Lose weight with protein shake - is it possible?

Protein shake lose weight - protein diet - protein shake diet

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You want to lose a few pounds in no time? Losing weight with protein shake is very easy. We show you how it works.

Here a cookie, there a hot chocolate with cream and then a few candied nuts. The cold season can be really nice.

The crowning glory are Christmas and New Year's Eve. Oh what I can feast there, unbelievable how much fits in the belly.

And then? Then the life preserver grows. A catastrophe.

Be honest, we women know it all too well! :)

Just drink a diet drink and you're done. Can you lose weight with protein shake? Is it really that easy? We took a close look.

Do you just want to start losing weight or are you annoyed by the last remaining fat pads before the bikini season? For both, the method with protein shake slimming should be well suited.

All kinds of diets and wisdom seem to be useless and the motivation to go on decreases. If you also have this feeling, you should look into the protein diet.

The healthiest way to lose weight is always in combination with sports. For this purpose Foodspring has developed a special shake. The Shape Shake is designed for womenWho want to reduce their body fat percentage and at the same time build muscle. It is low in calories and at the same time rich in protein.

The protein keeps you full for a long time and provides the ingredients your muscles need. In Shape Shake from Foodspring contains 70 grams of protein per 100 grams, which is more than in any other shake.

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Foodspring Shape Shake
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And the shakes are also delicious in taste. You can choose from 13 different flavors. My favorite is coconut :)

What is a protein shake actually?

Protein shakes consist of a special protein powder. If you can't decide between protein powder and protein powder - no problem. Because it's the same thing anyway :)

The powder is made from a mix of animal and vegetable proteins. It is considered a dietary supplement. In fact, it ensures that the body is added nutrients in addition to the basic food.

Protein shakes, which often under the name Whey Protein are very popular with athletes because they help build muscle. And weight loss enthusiasts it helps to be full for a long time. In addition, a protein shake helps lose weight because it prevents cravings.

Here, too, we recommend you to take a look at Foodspring. You can choose between Protein shake for muscle building and Protein shake for weight loss select

The powder is mixed with water or milk.

Shakes come in a variety of flavors. So at least it's not boring with the protein diet.

Always make sure that you take a protein powder without artificial additives or sugar. Because these ingredients can slow down your weight loss project.

How you can lose weight with a protein shake

Protein shakes are made for healthy and long-lasting weight loss. Due to their low carbohydrate content, they ensure that the body is not supplied with excess energy.

The high content of protein accelerates muscle building and fat loss.

The goal of the protein shake diet is for you to reduce your body fat percentage and maintain or build muscle mass.

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you consume. This is called the negative calorie balance.

In many diets, the carbohydrate content is reduced and the protein content is increased. The protein diet follows the same principle.

Many people do not manage to eat that much protein. It's not that easy. And this is where the drinks come into play.

There comes the principle "Lose weight with protein shake" just right.

If you consume more carbohydrates than protein, the body will always convert the too much energy consumed back into fat.

In this regard, specially prepared protein shakes for weight loss serve as the Shake from VitalBody+ as a meal replacement.

Who can lose weight with protein shake?

Everyone! Because whether you want to lose weight or not - we all need protein.

If you want to shed a few pounds, protein shakes are perfect for getting more protein in.

In principle, protein powder can be used in any diet.

Because protein stimulates fat burning, from which we women can benefit. Strength athletes have a higher need for proteins. They help them build muscle and lose fat through the protein diet.

A protein shake to lose weight - Here's how

In order for the kilos to fall, protein shakes should contain few carbohydrates and a lot of protein. The calorie content is 200 to 400 kilocalories per serving.

To lose weight, manufacturers advise that you replace a meal with the protein shake. Most of them do without breakfast. Which meal you choose is up to you.

Can I replace all meals to lose weight faster with protein shake?

This varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. You must read the package insert carefully.

Many protein shake manufacturers write that you can live exclusively on protein shakes in the beginning. However, this is a big change for the body.

