What to do about oily hair? Home remedies in test

What to do about oily hair

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Hardly washed and already the mane is greasy again? Washing every day is not the solution. What to do against greasy hair? We have tested home remedies against greasy roots.

Very quickly greasy hair is really annoying. Especially with long hair, daily washing can cost a lot of time. Time that we can gladly spend in other ways.

Do you know this too? Freshly showered and beautifully blow-dried you leave the apartment in the morning.

Already in the lunch break the hair is stringy and looks unkempt. The dream hairstyle turned into a disaster within a few hours. You feel terribly uncomfortable and would love to walk around with a cap on all day.

And this despite the fact that you spend much more time on hair care than others.

A really annoying vicious circle. Who knows this, surely asks the question: What to do against greasy hair?

Why does hair become greasy?

Our sebaceous glands are to blame for the misery. They are located in the scalp and at the hair roots. When they run at full speed on the scalp, we get greasy hair. The sebum then travels from the scalp through the hairline. And finally ends up in the entire hair.

They become stringy. The hair shines greasy and looks very unkempt.

Normally, sebum ensures that our hair is protected, feels supple and does not dry out. However, sometimes the sebaceous glands mean too well.

Sebum provides an acidic environment on the skin. The acid mantle protects us from germs, bacteria and viruses. So our body wants to protect us with sebum.

Unfortunately, the fat of the scalp does not stay here. It spreads through the roots to the hair.

One reason for very oily hair can be the dear disposition. Also hormonal changes, the menstrual cycle and unhealthy diet favor greasy hair.

But alcohol, stress or constantly wearing caps can also make hair greasy quickly.

What are causes of oily hair?

Just showered and hair nicely blow-dried, but after a short time they look stringy and unkempt.

The cause of oily hair is usually the sebaceous glands, which are located in the scalp and at the hair roots.

If they work too hard, the sebum gets past the hairline and then spreads all over the hair.

But other factors can also lead to oily hair. A predisposition plays a role here.

Hormonal changes such as puberty or the menstrual cycle can also lead to increased sebum production.

An unhealthy diet high in sugar and fast food can also promote oily hair.

But external influences such as stress, alcohol or the constant wearing of caps can also cause the hair to become greasy more quickly.

It is important to find out the cause of oily hair in order to have beautiful and healthy hair in the long term.

When caring for the hair should pay attention to natural ingredients. Many shampoos contain artificial fragrances, dyes and softeners that can harm the hair in the long term.

Natural care products, such as natural cosmetics, are a good alternative here and can care for the hair gently and without plastic.

Sebum overproduction

Sebaceous glands normally produce a certain amount of sebum to protect and nourish our hair and skin.

However, if too much sebum is produced, this can lead to greasy hair. Sebum production can be influenced by various factors, such as predisposition, hormonal changes, diet and external influences such as stress.

But what exactly is sebum? Sebum is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the scalp.

Sebum is important for the moisture balance of the scalp and protects the hair from drying out.

But when too much sebum is produced, it can cause grease to build up on the scalp and hair, quickly making hair look greasy and stringy.

There are several ways to reduce an overproduction of sebum. A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help regulate sebum production.

Regular hair care with natural products can also help keep hair healthy and clean.

Hormonal influences

Hormonal influences on our hair can sometimes be really annoying. Especially during puberty, pregnancy or the menstrual cycle, sebum production can be increased and lead to greasy hair.

During puberty, the sebaceous glands produce more hormones, which can lead to an overproduction of sebum. The result?

Oily hair and blemished skin. A similar hormonal change can also occur during pregnancy, which means that women often struggle with oily hair during this time.

During the cycle, sebum production can also be affected.

During menstruation, the body produces more estrogen and progesterone, which can lead to a change in sebum production.

The result? Greasy hair and impure skin during menstruation.

But do not worry! There are a few tips to counteract greasy hair due to hormonal influences.

A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help regulate sebum production.

Regular hair care with natural products can also help keep hair healthy and clean.

