Squeeze pimples or better not?

Squeeze pimples or not

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You've probably squeezed out an annoying pimple when you wanted to get rid of it quickly, right? But is that really a good solution? Today we'll answer the question: should you squeeze a pimple or not?

When it's time to go fast again ... it itches us all again and again in the fingers: The big, red and especially ugly pimple must go away!

But nervously pushing around pimples often does more harm than good to your skin.

Instead of making the pimple problem disappear in seconds, you'll have to live with a nasty red infection. Quite a lot can go wrong when squeezing a pimple.

But what can you do if you have an unsightly pimple smiling back at you the morning before that big date or important job interview? Move the pimple out, or not?

We'll tell you if squeezing pimples is dangerous, what mistakes you should avoid at all costs, and how to learn to stop squeezing pimples!

How does a pimple

Impure skin plagues not only teenagers in puberty, but also many adults at a more mature age. Pimples are annoying, sometimes they even hurt and they just don't look very nice - we can all agree on that.

No wonder that the temptation to get involved is great and you wonder whether you can squeeze pimples or rather not. I can totally relate to that. No one likes to walk around with a noticeable red dot on their face.

Our skin produces sebum so that the skin surface is well moisturized and not taut. Due to cornification and the excessive production of sebum, the sebaceous glands become clogged.

If your sebaceous glands are clogged, skin impurities form because the sebum cannot drain away quickly enough. Dirt, dead skin cells and sebum are deposited in the pores of your skin.

How to distinguish pimples and blackheads

Unfortunately, we are all not spared from skin blemishes. But there are subtle differences between pimples and blackheads that you should know.


Blackheads (also known as open comedones) develop from clogged skin pores filled with dirt.

If the pore is closed, we speak of blackheads. Seen from the outside, you often only see a small black dot. That is why blackheads are often called "blackheads".

The coloration is caused by the skin pigment melanin in the sebum, which turns dark due to oxidation with the air.

Blackheads can become red and also inflamed. Nevertheless, they are far more harmless than pimples.


Our public enemy number 1. or pimples are so-called closed comedones.

If a blackhead has become inflamed because it has come into contact with bacteria or further blockages, it becomes a pimple.

The bacteria in the accumulated sebum multiply. Thus, the pore becomes inflamed, the surrounding tissue and even under the skin the inflammation progresses. The typical unsightly pus comes to the skin surface due to the pressure in the pore. This is how pimples get the name "whitehead".

Can you already find a thick whitehead on you, you can actually squeeze the pimple very well ... or not?

You can prevent both pimples and blackheads by keeping your pores clean and cleansing your skin regularly. I can recommend you a blackhead vacuum. It cleans the excess sebum from the pores and removes dry skin flakes. Thus, it takes away the breeding ground for pimples and blackheads from the skin.

I have this blackhead vacuum in use.

Blackhead Remover
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To squeeze pimples or not: Is it dangerous?

You're having a pimple emergency right now and you're on the verge of squeezing them out, or shouldn't you?

Our advice: don't do it!

Of course, sometimes it's totally annoying to have a pimple. In the worst case, it presents itself in the middle of your forehead and is particularly thick and red.

But if you carelessly squeeze your pimple, it could lead to even worse skin inflammation or even scars! Carelessly removing blemishes is one of the most of the fastest ways to long-term skin damage.

Especially if you have pimples in the so-called "danger triangle" (by the eyes, on the bridge of the nose or on the upper lip), you should leave them alone.

Even skin experts advise this. The blood vessels there are very closely connected to your brain. If you do something seriously wrong when squeezing pimples, it could lead to meningitis. Of course, this extreme case is rather rare.

Of course, there are also pimples that you could open at home without suffering serious health consequences. However, we do not recommend it.

Squeeze pimples or not

To squeeze pimples or not: tips if it is necessary after all.

Many people feel super uncomfortable with pimples on their face or other parts of their body. That's why we so often push around the small skin impurities ourselves, even though we know that we shouldn't do it.

If you belong to this fraction and yet you can't help it, you definitely need to pay attention to hygiene and proper technique so that you can avoid inflammation and scars.

The important thing is that the pimple must be "ripe". That is, the unsightly white head must already have formed so that you can remove it.