If you want to lose weight with a protein shake, you will quickly see the first results. Always pay attention to how your body reacts to the diet.

Lose weight with diet shake

To avoid deficiency symptoms, you should use the variant omit all meals overnight only a few days and a maximum of one week.

It is better for your body if you only skip one meal at first. So he can get used to the change. Later you can also replace several with the shake.

How do I recognize high quality protein powder?

High quality protein powder contains less than seven grams of carbohydrates and at least 80 % of protein per 100 grams.

It is also said to provide many valuable minerals, vitamins and fiber.

Important: Make sure it doesn't contain any chemical sweeteners. One of them would be Aspartame. This remedy stimulates the appetite and is not suitable for weight loss.

How long can I use protein shakes for weight loss?

If you replace all meals with the protein shake, then a maximum of one week. If you skip only one meal, you can lose weight over a longer period with protein shake.

Attention: The application varies from protein shake to protein shake. First, it is best to read the package insert.

Protein shakes are only one Food supplements. They can in the long term none healthy, balanced and varied diet replace. If you want to lose weight in the long term, this diet is not for you.

Fresh food provides the body with many valuable fibers and trace elements.

Advantages of losing weight with protein shakes

If you want to lose weight with protein shake, you can see the first results after a few days. The shakes are quick to prepare and you can easily drink them on the go.

With Lose weight protein shake has other advantages as well:

  • you are quickly full
  • Protein strengthens and protects the muscles
  • you reach a calorie deficit
  • Protein supports muscle building

Many different flavors

For some variety during your diet provide the different flavors. Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate or coconut crisp you can find in any store. There are also nut, caramel, banana and many more. From time to time you can also add some fruit.

Lose weight with protein shake

With the protein diet, you provide your body with high-quality protein. In addition, you consume fewer calories and fats.

Protein makes you full for a long time

You can actually lose weight with a protein shake. Proteins are processed more slowly by the body than carbohydrates. Proteins are digested only slowly. This keeps you fuller longer and prevents cravings.

Protein does not cause the blood sugar level to rise. It also does not release the hormone insulin. When your insulin level is low, fat burning is more successful.

If you want to lose weight with a protein shake, you should also eat a very varied and healthy diet. So stay away from burgers, fries and other fatteners. :)

Disadvantages of the protein diet

If you want to lose weight with a protein shake, you should also know the disadvantages. Because what would be the many advantages without disadvantages? That would make the diet too easy. So that you know what you are really getting into the protein diet, here are some points that you should know.

1. you will be hungry

The protein shake diet is a big change for your body. Especially if you are on a diet where all meals are replaced by shakes.

So: at first, you're guaranteed to be hungry a lot.

Your body first has to get used to the fact that it no longer gets solid food.

The feeling of satiety comes only after a few days. So that you do not feel hungry all the time, you should first replace only one meal with the shake.

Tip: Warm up the protein shake before drinking it. Your stomach will think it's getting a warm meal and will have an easier time making the transition.

2. mostly only short-term successes

The protein diet is not a permanent solution. It helps you to lose kilos in a short time. If you want to lose weight permanently, you should do more sports and change your diet.

If you have lost weight with protein shakes, you should not eat as usual right away. Your metabolism gets used to the lower calorie intake over time and works more slowly during the diet.

If you now fall back into old eating habits, it comes to the yo-yo effect. Change your diet slowly and gradually.

Replace the protein shake with high protein and Low calorie food. Your body can slowly get used to an increased calorie intake and the yo-yo effect will not occur.

So that you succeed we have for you 21 protein foods & recipes collected.

3. you lose muscle

Low calorie diets are very stressful for the body. Make sure that you eat enough protein after the diet. Otherwise your body will break down muscle. And Muscle building as a woman is particularly difficult.

Our conclusion

The protein shake diet is suitable for people who want to lose a few pounds quickly. The diet is simple and you do not have to do much exercise during the diet. For a lasting success in losing weight, this diet is not suitable.

Always make sure to eat a healthy and balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruits!

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