Wrong hair care

Wrong hair care can really ruin everything.

If you feel that your hair gets greasy quickly, looks dull or even falls out, it could be because you are not taking proper care of your hair.

A common cause of improper hair care is using products that are not suitable for your hair type.

For example, if you have very fine hair, you shouldn't use heavy conditioners that weigh your hair down and make it look greasy.

Conversely, if you have very thick and frizzy hair, you may need a stronger shampoo to remove the oil and dirt from your hair.

Another hair care mistake is over-washing or under-rinsing. When you wash your hair too often, you remove the natural oil that protects your hair and keeps it naturally moisturized.

If you don't wash your hair often enough, oil and dirt can build up on your scalp, leading to greasy hair and dandruff.

The temperature of the water you use to wash your hair can also play a role.

Water that is too hot can dry out and damage hair, while water that is too cold does not remove enough dirt and oil.

Lastly, always make sure you are putting enough moisture in your hair. If you style or heat treat your hair too often, it can dry out and break.

Therefore, always use a moisturizer or moisturizing spray to ensure that your hair stays healthy and hydrated.

What to do about oily hair?

There are many shampoos that are supposed to help against greasy dandruff. However, this often brings relief from the problem only a few days.

By the way, many shampoos are deliberately made so that our hair grease quickly. So we have to use the hair shampoos more often, which brings the companies more products sold.

So more shampoos are not the answer to the question: what to do about oily hair? Home remedies against greasy hair must come!

Finding out the cause of oily hair will save you a lot of time and trouble in the future. Maybe you eat the wrong food or make mistakes in the care of your hair.

If you want to have beautiful and supple hair in the long term, you should only allow natural ingredients to your hair.

Fragrances, artificial colors, parabens and other softeners will harm your mane in the long run. The hair becomes shaggy and straw-like in the tips and the roots begin to grease much faster.

Important for quickly oily hair: healthy diet!

Those who tend to have oily hair and skin must pay particularly close attention to their diet. Stay away from sweets, soft drinks and fast food.

Tip: Eat a diet rich in bases and low in fat. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and fiber. Drink enough.

A few examples: Lettuce, cabbage, potatoes, bananas, figs, raisins, carrots.

Often just changing your diet is enough to put an end to oily hair.

Tips for the care of stringy hair

If you often have a greasy roots, you probably do a lot wrong when washing your hair. What to do about oily hair?

Too hot water, the wrong brush, combing too often, wearing caps or the wrong hair care products, if you want to know what all you're doing wrong, you've come to the right place: "If you do this, you'll get greasy hair"

Finally what to do about oily hair: The best home remedies in comparison

Fortunately, there are many home remedies that fight the fat approach. :)

Lemon juice against oily hair

Lemon juice regulates the production of sebum. The hair is freed from excess fat and after the treatment is again light and shiny - but this time without fat :)

It is important that you use fresh lemons against oily hair. So do not buy ready juice.

Here's how:

  • Squeezes a lemon
  • Mixes the juice with a little water
  • Washes hair with normal shampoo and lukewarm water
  • After rinsing you apply the acid mixture
  • Leave the lemon hair treatment on for 5 minutes
  • Rinse the hair with lukewarm water
  • Let the hair dry in the air

Vinegar against a greasy approach

Vinegar also fights greasy hair. It's best to use apple cider vinegar. The disadvantage: You must not have a fine nose. The advantage: The home remedy against greasy hair works after the first application.

Here's how:

  • For medium length hair, mix 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with twice the amount of water.
  • Wash the hair with shampoo and cool water
  • Massage the vinegar hair treatment
  • Leave to act for 5 minutes
  • Wash out well and with cool water
  • Let the hair dry in the air

Here you will learn everything about the various home remedies and their effects

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Grape seed oil and olive oil for a greasy approach

Oil against the greasy mane? What may sound a little strange at first, works great.

