The 75 best tips against stress that are guaranteed to work

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Typical pre-Christmas season! Tasks are piling up and you haven't even finished your summer to-dos yet. To help you keep a cool head, we'll tell you the best tips against stress.

Who does not know this? The last weeks of the year have begun and with them also the most contemplative time. But before we sit back in the family circle and enjoy the last few days, we are threatened by a gauntlet through the annual hustle and bustle of the Pre-Christmas.

Annual projects want to be finished. Gift ideas for loved ones are needed. Countless cookies may be baked. And the normal everyday madness also wants attention.

In order not to lose the overview and good mood We have compiled the 75 best tips against stress for you. This way, the time remains what it should be. Contemplative. :)

These are the 75 best tips against stress:

Structure your day

Too much to do? Pulling the covers over your head doesn't help. So get out of bed and tackle the day sensibly. What needs to be done urgently? By when do you want to have completed your workload? Make a plan and stick to it!

Establish a fixed morning routine

A fixed schedule can help you start the day relaxed. Plan enough buffer.

Say goodbye to perfectionism

The apartment hasn't been tidied up yet, the e-mail hasn't been answered, the blouse hasn't been ironed? That's not so bad. The world keeps on turning anyway. That's a promise.

Take a power nap against stress

If nothing else works, take a short breather. A 30-minute nap helps you get back on track with energy.

Meet stress with lots of laughter

Laughter is the ultimate killer of stress. Adrenaline output is inhibited and our muscles relax. Everyone knows how happy laughter makes us, even though we adults often criminally neglect it. By the way, one minute of laughter is so effective like a 45-minute Relaxation exercise.

Learn to say no

We are convinced that it is a sign of strength to sometimes refuse others' wishes. Setting clear boundaries helps us not to lose our own focus.

Change your point of view

Often we feel stress when we are bogged down in something. Look at the situation from a different position. Often the solutions are obvious.

Multitasking is a myth

Doing all tasks at the same time sounds dreamy, but it's not possible. Rather concentrate on one project fully and completely. You'll see that you finish faster and get so much more done in a day. This is the tip that helps best against stress. Take it nice and slow: bit by bit.

Take a bath

Honestly: that's the very best thing about this time of year! Lying up to your ears in warm foam, listening to a quiet melody and relaxing your muscles. It's almost as good as 3 days vacation and surefire to fight stress.

Plan enough time for yourself

It is very important that you don't forget yourself in all the hustle and bustle. Take at least one hour a day for yourself. Knit, read or go for a walk - do whatever is good for you and the stress will subside.

Dreams good

Our brain processes the impressions of the day during sleep. And of course, it especially likes the thoughts of the last few minutes before going to bed. Instead of still rolling through the to-do lists for the next day in bed, we have a better idea: read a nice book or dream about your next beach vacation.

Set your priorities

Sort your tasks by their relevance and take care of the most important ones first. It gives you a great feeling when you have finished the "big chunks". Click here to go to the article "Here's how the anti to list makes you more productive".

Treat yourself to a piece of chocolate


Snacking on chocolate simply makes you happy. But it's better to go for dark chocolate, it doesn't contain as much sugar and is healthier.

Set yourself goals

Make yourself aware of where you want to go! This motivates you and gives your actions a clear direction.

Break down more complex tasks into stages

You have no idea where to start? The best thing to do is to break down the process into different steps. Be happy about each stage you overcome.

Breathe relaxed

Another very simple trick against stress: regular and deep breaths help to reduce the heart rate. At the same time, your muscles relax and you feel more relaxed.

Try something new

Be open to new things. This opens up other perspectives and provides great approaches to solutions.

Separate yourself from useless things

You still have that birthday present from your aunt sitting in the hallway. It's taking up space and collecting dust? Throw it out. Get rid of everything you don't need anymore.

Meet friends

It is often our loved ones that we put on the back burner. But they are an incredible energy booster and a guarantor of good mood.

Stop complaining

Yes, sometimes we need that. But hand on heart: complaining doesn't help and only costs unnecessary energy.

