Build up vaginal flora in 7 simple steps

Build vaginal flora

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Do you want to build up and strengthen your vaginal flora to be armed against fungi? Then you are in the right place! We tell you what really matters!

Hand on heart - pretty much every one of us has had vaginal fungus. But talk about it? No, better not. But why actually? There's really nothing to it!

Let's put an end to this taboo.

Because if you want to build up your vaginal flora, the first thing you should know is that almost every woman has struggled with it at some point.

Once the infection has finally cleared up, you should strengthen your vaginal flora so that you don't catch the next fungus right away.

Build vaginal flora

What makes a healthy vaginal flora

Before I tell you how you can strengthen yourself down there, you should first know what the vaginal flora is. Because only if you understand this, the other tips will seem logical to you.

The vaginal flora is the sum of all the bacteria that are in your vagina. These bacteria are also called the microbiome. Most of us will go wide-eyed when we hear the word bacteria and immediately think of diseases of all kinds.

But do not worry, these bacteria are friendly helpers. They are very important for a healthy vagina.

The microbiome of the vagina consists mainly of Lactobacillus bacteria. They protect our immune system from all kinds of infections and invaders that cause fungi and germs.

By the way, every woman has 2 billion lactobacilli per cubic millimeter of the vagina! In addition, you will also find a few bacteria of the intestinal flora and skin in the vagina.

What the bacteria do in the vagina

Well, but what are the lactobacilli good for anyway? Together with the female sex hormone estrogen, they produce lactic acid. This acid is important so that the vaginal environment has an acidic pH.

The optimal pH of the vagina is between 3.8 and 4.4. A bit confusing, but neutral pH starts at 7.

Our skin has a pH of 5.5, so soaps and shower gels made for the body and face never have anything to lose in the intimate area! Their pH is too high, which can upset the delicate environment of the vagina.

It is enormously important that the vaginal environment remains acidic. Because only then can the vagina fight germs and fungi before they can even appear. Highly complex chemical processes take place inside the vagina.

If your vagina is healthy, it's because the lactobacillus fights like an army against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

How to build your vaginal flora

Do you often suffer from fungi and infections? Then an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina is most likely the cause. The result: an itchy vaginal fungus or bacterial vaginosis.

Sometimes a urinary tract infection or vaginal dryness occur at the same time.

  • About 30 % of all women are affected by bacterial vaginosis.
  • And 75 % of all women have vaginal fungus at least 1x in their lifetime.

They all wonder how to build up the vaginal flora. Especially when the infections occur regularly.

The triggers for disturbed vaginal flora are often

  • a weakened immune system
  • excessive and incorrect intimate hygiene
  • wet clothes like bikini or swimsuit
  • Stress
  • Clothing too tight
  • Antibiotics and other strong drugs
  • hormonal changes due to contraceptives or menopause
  • a diet rich in sugar
  • smoking
  • Sex

These triggers often ensure that our body has fewer lactobacilli available. Then fungi and bacteria have it pretty easy.

Usually, several of these causes occur simultaneously and then upset the bacteria of the vagina.

Now it is time to build up the vaginal flora as quickly as possible, not that the next fungus is already lurking around the corner!

Build and strengthen vaginal flora

1. locate the trigger for the vaginal fungus.

Have you looked at the causes? If you want to have a healthy vagina, you need to find out what is causing it to be out of balance.

Are there Medication such as an antibiotic? Then you can get probiotics for the vagina at the pharmacy. I always have some at home to be on the safe side. They supply your intimate area with lactobacilli.

Alternatively, probiotics that you take orally can also help. Because a fit intestine has a great influence on the vagina.

Do you suffer especially in the cold months under mushrooms and infections, then an immune system cure can provide relief. If your body is strengthened overall and has sufficient nutrients at its disposal, then they act like a protective shield from head to toe.

2. supply lactobacilli

Once the vagina is out of balance, it is not so easy to rebuild the vaginal flora. Changing your diet will help in the long term, and you certainly can't stop other fungus-promoting habits overnight.

If you want to do it quickly, preparations with lactobacilli can help. This is usually a powder that you stir into water and then drink. In case of persistent and recurring infections, the preparation should be taken twice a day.

However, there are also vaginal suppositories that are inserted at night before bedtime.

I can give you Omni Biotic Flora Plus* Recommended if you often have to deal with mushrooms and the like. It tastes quite pleasant and works quickly. You simply dissolve a sachet in water and drink it in the morning before breakfast. Because it is completely natural, you can take it over a longer period of time.

