Sore muscles after jogging? You can do that!

Sore muscles after jogging

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Are you always plagued by sore muscles after jogging? Then you're probably making one of these typical running mistakes! We explain which training mistakes you make and how you can prevent muscle pain after running.

Yesterday you were still fully motivated. The training really challenged you and you felt wonderful. And today? You're tormented by pain in your muscles.

The next training session was already scheduled for today.

But even everyday things, like climbing stairs, suddenly become a real pain.

No matter if you are just starting to exercise again or if you want to prepare intensively for a competition: There are typical mistakes you can make while jogging. This leads to muscle soreness.

But can you also avoid sore muscles after jogging? Here you get the answer!

Warm you have sore muscles after jogging?

Tiny tears form in the muscles as a result of high or unaccustomed stress. These cause the pain. This is because fluid penetrates into the muscle tissue through the tears. The fibers swell and the blood supply to the muscles is reduced. Sore muscles are therefore always a result of overload in the muscles.

The mean thing about the whole thing is that muscle soreness doesn't appear right away. Most of the time you don't feel it until 24-48 hours after the workout. The muscles are often hardened and aching.

It peaks after about two days and gets better day by day.

Especially sore muscles after jogging are nasty, because then every further movement seems really agonizing. Everyone knows the pain after a workout. Especially if you've just started doing sports or haven't done any for a while.

But it's not just beginners who get sore muscles. Even competitive athletes have to deal with it from time to time.

The good news: sore muscles are harmless and do not leave any consequential damage.

Muscle pain after running

What helps against sore muscles after jogging?

Muscle soreness after jogging can be quite stubborn. The good news is that we have plenty of tips to help with sore muscles. You can use them to speed up the healing process and get fit again quickly!

1. heat helps against the pain

You have sore muscles after jogging? How about a bathtub full of hot water? The warm water is especially soothing for the muscles and promotes the healing process.

Bath additives such as lavender or rosemary are particularly recommended. They relax not only the muscles, but also the soul. A warm shower also helps to relax the muscles.

2. go to the sauna

Heat works wonders. Even better than a full bath is a sauna session. The heat helps you relax and is definitely one of the best tips against sore muscles after a jog.

The high temperatures boost your circulation and help the body activate self-healing powers.

In addition, the heat ensures that your tense muscles relax again. This helps enormously against the pain.

3. ointments are effective for muscle pain

There are a variety of sore muscle ointments you can use to combat muscle pain.

A warming ointment loosens the muscles and relaxes them. If you know that you have a big workout coming up, you can also apply cream to the stressed muscles a day before and even an hour before the workout.

4. care for sufficient rest

While you sleep, your body fights the muscle pain. There is no other method that will help your body recover faster and get you back in shape.

So what helps with sore muscles: rest.

In the best case, rest means sleep. You should allow yourself and your body about seven to eight hours per night. Only then can ligaments, muscles and bones recover properly.

If you sleep too little, your performance deteriorates rapidly. This directly increases the risk of injury or further overload.

Did you know that the body releases somatotropin during deep sleep and thus even builds muscle and burns fat - exciting, isn't it?

5. do soft balance sports

Yes, you read correctly. Exercise is able to relieve your pain in the muscle fibers. However, it is not true that you can simply train away the muscle pain. So don't overdo it now. You will only make things worse.

But a light load will do you good.

A walk would be optimal. Your muscles will move, but in no case will they be overstressed. Through the light load, the muscle fibers regenerate faster and you will soon feel that the pain is less.

If that is too boring for you, you can also go for a short swim.

6. alternating showers help against sore muscles after jogging

Alternating showers get your circulation going and stimulate blood flow. Shower alternately hot and cold, especially the affected areas.

By the way, this is a great morning ritual. It wakes you up, puts you in a good mood and is said to relieve orange peel skin.

7. water helps against the pain

Drink enough - this tip is a miracle weapon against sore muscles. Especially when you're doing sports, you can't avoid water.

Try to drink enough before, during and after training. Especially during very strenuous running sessions it is extremely important.

Only with enough liquid in the organism can your body remove certain metabolic products.

You should also drink 1 liter of fluid per hour of running. If you have a more intensive running training behind you, it can also be an additional 1.5 liters.