These are the four tips you should take to heart when it comes to squeezing out pimples properly:

Squeeze pimples in four simple steps

  1. Before you lay a hand on that nasty pimple, be sure to thoroughly cleanse, wash and remove all dirt and makeup from your face. The best way to do this is to take a quick steam bath with hot chamomile tea or just hot water. This cleanses intensively and opens your pores. Then disinfect the skin around the pimple. You can use an alcohol swab or a facial tonic containing fruit acids.
  2. Of course, you must also clean and disinfect your hands. After all, you want to touch the pimple with your fingers. So wash your hands carefully with soap and then disinfect them with a disinfectant.
  3. Before you squeeze the pimple with your hands, you need to prick it. You can find extra sterile needles, blackhead removers or comedone squeezers for this purpose in pharmacies. Do not use a needle or anything sharp that you have lying around.
    Then very gently and lightly prick the pimple to open it.
  4. And now it's time to get down to business, in the truest sense of the word. You stretch the skin lying around with your fingers. Then you stroke the pimple from bottom to top and from all sides. This is how you empty it. Stop immediately when you brush out blood or clear liquid.
    If you want to make it extra sterile, you can also put a cosmetic tissue or an antibacterial face cloth under your fingers.

Actually, it's not that hard to squeeze out a pimple, is it?

You should still only do it in the very, very worst of emergencies.

Care for the skin after squeezing pimples

At least your sebaceous glands are now free again. Your skin is slightly irritated and sensitive after all the pressure. It needs care.

But here again you have to be careful. Greasy creams and lotions are taboo!

You should disinfect the area again and not touch it for about 30 minutes. The skin will then close up again.

Then you can make a fat free Aloe vera gel* or dab on antibacterial facial toner. Be careful and gentle here. Your skin will be nourished and soothed again.

Give your skin a little rest and do without makeup for the time being. Shortly after squeezing, you should really irritate your skin as little as possible with foreign substances.

And the most important point of all: Hands off your face! You really have to pay attention to that. If you scratch the sensitive area, it can quickly lead to a new inflammation.

Squeeze pimples or not: prevention is better

I'll quote my all-knowing grandma: "Prevention is better than cure. And as so often, she was right.

So that we don't even have to wonder whether we should squeeze the pimple or not, we should rather take measures to prevent it from happening in the first place.

This means that you should make sure that your sebaceous glands are no longer clogged. The upper skin cells are to blame for this. Sweat, dead skin flakes, make-up residues and dirt often block the exit of the sebaceous glands.

You probably already guessed it. You need to clean your skin regularly and carefully.

This means you should rinse your face with lukewarm water in the morning and cleanse a little more intensively in the evening with supporting cleansing products, such as micellar water.

Peelings are particularly effective in removing the above-mentioned causes of clogged pores. We recommend especially intensive fruit acid peelings. After such a peeling you will notice how much clearer and purer your skin appearance is.

However, you should use peelings at longer intervals, as they have a very strong cleansing effect.

Pimple squeeze yes or no

Squeeze pimples or not: learn to do without

Not grabbing your face is incredibly difficult. According to the founder of the Haptics Research Laboratory at the Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research at the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig, we touch our faces between 400 and 800 times a day on average.

In terms of skin hygiene, it is a real no-go, because our hands are effective bacteria slingers.

So what can you do to avoid touching your pimples 800 times a day?

  • Try to keep long hair away from your face with a hair band
  • Put a cooling pad on your pimple to calm it down a bit
  • Stick a plaster on the pimple
  • Have the pimple removed by professionals
  • Remember to disinfect your cell phone as well
  • You should also wash and disinfect your hands regularly
  • Stick a Post-It on your monitor or on a mirror as a little reminder

Our conclusion

Everyone has pimples! And there are many ways to get rid of them. My mother always scolded me when she noticed that I had squeezed a pimple. To squeeze a pimple or not is our big beauty question.

We say: drink tea and wait and see. The small, nasty and unsightly pimples are most quickly gone by themselves.

And if it's time to go fast again ... at least now you know how to squeeze pimples hygienically.

But at the end of the day, we all have to go through it, so no need for you to stress.

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