Make a sprout jar very easily yourself!

Sprout jar do it yourself

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Sprouts are true all-rounders! They are full of vitamins and minerals. You can also easily grow the superfood yourself. All you need is a suitable container. How you can make the sprout jar yourself, we tell you in this post.

Sprouts just always go - in salads, on pasta, on bread and actually pretty much in every meal.

If it has to go fast, simply sauté vegetables, season with soy sauce and stir in crunchy sprouts. Add a portion of rice and you have a wholesome and healthy meal.

Especially in the cold season sprouts should not be missing from the menu.

They are full of vitamins and minerals. But also numerous fibers and also protein can be found in the sprouts.

Best of all, with a sprout jar, you can easily grow any kind of sprouts yourself!

But you don't have to buy a sprout container. With these instructions you can make it and use it again and again.

Today show you how to make a sprout jar yourself in just a few minutes and what to look for.

Why should I make a sprout jar myself?

If you have not eaten sprouts often and are unsure whether this is something for you, then you should first make your own growing container. Then you can see how you get on with it and whether the sprouts taste at all.

A sprout jar is the easiest way to grow your own sprouts. Many online stores and supermarkets offer sprout jars.

But why spend money on it when you can easily make the glass yourself? You don't even need any special equipment.

For the DIY version, you only need three ingredients that you are sure to have at home. Ideally, you have costs in the amount of 0 euros.

If the little sprouts have convinced you of their superpowers and taste, then you can always get a professional jar or grow kit later.

Make your own sprout jar: how it works

You'll need a gauze pad, a jar, scissors, and a household rubber.

But what I would absolutely recommend to you are my favorite sprouts. I have myself a large package broccoli seeds bought online* because they are considered the healthiest sprouts in the world. There are no other sprouts that contain so many nutrients.

If you prefer more variety, you can use at Amazon also sprout mixtures* order. It contains 12 different varieties and you can grow them in several DIY sprout jars at the same time.

DIY sprout jar

How to make a sprout jar yourself. Super fast and very uncomplicated!
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Vorbereitung:5 minutes
Umsetzung:5 minutes
Gesamt:10 minutes
Menge:1 Glass

Du benötigst

  • 1 Glass with about 600 ml filling volume e.g. jam jar
  • Gauze bandage
  • 2 EL Seed mixture
  • 1-2 Household rubber


  • Scissors


  • Wash out the glass with hot water. It must be completely clean, otherwise mold will form!
    1 glass with about 600 ml filling volume
  • Cut a piece of gauze bandage. It is best to use a small plate as a template.
    Gauze bandage
  • The gauze bandage should overlap the opening of the jam jar by at least 3 cm on all sides.
  • Now fill the seed mixture for sprouting. But don't fill the jar too full, because the sprouts need their space!
    2 tablespoons seed mixture
  • Now use the rubber band to fix the piece of gauze bandage on the opening of the jar.
    1-2 household gum
  • That's it! Now you can start pulling the sprouts.
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With what can I replace the gauze bandage?

If you don't have a bandage at hand, you can also use a jar with a plastic lid. To do this, you need to make small holes in the lid. This works best if you heat a very small nail on a candle and then carefully make holes in the lid with a hammer.

Important: You must make the holes from the inside of the lid so that the water can drain away.

A plastic fly screen can also seal your germination jar. Attach it with a household rubber band.

You should not use a normal jam lid. It will start to rust. The sprouts will take on the flavor and color and be inedible.

If you use a bandage when making your own sprout jar, that's the easiest thing to do. Surely you have an expired first aid kit lying around somewhere, where you can still find enough bandages. It's perfect for that!

What seeds are suitable for the sprout jar?

You can germinate many different seeds in the sprout jar. Especially good are all those that germinate quickly. These include radishes, alfalfa, broccoli, lentils, cress, mung beans, cumin, soybeans, arugula.

Online or in some stores there are special mixtures that are optimal for sprout jars. However, I always pull the sprouts single variety. Because some have a germination period of just 2 days, while others need 5 days. There are also big differences in taste.

On bread or salad, intense varieties like arugula, caraway or cress taste great. While for cooking I also like to use bean sprouts.

Homemade sprout jar for sprouts

How do I grow sprouts in a sprout jar?