If you are interested, you will find Omni Biotic Flora Plus* cheap in the store pharmacy.

3. build up the vaginal flora through less sugar

I recently read a study in which researchers found that sugar is one of the main triggers for vaginal fungus. If you like to snack and get fungus frequently, you should rethink your eating habits.

Yeast fungi in our intestines love sugar. This allows them to grow and multiply excessively. Unfortunately, these yeasts promote fungal infections in the vagina. This is because sugar can change the pH of the vagina. Germs have a better chance of survival and cannot be neutralized by the vagina itself.

So stay away from sugar if you have a fungus. Try to reduce your sugar consumption as much as possible. This also applies to fructose. You can and should continue to eat fruit, of course. But eating 1 kg of apples every day instead of a bar of chocolate will not make your body happy either.

Fruits are important because they provide many nutrients. But you should not overdo it. You can eat vegetables without any restrictions.

4. gentle intimate care helps to build up the vaginal flora

Very many women destroy their vaginal flora because they clean themselves too often and incorrectly down there. They feel that they are not clean enough and do not smell like flowers. But this is complete nonsense.

Because aggressive washing lotions and also conventional shower gels, destroy the perfect environment that builds up our vagina.

Especially if you are prone to infections, you should be careful not to use lotions, creams and shower gels that are not made for this purpose. They all mess up the pH value.

Use special intimate care products. Many gynecologists also advise using only warm water if you want to build up the vaginal flora.

I can give you these special intimate wash lotion against unwanted odors*itching and vaginal dryness. You can use the intimate wash gel daily. It's best to read the reviews on Amazon. Many women report that they also suffer from candida infections and that it has helped them very well.

Build vaginal flora tips

5. strengthen the vaginal flora with the right foods

There are very many delicious foods that your vagina will love too! For example, it will be happy to receive a load of probiotic foods such as yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough bread. These foods are all fermented and therefore contain a lot of lactic acid bacteria.

Fiber should also be at the top of your diet. You can find it in vegetables and plant foods such as grains. When it comes to cereals, however, you should opt for whole grains. Because white flour is also very quickly converted into sugar in our bodies. And there we have the salad again.

These foods strengthen your vagina

  • Kombucha. Like yogurt, it contains lactic acid, which supports your vagina.
  • Greek yogurt is said to help especially well because its composition is optimal for the vagina.
  • Vitamin E foods such as avocados, currants, mango or sweet potatoes. They protect the body cells and act against vaginal dryness.
  • Green vegetables. Eat a lot of green vegetables during your period, such as kale, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, lettuce, etc. These varieties have many minerals and vitamins that have a blood-cleansing effect and make your period more bearable.
  • Soy. It contains a hormone similar to female estrogen.
  • Water. Drinking plenty of water is enormously important for staying fit. This applies not only to the vagina, but to the entire body - from head to toe.

Attention: There is a myth that a tampon dipped in yogurt and inserted is supposed to build up the vaginal flora. Hands off it!

6. reduce meat

Buy only organic meat and dairy products. You can then be sure that no artificial hormones have been added. Overall, however, you should try to eat less meat. Because there are a lot of hormones in it - regardless of whether it is organic or not.

If you eat a lot of meat, it can throw your body's hormone balance out of whack.

7. do without hormones

The pill, the contraceptive stick and other means of contraception contain hormones. These artificially supplied hormones can attack the environment of the vagina.

If you often suffer from compromised vaginal flora, then you should reconsider your contraceptive method. You might consider using condoms for a while to prevent your partner's bacteria from entering your vagina.

Why the vaginal flora changes

The climate in our vagina is not the same all the time. The environment changes during the cycle. Especially after the period, the vagina is often dry and therefore more susceptible to infections.

Often this has to do with tampons, but the condition of the vaginal flora is also a reason.

To be more precise, it is once again the dear hormones. At the beginning of the cycle, i.e. during your period and a few days after, the estrogen level is low. As a result, only a few lactobacilli are found in the vagina.

If the hormone estrogen increases during the cycle, then more lactic acid bacteria develop again, which protect our vaginal flora from invaders.

Our conclusion

If you want to build up your vaginal flora, you should first investigate the causes. Many triggers can be prevented quite well in everyday life. Start by carefully rethinking your intimate hygiene and eating habits. In acute cases, suppositories or lactic acid powder help to strengthen the vaginal flora.

All the best for you!

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