Natural mood lifters against a bad mood

Natural mood enhancer tips

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In a bad mood? Try natural mood enhancers and get back into the happy mood!

Everyone is in a bad mood sometimes. Is the weather bad, the stress at work high or are you angry about something in your private life.

All of this can lead to the feeling that our strength is running out, that there are only dark clouds hanging over us and that everything is stupid anyway.

But you can break out of this vicious cycle. Natural mood enhancers take you from low to high again.

It makes little sense to stay in a bad mood.

As a result, your performance at work, your physical fitness and much more suffers.

It's better to use natural mood enhancers as a preventative measure. That way, bad moods don't stand a chance in the first place.

Improve mood with natural mood enhancers

When natural mood enhancers can help

Yes, sometimes we feel blocked, not taken seriously, and a bit made fun of by life.

This has an impact on the mood.

It makes us angry, sad, frustrated, and more. The good news is that it happens to all of us. And the even better news is that you can actively fight it.

So put an end to bad moods and implement these tips.

How sunlight puts you in a good mood

Just the thought of the sun makes us happy. It reminds us of summer, lightness and vacation. So if you are looking for natural mood lifters, you should urgently leave the apartment.

The light of the sun stimulates serotonin production in the body. This puts us in a cheerful mood.

When the sun hits our skin, our bodies release happiness hormones in large quantities. Fill up your vitamin D stores with plenty of them. Too little vitamin D makes you grouchy and more susceptible to illness.

In winter, sunshine is scarce. Our hormone balance gets out of whack. We become listless and in a bad mood.

On dark days, our body produces more sleep hormone melatonin. We become tired. This can even lead to depression.

In short, use natural mood lifters like the sun as often as you can! But don't forget the sunscreen and soak up plenty of sun rays, especially in summer.

In winter, 80% of all adults are vitamin D deficient. I start taking vitamin D drops in November. This is the only way to compensate.

Why fresh air is a mood booster

If we work all day, do not see the sun and then also breathe bad air, the mood is quite bad.

Try to get as much fresh air as possible. Breathe deeply into your belly and out again.

This way you supply your body with plenty of oxygen.

This has a number of advantages

  • Deep breathing relieves stress
  • Fresh air relieves pain
  • You provide the cells with more oxygen, which leads to more energy
  • Your digestion gets better
  • You lower your blood pressure with it

Shallow breathing at work and especially in stressful situations makes it harder for us to concentrate and weakens the immune system.

Sport makes happy

Natural mood enhancer sports

Yes, even if you really don't feel like exercising right now: make an effort. Lace up your running shoes and get going.

You'll love yourself afterwards for having exercised. When you sweat, you release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. All of this makes us feel really happy.

If we really don't feel like running, then at least go for a walk. Then you combine exercise with fresh air and if you're lucky sunshine.

How you can eat natural mood enhancers

The healthier you eat, the better your mood will be overall. Above all, a plant-based diet rich in vital substances is enormously important.

It should have a high tryptophan content. This can even prevent depression.

Considered natural good mood boosters in food:

  • Tryptophan
  • Omega 3
  • Vitamin D
  • B vitamins

Fruit and vegetables for good mood

Mega healthy and unfortunately far too rarely on the menu: Fruits and vegetables. You should eat at least 5 portions per day. By the way, one serving is a handful.

Fruits and vegetables provide the body with nutrients and stimulate the production of amino acids.

Delicious happiness

Bananas: You get the full load of vitamin B6, potassium and tryptophan from bananas. They also make you happy because they contain a lot of fructose, which goes quickly into the blood.

Apricots: The list of fruits that are often underestimated is probably headed by apricots. The small sweet fruits are full of tryptophan. They also contain vitamin B3, which has a positive effect on sleep, concentration, appetite and mood.

Avocados: Butterfruit contains healthy fats, amino acids, vitamin B6 and folic acid. All this makes them so precious for the good mood.

Asparagus: But my absolute favorite is asparagus. It is a good mood maker with lots of vitamin A, C, K, folic acid, potassium and manganese. This mix supports the nervous system. And if you have strong nerves, you'll be in a much better mood :)

Nuts and seeds against bad mood

Sprinkle nuts and seeds on salads, stir them into rice, chop them up and mix them into cereal, add them to smoothies, or snack on them just because.

Nuts of all kinds make you happy. But so do seeds like amaranth or quinoa. Beans and mushrooms are also a must in your diet.

Herbs make happy

If you're looking for natural mood boosters, add plenty of herbs to your diet.

Do you already have a pot of lemon balm on the balcony? No? Make up for it quickly. Lemon balm is very undemanding and can be grown anywhere.

Rosemary, St. John's wort and borage have a very good run as a good mood herb.

Overall, herbs that have a citrus note are considered invigorating and give energy. That's exactly what you need now with the lousy mood or?

Stir herbs into any food or prepare a tea with it. It also tastes great in normal tap water!

Omega 3 fatty acids are natural mood enhancers

Omega 3 is mega healthy. It is especially known in connection with heart health. But this essential fatty acid can also alleviate depression, say studies.

You can find omega 3 in fatty fish like salmon or marrow, in nut oils and vegetable oils.

How CBD oil makes you happy

Have you ever heard of CBD oil? This is a natural remedy that is used for many ailments.

In it you will find 104 active ingredients of the cannabis plant. And before you ask yourself if you get high from it: No, there is no THC in it :)

CBD oil works

  • anxiety-relieving
  • for inner restlessness and nervousness
  • mood enhancing
  • against stress

and much more.

If you're interested in this topic, you should stop by our post dedicated specifically to CBD oil.

B vitamins are natural mood enhancers

Natural mood lifter fresh air

Especially vitamins B6 and B12 are said to provide for a good mood. The two vitamins are involved in the production and control of substances that affect mood.

People with a very low B vitamin content in their blood are more prone to depression. You can find this out with a blood test at the doctor.

If the level is too low, you can counteract it with your diet. Many B vitamins are found in fish, eggs and dairy products.

Our conclusion

If you're looking for natural mood enhancers, you should lace up your shoes right now and head outdoors. The best option is fresh air and lots of sunshine.

If there is no sun at the moment, prepare a dish with lots of healthy food. How about a big bowl of salad with quinoa, nuts, seeds, avocado and herbs and for dessert a fresh fruit salad with banana and pomegranate? :)

Cheer up, the lousy lauen passes quickly!

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