Digital diet

The latest shitstorm is annoying you? Your ex-boyfriend uploaded a profile picture with his new girlfriend? It doesn't matter. Leave the digital world behind you and concentrate on the Here and now.

Put on a hot water bottle

Soothing warmth helps our muscles to relax. We feel secure and more relaxed.

Do not always be available

You don't have to be available to everyone non-stop. Just turn off your phone and enjoy your time. For example with a good book. You can find some great book recommendations here: "The best book tips for scary cold winter days".

Separate yourself from negative people

This reduces emotional stress in particular: Separate yourself from people who are not good for you. Sometimes it is necessary to free yourself from old ballast. This sounds hard, but it will help you a lot.

Wallow in dreams

Somehow nothing is happening right now? Just think yourself away for a few minutes. Get out of your everyday life and into your next vacation. Where are you? At the seaside or on a mountain meadow? Close your eyes for a while and collect your thoughts. good feelings. After that, you'll feel more refreshed right away.

Take a breath

Short pause and conscious breathing work wonders. It keeps us from acting impulsively or saying things out of turn. When we act impulsively and are stressed, we are prone to making mistakes.

View old photos

Reminiscing helps immensely! Just leave the hustle and bustle and the time pressure behind you.

Relax your muscles

Autogenic training, yoga or progressive muscle training support us to better fight against stress.

Puzzles help against stress

As a child, I loved to sit on the floor for hours and do puzzles. Even today I can switch off wonderfully.

Go to bed without technical devices

Laptops, televisions and cell phones emit blue wavelengths. Our nervous system reacts similarly to caffeine and keeps us alert.

Cook your favorite food

Take time to enjoy the things you love. After a very stressful day, it's often a simple but beloved vegetable soup that makes us cheerful again.

Count backwards

Keeping yourself busy with simple things helps to give your head a break. You distract yourself and relax automatically.

Do something good for someone

Support someone with a small deed. Quite often you will get something back.

Do it with coziness

Turn off the stupid lamp and spend your evening by candlelight and Christmas smells. This brings you already in relaxed Christmas spirit. By the way, this works all year round. Vanilla is always in trend :)

Drink green tea

The tea contains the active ingredient theanine and has a calming effect on the body.

Reflect on the simple things

Sometimes we lose the ground under our feet. In such moments it is important to focus on the simple things to concentrate. We have it warm, a filled fridge and - yeah - soon it will snow.

Pet an animal

Cuddle your cat or play with your dog. This helps quickly against stress and you make your pet a great joy. No pet at home? Go to the nearest cat cafe :)

Let off steam

It doesn't help you to always just swallow everything. It's better to let it all out once in a while. Scream and rave - you'll feel much better afterwards. A workout also works wonders!

Essential oils relax the body

Melissa or Lavender oil* relieve nervous tension. If you bathe in it in the evening, you will sleep like a baby.

Absorb beneficial odors

Especially lemons and flowers should help to reduce stress. It is enough to smell them.

Praise others

Put a smile on other people's faces. Something like that is infectious and does you a world of good.

Realize that the hustle and bustle is short-lived

Such times feel more hopeless than they are. Keep reminding yourself that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that helps against stress.

Knit a beautiful scarf

Head off, manual work on! Your mental carousel will inevitably take a break. It's best to put your cell phone far away.

Get in touch with an old friend

Talking about past times and laughing about the common youth is fun and happy.

Sleep off

Give your body the break it needs. Start the day relaxed, at least on weekends. Keep the morning free for a hearty breakfast.

Leave the work in the office

Learn to switch off after work. If you constantly take your work home with you, you neglect your personal life.

Praise yourself

Most of the time, we often get lost in self-criticism. This is complete nonsense. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it :)

Get inspired

Not everything has to be worked out in your head. The greatest thinkers and artists had muses. Find your source of inspiration and draw on it.

Visit a spa


Taking a spa day is balm for the body and the mind. Just grab a friend and let your soul dangle.

Determine what you need to do

I'm sure you're taking on more than you need to. Cross out all superfluous tasks and focus only on the Essentials, that helps you to control the time pressure and against stress.

Finish work on time

Decide when you want to go and stick to it.

