What to do against bad mood? These are the 17 best tips

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What to do against a bad mood? We have collected the best 17 good mood tips and some ideas for immediate help with lousy moods that are guaranteed to help!

Bad moods are actually much more complex than they sound. There are those days that are just awful. For no reason. And there are bad conversations, bad news or painful memories.

We are mad, we are angry. Or sad and melancholic. Maybe we also feel desperate or anxious. We are stressed or under pressure. Negative emotions have many faces.

As varied as these feelings are, so are the things we can do when we're in a bad mood and feeling down.

Whether you're disappointed or annoyed: we've put together 17 tips for a good mood. You're sure to find the right one here :)

Tips against bad mood

What to do against bad mood? The 17 best tips!

Before we start with the tips against bad mood, we would like to get rid of the following:

Being in a bad mood once in a while is perfectly okay. After all, we were equipped for the whole range of emotions for a reason. And sometimes it is quite nice to be melancholic or angry. ;)

So notice the feelings and just let them be there before you immediately throw yourself into distraction. Suppressing feelings always makes it worse in the long run to get out of such lows.

So, just embrace your mood. Let it be there. Give it some love. And then roll out of bed or swing off the couch. Because life is better than ice cream and Bridget Jones movies (at least most of the time ;).

1. get out into the fresh air when you are in a bad mood

You feel like you're about to burst? You're so angry you're buzzing around the room like a broken balloon? Grab the key and leave before you say something you regret. Just leave.

No matter if slow or fast. Whether around the block or through the whole city. You will notice: fresh air cools down the mind. You come down. Relax through the movement. Afterwards you will be clearer in your head. And finally you return calmly without a bad mood.

2. turn off the digital world

Sometimes everything just gets on top of us. Bad news in the media. Your mother calls all the time. And then you're supposed to help your girlfriend out of a jam.

Just turn off your cell phone, laptop and TV. Don't be available for anyone. And distance yourself from these countless digital influences. It's like a vacation for your brain. And finally lets us relax! That's a good way to fight bad moods.

3. self-reflection in a bad mood

Sometimes it's a little difficult in the heat of the moment. But let's be honest - what's the point of getting upset right now? Does it change anything about your situation? Does it help improve anything? Or are you just stuck in frustration right now?

My favorite tip for a grouchy mood: Try to take 3 deep breaths. And then ask yourself the question: "What does it help me or the world to get upset about this? To 90%, the answer is probably: N I C H T S. So, let off steam. And then sunshine will come again very quickly.

4. pull up the corners of the mouth for a good mood

This is the ultimate last-minute tip. If nothing else works, you can actually trick your brain a bit. The easiest thing to do is to laugh. It doesn't matter if it sounds totally horrible. Just laugh!

What to do against bad mood? Smiling helps against a bad mood

Doesn't work? Then try smiling. Or more specifically: pull the corners of your mouth up. Our brain releases happiness hormones after about 60 seconds because it doesn't distinguish whether we're really grinning or faking it. Cool, isn't it?

5. what to do against bad mood? Breathe!

Sounds mega trivial, doesn't it? In fact, we often just breathe shallowly. When we are scared, sad or stressed, our breaths become even shorter. But all the body needs to function is oxygen and water.

So find a place where you are undisturbed. Sit down and close your eyes. And then breathe deeply in and out. Be sure to breathe into your belly. Of course, this is not biologically possible. But the idea helps to take deeper breaths.

6. don't take yourself so seriously in a bad mood

What to do against a bad mood? Take yourself for a ride! Because we often tend to take ourselves too seriously. The colleague just doesn't work on the project so that YOU get stressed.

And honestly, that Friday the train breaks down - that must happen to you again (and several 100 other people;). Take your grim look with you in front of the mirror and then see how silly you look with it. Bet you'd rather pull up the corners of your mouth? :D

7. feel alive in a bad mood

Sounds a bit strange, but helps wonderfully: Feel yourself. Feel yourself alive. It is best to go outside barefoot. Feel cold or warmth. Feel the grass between your toes. Or the sand. Hear the rustling of leaves.

Breathing helps against bad mood

Feel the wind on your skin. Let the sun shine on you or rain drip on you. And just perceive. You are not the folded body on the couch, but you are alive. With all your senses - even with your bad mood.