Once you have completed the project "Make your own sprout jar", you can start filling and cultivating. Depending on the size of the sprouting jar, you let about 2 to 4 tablespoons of seeds germinate.

  • Fill the glass halfway with water
  • Stir in the seeds and let the sprout jar stand for 4 hours
  • Close the jar and pour off the water
  • Place the glass at an angle so that excess water can drain off

The gauze bandage (or lid with holes) ensures that the seeds do not fall out and dry out.

Now begins the germination period of your seeds.

Important: Wash the jar with detergent and very hot water before preparing. It must perfectly clean be. If there are even the smallest remnants in the jar, then the sprouts begin to mold.

Rinse every day

Rinse the germs twice a day with water. This will prevent germs and bacteria from spreading. In addition, you moisten the seeds.

If you are using a gauze bandage, you can leave it on during this process.

  • Carefully put water on the gauze bandage
  • Fill the glass halfway
  • Swivel the seeds through
  • Pour off the water
  • Place the glass at an angle so that the water can drain off

Repeat this process until the last day in the morning and evening.

On the last day, rinse the sprouts thoroughly and drain the water again. After that, the sprouts and shoots can be harvested.

You don't need much patience as a sprout gardener. Depending on the variety you can already After three days harvest the first sprouts.

The duration of germination of the variety is indicated on the package. Most often it is between three and five days. There is a difference only if you Mung bean sprouts want to grow. Here you have to do things a little differently.

Why do you need to rinse sprouts?

When the seeds swell, slime is formed. This moist environment is the perfect basis for the formation of mold. Typical slimy seeds are cress or broccoli sprouts.

When rinsing, you remove a large part of this mucus, thus germs and bacteria can not multiply and the growth of mold remains absent.

Appropriate to the topic I can recommend you this video:

When should you stop eating sprouts?

You should stop eating sprouts if they are slimy, smell foul, or have unnatural brown discoloration. Sprouts can become a breeding ground for germs.

Sprouts are very delicate because they consist mostly of water. Therefore, you should consume them immediately after harvest. Most of them spoil within two days.

If you want to store them, you should rinse the sprouts well. After harvesting and then again before eating.

If you want to store sprouts, take them out of the sprout jar, pour off the remaining water and place them in a bowl. Dampen a piece of kitchen paper and place it over the sprouts.

Now you can store them at five degrees in the refrigerator. This way the sprouts will last you about two days.

Why do my sprouts get moldy?

If you can see mold on the shoots, you should discard them. But beware: a light white fuzz on the roots is not mold. These are ultra-fine roots of the plant. So look carefully before you act.

If sprouts have too little space and air, then mold can form. Old seeds with low germination capacity also tend to mold.

If you rinse the seeds too infrequently, you also encourage them to spoil. And whenever you do not work very cleanly, the seedlings may be covered with mold.

Why does it pay to grow sprouts in a sprout jar?

Making a sprout jar yourself is worthwhile all along the line. The sprouts are in a nutrition-conscious kitchen namely high in the course. No wonder! Sprouts are healthy. As small vitamin bombs provide many healthy nutrients.

They contain vitamins B1, B2, C, E and niacin.

Likewise, they are also rich in complex carbohydrates, phytochemicals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and fiber. Some sprouts also form the sun vitamin D in the germination process.

You will benefit most from sprouts if you eat about two tablespoons per day. To fill the vitamin stores, you can even eat 100 grams of sprouts per day.

Germination increases the content of vitamins and minerals

If you eat the seeds as they are in front of you before germination, the body can hardly utilize them. They are not unhealthy, but they are not very nutritious either. It is different when they start to germinate.

The carbohydrates and proteins are then transformed so that they are easier for humans to digest and the nutrients can be better absorbed in the intestines.

The concentration of vitamins and minerals in the sprouts is even twice as high as in adult plants. If you want to know more about it, check here: "Madness! Sprouts are so healthy!

So if you have a sprout jar on hand, you can always ensure a healthy supply and enhance your meals.

Grow sprouts with sprouting jar

Our conclusion

As you can see, making your own sprout jar is no magic trick. If you follow the rules when growing sprouts, you can enjoy eating the nutritional bombs regularly.

However, the sprouts are not only healthy, but can also be used in many ways. In addition, the taste of homegrown sprouts is much more intense than the purchased ones.

Good luck!

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