10 nutrition myths you can no longer believe

Natural appetite suppressants: fish with omega 3 fatty acid

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When it comes to nutrition, everyone has their own opinion. We have uncovered the 10 biggest nutrition myths for you.

On hardly any subject are there as many theories, ideas and opinions as on nutrition. Everyone considers his way the best and many others doubtful. And everyone can add enough studies that have found this or that to be good at some point.

We eat low carb, vegetarian or vegan. Maybe also simply Clean or Paleo. Without sugar, without wheat and anyway without lactose. One is bloating, the other is immoral. Who is supposed to see through that?

With so much complexity, it is of course not surprising that nutrition myths creep in from time to time. We shed some light on this for you and clear up the most common "fake news" about food. ;)

10 nutrition myths you can no longer believe

Superfoods. Smoothies Bowls. Juice Cures. They're chic, trendy and considered super healthy. They're supposed to detoxify, cleanse and bring eternal youth. What nonsense have you already fallen for?

1. not all carbohydrates are evil

Low carb diets make only limited sense. Because carbohydrates are not bad for our body per se. Just avoid simple carbohydrates such as white bread or wheat pasta. There are hardly any nutrients in them.

Nutrition myths

But the situation is different with complex carbohydrates. Whole-grain products such as whole-grain bread or pasta are rich in nutrients and fiber. And therefore also quite healthy. Bread recipes, by the way, can be really delicious. And you can Bread also bake yourself :)

2. activated carbon as a superfood

Activated carbon* not only helps to whiten teeth. The carbon also ensures that toxins are removed from the body. This not only applies to bacteria associated with gastrointestinal diseases.

Alcohol and toxins are also bound and flushed out of the body. The problem: The carbon also conducts important nutrients out of the body. This can limit the effect of medications, such as painkillers.

So: Better not exaggerate with Activated carbon*!

PS: You can use the black powder also quite prima for homemade face masks use!

3. sweetener instead of sugar

That refined sugar not healthy is no longer a secret. Many people therefore turn to alternatives to sweeten their food or coffee. But in fact, many sweeteners are no better than conventional industrial sugar.

what are the nutrition myths

This is because the alternatives often conceal highly processed chemical pellets. The body reacts to them with headaches or digestive problems. Instead, reach for Agave syrup*, maple syrup or honey.

4. food cravings due to nutrient deficiency.

Cravings are often attributed to the lack of nutrients. That's why the irrepressible craving comes over us especially often during a diet. However, experts believe that this is nonsense.

Often, there is nothing behind a ravenous appetite other than thirst. So instead of reaching for a bar of chocolate, drink water instead. Find out here whether you're drinking enough:  10 warning signs that you're chronically dehydrated and have to drink more.

5. fats make you fat

Again, it always depends. The body needs fats to break down and process vitamins and nutrients. You can get a good grip on unsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts or avocados.

Nutrition myths

Saturated fatty acids on the other hand, are unhealthy for the body. They slow down the metabolism and can cause inflammation in the body. Especially in meat and dairy products are rich in these fatty acids.

6. eating late is bad

Every bite after 6pm lands directly on your hips? That's total nonsense! If you go to bed hungry in the evening, you even tend to eat more the next day to compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Instead of practicing abstinence in the evening, simply pay attention to the quality of your dinner. One light soup is not heavy on the stomach. But it is healthy and provides you with nutrients. By the way, there are many good reasons daily soup to eat :)

7. prefer fresh fruits and vegetables

No. Frozen fruits and vegetables are quick-frozen after harvesting. For this reason, they are usually rich in nutrients and healthy vitamins. Sometimes even more than the fruits and vegetables in the display.

Nutrition myths fresh fruit

Especially fruits and vegetables that you do not buy in season or locally often have a long transport route behind them. Due to oxygen and light, the important nutrients are often lost before they reach the supermarket.

8. juice cures detoxify the body

A new trend in the nutritional trend sky are juice cures. However, these not only flush superfluous and unwanted nutrients out of the body. They also remove valuable nutrients and calories.

That is one reason why we lose weight so quickly with juice cures. However, this is not really healthy. It's better to eat a balanced, healthy diet and drink enough water. This is much healthier, cheaper and more effective!

9. drink eight glasses of water daily

Of course, one thing is absolutely indisputable: drinking is really important. You should provide your body with at least 2 liters of liquid. But you don't just have to take in pure water.

Nutrition myths drink a lot

Of course, you can also reach for unsweetened teas or even coffee. The latter, by the way, is healthier than you think. Don't you think so? Then take a look here: Wake-up call vs. health killer: Is too much coffee unhealthy?

10. rather eat 5 small meals

3 large portions? 5 smaller meals? Or 7 snacks a day? All nonsense! Because every body and every metabolism is different and also needs a different rhythm.

The best thing you can do: Eat regularly and always stick to similar portion sizes. That way, you'll get a good rhythm in your nutrient intake. Your belly will thank you. :)

Our conclusion:

Nutrition myths often persist and are often spread with dangerous half-knowledge. But a look behind the facade is enough to expose them. Anyone who wants to eat healthily should simply pay attention to a balanced diet. Drink plenty of fluids and be aware of your body's needs from time to time. :)

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