Prepare salsify in 4 simple steps

Prepare salsify

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You want to prepare black salsify but do not know how? Then you are right here! This is how winter asparagus succeeds guaranteed!

With the words "Try this. It's something fine and keeps you fit in winter," the vendor at the weekly market thrusts a bag into my hands. Inside are 5 black elongated roots about 20-30 cm long.

Fortunately, I was still able to learn that these are black salsify, because otherwise I would have had no idea what to do with them.

With fully packed shopping bags I make my way home. Now it's time to prepare black salsify.

Because I know the winter asparagus only peeled from the jar and eat at most 1x per year in a hotel, I have made myself smart, what you can prepare from it delicious.

So much in advance: It is already a little elaborate, but it's worth it! The vegetable tastes mega delicious. So today I want to share with you how to prepare salsify.

Prepare salsify

Let's start with some useful info before moving on to preparing winter asparagus.

Black salsify vegetables - what is it and when is it in season?

So really appetizing look the long and thin black roots not necessarily. They are up to 30 cm long and have a diameter of 2-4 cm. Black salsify is also called winter asparagus or poor man's asparagus.

However, the root is not related to asparagus. It belongs to the composite plants like dandelion. This also explains why the flower resembles the dandelion.

The plant itself looks quite unspectacular. But only the roots are interesting for us anyway.

If you want to prepare salsify, you need to know that the vegetable tastes nutty and intense. It is usually served as a side dish or salad or turned into soup. Before eating, you remove the tough black skin.

You can buy salsify from October to April. So it's a classic winter vegetable that stays fresh for a long time if stored properly. In the normal supermarket I could not find the roots anywhere. But at the farmers' market or the organic market you will surely find them.

If you do not process the vegetables immediately, store them in the refrigerator. Wrap them in newspaper or leave them in the bag you get at the market.

Why you should prepare salsify

Winter asparagus contains many nutrients that come in handy during the cold season. You can find potassium, calcium, vitamin E and folic acid. In 100 grams of salsify vegetables are only 17 calories.

Our intestines are happy about a regular portion of black salsify vegetables. Because the inconspicuous roots contain something it particularly likes: lots of soluble fiber and inulin.

Since more has become known about how the gut affects our health, inulin has been at the top of the menu for many nutrition experts. This is because inulin strengthens the immune system, improves the intestinal flora and helps to lower cholesterol levels.

But don't be irritated. Especially if you haven't eaten much fiber otherwise, salsify can cause flatulence. However, this will subside over time, once your intestinal flora has become accustomed to your healthy eating style.

Prepare salsify instructions

How to prepare salsify

Admittedly, it is a little elaborate. But it is worth it in terms of taste! The ready salsify from the jar can not keep up absolutely.

Prepare salsify works in 4 steps

  1. Cleaning
  2. Peel
  3. Soak in lemon water or vinegar water
  4. Cook, fry, ftitt

Let's go step by step together to make your salsify successful. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. :)

Cleaning winter asparagus

Similar to normal asparagus, winter asparagus is also pricked out of the ground. So it may be that there is still soil on it. Mostly, it is even deliberately not rinsed off, because this should extend the shelf life of the vegetable.

Therefore, a brush must be used first. A soft vegetable brush is the best way to get rid of soil residues. Scrub the roots under water. If the soil is very crusty, you can put the stalks in a bowl of water for 3 minutes to make it easier.

If you do not have a brush, simply put on gloves and wash the soil with your fingers.

Peel salsify

It gets complicated without a peeler. Because with a knife you are guaranteed to cut off too much. The surface of the roots is wrinkled and uneven.

Very important when you want to prepare salsify: Wear gloves. Winter asparagus contains a sticky white liquid. This turns brown when exposed to air and you get sticky and brown hands.

  • Don't wear your favorite shirt, once the juice is in your clothes it will be hard to get rid of it.
  • Put on disposable gloves.
  • Use a sharp peeler. It slides over the vegetables quite well and takes off the peel. This is much easier than it looks.
  • If the peel is off in one place, the white juice immediately comes out. The gloves begin to stick very quickly. So you need to work quickly.
  • Wash the board, knife and peeler immediately after use.

If you or the work material has been affected, cooking oil can help you get rid of the brown stains. Did it get your clothes? Then only a chemical stain remover can ensure cleanliness.

Prepare salsify

Soak salsify in lemon water

Oxygen can not stand the black sticks at all. They turn from white to brown quite quickly. If you want to prevent this, you should treat the sticks with lemon or vinegar.

Put the peeled stalks in a bowl with water. For two liters of water you need the juice of one lemon.

Now the spears keep their color. If you don't want the winter asparagus to take on a sour taste from lemons or vinegar, use milk instead of lemon. Just add about 5 tablespoons of milk to the water.

Take the salsify vegetables out of the water one by one and cut them into bite-sized pieces. If you don't process them right away, put them back into the lemon water.

Prepare salsify

Now it's time to cook. You can conjure up a whole range of delicious dishes with it. Roast, fry, boil, turn into soup, eat as a salad - everything is possible.

Cooking salsify

The simplest and most classic way to prepare salsify is to use a saucepan. Bring salted water to the boil and add the winter asparagus to the water. After 15-20 minutes they are cooked.

If you season them with butter, lemon juice, pepper and salt, you have the perfect side dish. By the way, they also make a wonderful pasta with a little cream.

You can also boil them in soup broth and add floury potatoes. Puree and the salsify soup is ready.

Black salsify soup vegan

Roast black salsify

If you prefer a bit more bite, you should opt for frying. For this, however, you should boil them for at least 8 minutes, only by frying they are not cooked.

After cooking, they go directly into a pan with olive oil and herbs. Finally, they are seasoned with salt, pepper and honey. Herbs that do particularly well: Thyme, oregano and rosemary.

Deep fry black salsify

If you feel like something hearty, you can deep fry winter asparagus. First, boil the spears for 8 minutes and then pat dry.

Dip the sticks individually first in flour, then in beaten egg and then in breadcrumbs. After about 3 minutes in hot frying oil they are ready. They go well with potatoes and a dip of sour cream with herbs.

Our conclusion

Yes, you have to reckon with a little effort when preparing salsify. But the taste is worth it. Just try it. You will certainly not regret it! Enjoy it!

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