Here's how:

  • Massages a few teaspoons of olive oil or Grape seed oil* into the scalp
  • Spread firmly with fingers
  • Then wash your hair as usual

Tip: You can order the grape seed oil at Amazon.

Oil massage stimulates the scalp, which has a positive effect on the production of sebum.

Black tea against stringy hair

Black tea not only perks up tired spirits, but also cleans oily scalp.

Namely, the black tea contains tannins. They shrink our pores and thereby reduce the production of sebum.

Here's how:

  • Before washing, prepare a mug of black tea. Let it cool
  • Rinse hair with the tea and wait 5 minutes
  • Subsequently, the mane is treated with a Anti-grease shampoo you can order from Amazon, washed
  • After rinsing, leave the hair to air dry

You simply do this every time before washing your hair. This way you can balance the sebum production of the scalp.

But beware: if you have very light hair or blond, better not do it. The black tea makes blond hair dark. Blondes can alternatively resort to chamomile tea. It soothes the scalp and calms it.

Chamomile tea against oily hair strands

The tea of chamomile flower soothes stressed scalp. And this is our skin when the sebaceous glands are working at full speed. The extract of the small medicinal plant soothes our sebaceous glands.

Here's how:

  • Pours a pot of chamomile tea
  • Leave the tea bag in the water while it cools down
  • When the chamomile tea has skin temperature, rinse the hair with it
  • Leave to act for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse hair with lukewarm water

Tip: Chamomile tea can be ordered at Amazon. 

With aloe vera against oily scalp

If you suffer from greasy hair, you can use fresh Aloe vera gel* use. Homemade works best. Order one first Aloe Vera Plant at Amazon.

Here's how:

  • Mix a few teaspoons of the aloe vera gel with mild hair shampoo and a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • Wash your hair with the aloe vera mix and with lukewarm water
  • Rinse well and allow to air dry

Baking soda against oily hair

If you are in a particular hurry and need a quick solution for the greasy strands, reach for Baking powder*.

The home remedy for oily hair should not be missing in any wardrobe. The Baking powder* absorbs the sebum.

Here's how:

  • Take something Baking powder* into the hands
  • Spreads it on the scalp
  • Brushes the hair well
  • Ready!

Not suitable for very sensitive scalp!

Egg yolk helps with oily hair

Eggs are a remedy that even our grandmothers used against greasy hair. From it you make yourself a hair mask. The eggs contain many nourishing substances and are therefore well suited for all hair types.

On oily hair, a mask with egg yolk has a regulating effect.

Here's how:

  • For short hair, stir one egg yolk with a fork until smooth
  • Apply the egg yolk to damp hair
  • Put on the bath cap and leave to infuse for 10 minutes
  • Rinse with lukewarm water
  • Wash the hair with mild shampoo

Attention: Rinse well and wash the hair long, so that no yolk remains in the strands.

Massage oat bran into the hair

Oat bran also removes excess fat from our scalp. The massage at the same time makes the hair more voluminous.

Here's how:

  • Brush the dry hairline with 8 tablespoons of oat bran
  • Massages the little one into the hair
  • The oats soak up the fat
  • Comb out, shake your head and you're done

Aids for greasy approach: baby powder and corn flour

As an alternative to Baking powder* you can also  Cornmeal or Order baby powder at Amazon.

Our favorite is corn flour. It does not irritate the scalp and can also be used for baking :)

Here's how:

  • Take a little cornmeal in your hands
  • Massages it into the scalp
  • Brush the hair thoroughly and your quick help against greasy hair is ready

Hairstyles for oily hairline

If you don't have any home remedies at home, make a strict ponytail or chignon. This holds with greasy strands anyway much better than with freshly washed hair. Stylish it looks too :)

Our conclusion

What to do about oily hair? Home remedies! They have no side effects and help to bring the scalp back into balance.

There are a number of home remedies for oily hair. Try what works best for you!

My favorite when things have to go fast: Cornmeal. When I have more time: the cure with lemon juice!

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