milk, cheese, yogurt and co. are full of calcium. Our body needs calcium for bone density. So if you regularly reach for quark, yogurt and other dairy products, it strengthens your bone substance. This makes dairy products a particularly good anti-aging food.

Ginger warms from the inside

Especially in winter, ginger is a good spice. The tuber warms us from the inside - this is due to gingerol, an essential oil that is supposed to suppress colon cancer.

Dried plums

Not everyone's cup of tea, but in between you should put them on the menu. In the plums are boron and copper. They protect our body from osteoporosis.

You will also find the dietary fiber inulin in it. When it breaks down in the stomach, it increases the acidity - making it easier to absorb calcium.

Whole grain for a strong heart

In whole grains you will find a large load of dietary fiber. They strengthen our heart, our intestines and are even said to make us smart.

People who eat whole grains are fuller for longer. This is because our body processes whole grains more slowly.

Kiwis for our heart

In the small green fruit you will find a lot of potassium and vitamin C. The food coloring lutein protects our heart. By the way, with kiwi you can also make delicious cake.

Pineapple against inflammation

The exotic fruit acts its many vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes such as bromelin anti-inflammatory. Pineapple is also said to help against colon cancer, eye diseases and arthritis as an anti-aging food.

Chili for metabolism

Anti Aging Food Chili

Hot feelings of happiness come with chili peppers. They thin the blood and boost the metabolism. The beta-carotene protects against infections and inflammations. But to be on the safe side, enjoy with caution: If you're too spicy, you're not doing your body any good.

The 5 most important building blocks of anti-aging nutrition

1: Keep weight in balance

Several factors contribute to the long lives of people in these places, whether they live in Okinawa, Japan, Loma Linda, California, or Sardinia. Research has shown that none of these incredibly old people are overweight.

These people there have excellent eating habits. There is no gluttony; people finish their meal before they feel completely full, or have a once-a-week lie-in: During calorie-free periods, the body releases certain enzymes (sirtuins) that are believed to be natural fountains of youth.

2: Use only fresh ingredients

Looking back often helps us understand our past. Today's "clean eating" diet is a reflection of our grandparents' diet.

You should eat natural and unprocessed foods like fruits and vegetables, but also meat, fish and dairy products. So if you prepare meals with fresh ingredients every day, you are on the right track. Artificial colors, flavors and preservatives should be avoided.

3: Healthy fats

Vegetable oils and fish fats are very healthy for us in moderation. Polyunsaturated fatty acids help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Flaxseed*-Olive, rapeseed and walnut oil are good sources. Salmon and tuna should be eaten daily. Avocados, nuts and seeds are very popular with vegetarians.

4: Little sugar and salt

Every child knows that sugar and salt are anything but anti-aging foods.

Sugar causes blood glucose levels to rise quickly and then drop again quickly. The result is an insatiable hunger for sweets. Sugar also lacks vital nutrients and vitamins.

Salt is also a risk, because more than 6 grams of salt per day can increase blood pressure. Pay attention: Not only convenience foods contain a lot of salt, but also bread, sausage and cheese.

5: Enjoy anti aging food

Free radicals can quickly make our bodies look old. Secondary plant compounds, such as polyphenols, are the best way to keep free radicals under control.

Our conclusion

You can not stop the time. But with one or the other anti-aging food you can counteract at least to some extent. A balanced and varied diet is the key to success. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet every day.

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