We recommend drinks containing electrolytes. They keep your muscles flexible and provide nutrients and oxygen. Apple and currant spritzers or normal mineral water are particularly good for this.

8. important nutrients against muscle soreness

The fact that nutrition plays a major role in training success is really no longer a secret. But there are also foods that help against sore muscles.

In addition to magnesium, zinc and vitamins, the body now needs protein in particular.

Every single cell in your muscles is a small power plant that is fueled by protein. That's why you should make sure that your diet contains a lot of it.

Avoid muscle soreness after jogging

How to prevent muscle soreness while running

Anyone who starts jogging will know the pulling in the muscles that you wake up with the next day. The thighs, lower legs, buttocks, arms - sore muscles pretty much everywhere.

But it's not just sports beginners who have to struggle with this. But it is precisely for them that it is the worst. The motivation is high to get going quickly at full power. And this is exactly where the problem lies.

To prevent muscle soreness after jogging, you can take some precautions before you start running to reduce the likelihood of muscle soreness.

Warm up properly

Most beginners rush into training far too quickly. But it is enormously important to warm up before running. A short warm-up prepares the body for the upcoming load and prevents injuries.

Even a ten-minute warm-up is enough to warm up the muscles. Warming up improves blood flow to the muscles, which in turn increases performance.

Overuse therefore occurs later and the likelihood of muscle soreness can be reduced.

Start slowly

To avoid muscle soreness after jogging, you should start really slow as a beginner runner. You should walk fast for 30 minutes for the first time (1-2 weeks). And that 3-4 times a week on the straight.

Just walk quickly. That way, the body gets used to the movement. The changeover to running is then no longer so stark.

But even trained runners should be careful about changing the load. If you like to train often on flat tracks, you will probably get sore muscles when running uphill at the same intensity.

Or even if you try a new sport, you'll probably get sore muscles after the first session if you don't choose the intensity accordingly.

Avoid overload

As with all sports activities, you should adapt your training to your physical condition. If you haven't exercised for a while, start with short distances and a slow pace.

If you go full throttle right away, you're guaranteed to get sore muscles.

Pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet

A healthy diet plays an important role in preventing sore muscles.

Nutrient-rich food can help you recover faster. However, you should already pay attention to a balanced and healthy diet before training. Not only when the soreness is already there.

As an athlete, you should first and foremost consume sufficient magnesium and protein.

Magnesium can help you prevent muscle soreness. However, there must already be enough in your body before the workout. You reduce the risk of muscle damage and supports the regeneration. The same applies to zinc and potassium.

Protein helps you build muscle and vitamin E is equally important for regeneration.

Tip: Foodspring Recovery Aminos

By the way, a whole range of nutrients can support you during regeneration. L-glutamine and BCAAs are the best example. They help your body to get fit again faster.

For faster recovery after a workout, Foodspring has developed Recovery Amino Drinks. You simply mix the powder with water and drink it after the workout.

The drink contains everything the muscles need now. In the Foodspring Recovery Aminos contains only natural ingredients.

If you are interested in Foodspring products, I can give you a Foodspring discount code give. With the code WGW15FS you get 15% on your order!

Foodspring Recovery Aminos
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And the shakes are also delicious in taste. You can choose from 3 different flavors. My favorite is wild berry :)

Sore muscles jogging

Can you run away sore muscles?

No, you can't run away sore muscles. But you can loosen the muscles with light movements and relieve the pain for the moment. Intense running with sore muscles in legs, buttocks and hips is a no-go.

While soreness is not a bad thing, your muscles need time to recover. If you train with sore muscles, you risk injury.

However, that doesn't mean you have to sit at home. If your legs are tired, you can always exercise your upper body or take a walk. Moderate exercise stimulates blood flow and oxygenates the muscle.

So exercising despite soreness is basically possible, you just shouldn't work the muscle group that is affected by the pain.

Our conclusion

Sore muscles after jogging don't have to be. If you follow a few simple tips, you can prevent it. Don't overexert yourself. And if you're already experiencing muscle pain, there are a few tricks you can use to ease your symptoms.

Now it's time to put your legs up and rest. All the best for you and your sore muscles :)

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