Go into nature

Fresh air and exercise reduce tension. So just take a walk in the forest or up the nearest mountain. This is a good way to relax and leave everyday life behind.

Hand out compliments

Giving compliments helps others see their strengths. Bet you get the same back? :)

Rooms on

It often helps if your apartment is tidy. Then the rest no longer feels so chaotic. :)

Decorate your apartment

Get in the mood for the next few days and decorate your four walls in peace and quiet. Then the world looks quite different.

Let yourself be pampered

There is nothing better than being cooked by mom or grandma.

Air out your head

If you can't leave the office, make sure you get fresh air regularly. Open the window for a few minutes. This lets in fresh oxygen and new ideas.

Go swing

You know what's great about kids? They don't have any worries. They're always in the moment. Try it out and let your mind wander.

Honey melt in the mouth

Take a large spoonful of honey and let it melt on your tongue. Honey reduces nervousness and has a stress-relieving effect.

Take a foot bath

The best part - with your feet in the tub, you can't jump up. So enjoy the 15 minutes break. Your well-being will increase significantly.

Learn to meditate

Meditation is about pausing and coming to rest. It strengthens our consciousness and helps control thoughts.

Celebrate yourself for achieving your goals

Take a look around and see what you've already accomplished. Give yourself a pat on the back for that. You're doing a great job!

Draw on the support of others

You are not alone. Not when fighting the task at the office, not when preparing dinner or buying gifts. Get things done with colleagues, friends or family. Seek advice when you need it.

Treat yourself to a warm drink

A hot chocolate or a warm tea can work wonders. When we drink them in peace, they increase our well-being many times over.

Listen to a podcast or audiobook

Audiobooks are absolutely great. You can lie on the sofa, close your eyes and someone else reads to you. Almost like before. ;)

Practice gratitude

When stressed, we are often overcome by the feeling that everything is somehow inadequate. We take our everyday luxuries for granted. When we realize that it is not like that, we become more content and relaxed.

Maintain a regular sleep rhythm

All your cells have their own internal clock. Give them a little regularity, then they can regenerate and renew themselves best.

Waive news

You heard me right. Sure, it's important to stay informed. But if the British don't want the euro and Trump wants to build a wall, you won't be able to change anything today.

Sing your favorite song out loud

I have my own anti-stress songs. Last Resort" by Papa Roach or "Deine Schuld" by Die Ärzte work best. Turn up loud and sing along. It's so liberating. And your neighbors will forgive you, I promise.

Find highlights in everyday life

Be honest, what really gives you a lot of joy? Sharpen your perception for the great things in the dull everyday hustle and bustle. I love to sing in the shower, the moment when the heater in the car gets warm or look forward to my first coffee in the morning. Every day is actually that wonderful!

Plan your purchases

Getting something quickly every day is stressful and even economically difficult. Instead, plan calmly over the weekend what ingredients you need for the coming week. Saves you money, nerves and long lines at the checkout.

Take your time for extensive workouts

Either way, be sure to exercise. Power up, clear your head and enjoy the feeling after the workout.

Follow relaxed melodies

You don't have any Beethoven at hand right now? Take a look at Youtube and you'll be amazed at how much relaxation music you'll find. By the way, calm melodies help to normalize breathing and lower the pulse.

Smile makes happy

You don't feel like grinning right now? Do it anyway! Your brain can't tell if you're smiling on purpose and releases happy hormones after just 60 seconds.

Find 5-7 positive things in every negative situation

If you want, you can find everything stupid. But that doesn't help! It will only make you feel more stressed. Better find positive things. Try to make a game out of it.
For example: it's raining and still need to go outside:

  • Finally time for the chic cap and the thick coat
  • It's like washing the air, take a sniff ;)
  • As a kid you loved jumping in puddles - so go ahead
  • Rain on the face feels great
  • The best way to make fun of the pinched faces of others
  • Confuse everyone with a Smirk.

Our conclusion

Stress is a question of attitude. With the right strategies against stress, you can maneuver your body and mind through the exciting pre-Christmas season in a relaxed manner and have a lot of fun at the same time. And should you ever get in over your head - smile it away. :)

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