15 reasons why you should drink more water

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Have you ever wondered if it's possible to drink too much water or if 3 liters of water a day is enough?

In this post I will provide you with important info about drinking water.

I'll also show you the reasons why and how much water you should drink.

First, let me tell you a few curious truths about water that you may not have known.

Drink more

5 facts about water that you probably didn't know yet

1. pesticides in water

In 2014, 20 % of mineral water bottles sold in Germany were contaminated with pesticides.

This is also the most common reason why the water is rated "poor" or "insufficient" in the tests.

2. tap water is healthy

Water from the tap often does not taste as good as bottled water due to lime. But what many people do not know is that the water from the tap has a better quality.

In Germany, there is no foodstuff that is better controlled than our tap water.

3. water does not necessarily have to be clean

Another curious fact is that water does not necessarily have to be "clean".

In 2013, a court in Baden-Württemberg ruled that the legal requirement of "original purity" from drinking water does not mean the "absolute absence" of pollutants.

In this court decision, it is virtually accepted that the above-mentioned pesticides and other substances that burden our health are allowed to enter the drinking water.

4. drinking water quality in Germany

Germany has such good quality drinking water and buying bottled water is often not even worth it.

Why? In many cases, tap water is less contaminated with germs and also contains more minerals. Another argument for drinking tap water is that it is naturally cheaper. For an average priced bottle of water, you get about 210 liters of drinking water.

If you still like sparkling water, then you should get a Buy Soda Stream*. You can order it from Amazon. The bubbles make the water taste fresher and you automatically drink more.

In addition, you save the environment and do not produce so much plastic waste.

5. quality of purchased water

Another fact is that the water bought in supermarkets in Germany is of only limited quality, according to studies. The magazine Ökotest took a closer look at 75 types of water and found out that every third bottle of water sold in Germany is not good.

Why water is an important component of our body

As we all know, drinking is vital for us humans; for example, it is one of the very first things infants learn to do.

Humans consist of between 60 and 70 % of water, and in our brains the water content is even higher.

In order for our body to be efficient and function optimally, it should always be supplied with sufficient water.

You can go without food for a long time, but not without liquid.

Therefore, thirst is a warning signal of the body

If we lose even about 1.5% of the water that we have in the body, it is called mild dehydration. As a consequence, the feeling of thirst also arises.

The lack of fluid in the body is manifested in many sufferers by, for example, feeling unwell.

A lack of water can be recognized by various symptoms in the body. I will list some of them now.

Why you need to drink more


As mentioned above, thirst is an alarming sign that the body urgently needs hydration.

To prevent this from happening to you, make sure that you drink enough throughout the day and that the feeling of thirst doesn't arise at all.

Yes, I know. That's easy to say, but not easy to implement. After all, tap water tastes pretty boring.

With a little taste it is already much easier. Cut fruits, vegetables and herbs into small pieces and let them steep in water. This way you have the chance to discover new tastes every day. By the way, ginger also tastes very delicious and is very healthy at the same time!


If you are suddenly plagued by headaches, you should first drink fluids (preferably water) before resorting to painkillers, for example.Often this measure improves the headache.

Skin and lips

However, a lack of hydration can also have an impact on the skin and lips, because external circumstances are not always to blame for chapped lips.
First, of course, the organs are supplied with fluid and only then the skin.


Who does not know it? Long days at the office and concentration wanes. Often the lack of concentration is also due to insufficient fluid intake.

My tip to you: regularly reach for the water glass to prevent fluid loss.

What happens during dehydration?

Medically, there is a so-called thirst disease. What is it now?

This thirst disease is called when the degree of dehydration is advanced. As a result, the body has difficulty separating from toxins.

Simply put, a lack of water hinders your body from excreting toxins.

Do you also know how much liquid you should consume in a day?

As a guideline, it is stated that men should consume 3 liters of fluid per day. For women, the guideline is that they should consume a little over two liters of fluid a day to prevent dehydration.

The fluid requirement is of course individual, since many factors can influence the requirement, for example the climate or also the health of the person.
Those who exercise or consume caffeine should, of course, also drink more fluids.

Can you lose weight with water ?

You've probably read in many diet programs that you can lose weight with water.

Well scientifically it is actually hardly proven that you can lose weight with water.

A team of researchers now tried to shed light on the matter, these came across the three studies that they could use for their investigation.

The studies found aimed to analyze the effect of water in diets. It can be said that those who wanted to lose weight drank on average half a liter more water than their diet plan prescribed.

The conclusion the researchers give in their review is that there is a positive effect in people who are losing weight and have an increased water consumption.

However, the researchers do not want to generalize the statement "drinking water makes you slim."

However, it is considered safe to say that drinking water instead of sodas and the like naturally saves calories:)

Is it possible to drink too much water ?

Like all of us, you've probably wondered if it's possible to drink too much water. A study by researchers at Harvard Medical School concluded that you can drink too much water.

According to this study, one to one and a half liters of water is quite enough under normal living conditions.
If you consume too much fluid in a short period of time, you may end up with kidney damage.

A real danger exists when extreme amounts are drunk in a short period of time, this danger exists especially with competitive athletes.

Is tap water better than mineral water?

In 2012, Stiftung Warentest conducted a study to find out whether tap water or bottled water should be preferred.

29 testers examined various still mineral waters, according to this study, there is something to be said for the use of tap water.

Why? There were deficiencies in the labeling, slight flaws in the taste or similar. Small weak points were actually found almost everywhere. The testers were able to detect germs in every third water.

Stiftung Warentest concluded that tap water is an alternative to water because tap water is also much more strictly controlled with regard to the limits of uranium and pesticides.
As mentioned above, tap water is also a lot cheaper.

Reasons to drink more water


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