Lunge: One of the most effective butt exercises

Lunge Lunges

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Simple, without training equipment and very effective: the lunge. The first exercise from my e-book "30 days abs legs butt". This exercise will help you get a firm butt.

Everyone knows it - at least that's what I claim :) - but very few people do the exercise regularly. The lunge is labeled by many as uninteresting and old-fashioned. Forget such claims and opinions! You can do this exercise anytime and anywhere. The lunge is not only a workout for the butt but also the legs.

The lunge exercises at least three muscle groups simultaneously. The exercise mainly targets the gluteus maximus muscle and the quadriceps femoris muscle. But also the leg flexor (Musculus Biceps Femoris) is automatically trained.

Here's how:

Stand hip-width apart and upright. Look straight ahead and tense your abdominal muscles. Your lower back forms a slight hollow back during the entire butt exercise. Start with your right leg. Now take a wide step forward with your right leg. Breathing is calm and even.

effective butt exercises lunge
Can be done without equipment and at any time: The lunge

Attention: Your lower and upper thighs form a 90-degree angle. No more and no less. This means that you must make sure that your knee does not extend beyond the tops of your feet. Make sure your knee is always pointing in the same direction as the tops of your feet. Especially in the beginning, many people tend to do this wrong.
Hold this position. Now exhale at the same time and push back with the heel of your right foot. And you are back in the starting position.

If that's not enough for you, you can use small dumbbells. Either keep your arms extended throughout the lunge with dumbbells or get the most out of the exercise. You bend your arms at the same time when you are in the kneeling position. But this is really for professionals. Your body has a lot of work to do. :)

Here is a video for you:

You must not make these mistakes:

  • Crooked back: Make sure your back is always straight. This is easier if you put your arms on your hips.
  • No 90 degree angle: Thigh and leg must always form a 90 degree angle. Otherwise the exercise is not so effective
  • Oblique leg: knee and toes always point in the same direction

Why I love the lunge:

You don't need any workout gear. Not even a yoga mat. Legs and buttocks can be easily trained and shaped with this exercise. Why not do it in the office? Just give it a try. I do the lunge during working hours just a few times in between :)

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