8. let the muscles loose when you are in a bad mood

Especially when we are stressed, annoyed or angry, we tend to tense our muscles and tense our body. We clench our jaws and pull our shoulders up.

This not only makes your head and neck ache, but cramps your whole torso. Loosen up. Progressive muscle relaxation can help, as can a long bath. And always remember: Breathe!

9. ask yourself the one question

It helps with almost all bad moods. Ask yourself how relevant the situation will be in a week, a month, or a year. Is it really worth getting angry about it. Or will you still be heartbroken about it next year?

We waste so much time and energy on meaningless things. At the moment it seems to us the greatest drama. That's why we cry and are angry with the world. And most of the time, just a few days later, everything looks completely different again.

10. treat yourself with a lot of negative feelings

And we're not talking about a classic frustration purchase. Unfortunately, this doesn't have the effect we'd hoped for. Our brain's reward center is activated for a short time. But unfortunately, this is not a permanent solution to the question: What helps against a bad mood?

Bad mood or lousy mood? Off into nature

Instead of buying something, treat yourself to an experience. Try out the new spa. Go to that super exclusive restaurant. Take a spontaneous day trip to the sea or the mountains. You'll see, it works wonders.

11. take a shower: Immediate help for a bad mood

This goes especially to all those who are curled up on the couch and already take the form of a moped (half man, half sofa). Do not sink into self-pity! The first step to freshen up is to take a shower.

Because after a shower we often feel revitalized and fresher. This gives us energy to start the day or finally finish that important seminar paper or stupid project. By the way, with the right music you can lift your mood twice.

What to do against a bad mood? Singing and dancing!

Whether in the shower or in the car: Turn up your favorite songs loud and sing along. No matter how crooked or how sure of the lyrics. No matter how loud you are. Because singing is so liberating and helps turn bad emotions into great energy.

If you want to go one better and you're not driving, just dance to it a bit. With a brush in your hand. Or simply with a wooden spoon instead of a microphone. There's a bit of Beyonce in everyone ;)

13. relying on the right people helps against a bad mood

Having friends around is always great when you're in a slump. But choose wisely here, too. Because the friend who blasphemes together with you and then also deposits her everyday rubbish with you is certainly not the greatest help right now.

What to do against bad mood? Meet friends and eat together

Meet with people who have uplifting words and positive vibes for you. The friends who know when just enough whining has been done and then enjoy the time with these precious people.

14. with relaxation against anxiety and nervousness

Next to sadness and despair, these emotions are the worst. Because they give you the feeling of being helpless. That's why it's especially hard to crawl out of these lows again.

If you are feeling insecure, anxious or sad, give yourself a little time out. Lie down in the bathtub. With foam up to your ears. Turn on some relaxing music or read a nice novel. This helps to get better thoughts.

15. reminisce in a bad mood

What to do against a bad mood? How about a trip to the sea? Or your first trip with the girls? Everyone has collected pictures of wonderful memories.

Dig out old vacation pictures or sweet letters from the past. And reminisce. Take yourself back to those wonderful times. Instead of melancholy, gratitude is also a super appropriate feeling at this point. :)

16. sport works wonders

It is well known that exercise triggers happiness hormones. Therefore, there is no reason to continue to punish the running shoes with ignorance. When running, by the way, you can also ventilate your head much better. :)

What to do against bad mood? Sport helps against grouchy mood

If you want to relieve frustration, it's better to go to the gym. If you're feeling sad and unbalanced at the moment, it's best to do yoga. And for those who just feel totally exhausted, a walk will do. The main thing is exercise!

17. sleep is the best medicine against bad moods

Grandma already knew that. And grandma is always right! Sleeping helps not only when we are sick. But also when we feel bad. Sad or exhausted. And you don't have to wait until the night. If you feel like it, just lie down.

No matter if 30 minutes or 2 hours. The body always takes the time it needs. It can process things and regenerate during this time. And when we wake up, the world usually looks much better. Even grandma knew that. :)

Our conclusion

Everyone is in a bad mood and feels bad. The important thing is to put the low behind you and get up again.

So what to do about a bad mood? Our 17 tips help to lift your mood quickly and easily in all moods. So you'll be back in the game in no time and can really get going. :)

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