Less plastic in everyday life: 11 tips for a plastic-free life

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Less plastic in everyday life? It's urgently necessary and much easier than you think. We have put together the best tips for you.

Admittedly: Plastic really does make our lives pretty easy. It's light and hygienic. It's easy to transport and can be used in a variety of ways. It keeps the Coffee To Go warm, accommodates the delicious salad for lunch.

For birthdays we enjoy great colorful stickers and balloons. At the barbecue, disposable tableware is mandatory, because no one really wants to have to wash it by hand! That almost every dish is shrink-wrapped is part of it.

In the shower, we scrub off our skin flakes with microplastic scrubs. But we also use plastic products when applying makeup or brushing our teeth. The same applies to cleaning products, home accessories and our clothing.

It's hard to imagine life without plastic. Or is it? Plastic causes unimaginable damage. It starts in the environment, with the animals and ends with us. How serious the problems are and how we can use less plastic, you can find out here!

Plastic is bad for the environment, animals and people

The problem with plastic is that it is not only used everywhere. It also remains forever. Because plastic does not rot. To give you a good overview of the extent, we have prepared some facts.

This is how much plastic is really about

Around 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year. The problem is that plastic does not rot. And just 7% are recycled. The number is vanishingly small, because the remaining 93% end up back in the environment.

And of course, plastic doesn't just end up in landfills. It also passes through the environment into rivers and from there into the sea. Most of it sinks to the bottom of the sea. For us, this is not visible. That's why we don't notice the extent of it.

Yet 20,000 tons of plastic end up in the sea every year. And we're only talking about the North Sea here. According to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), there are 18,000 plastic particles floating on every square kilometer of water surface worldwide.

Plastic in the environment

Researchers suspect that by 2050 there will be more plastic particles floating in the ocean than marine animals. Of course, this will have serious consequences. The effects will first become visible in the animal world.

Every year, 100,000 marine mammals and a million seabirds die because they mistake plastic particles for food. There is a very informative report on this. You can watch A Plastic Ocean on Netflix or Amazon.

Another problem is that plastic consists of harmful substances. Among other things, bisphenol A (also called BPA) and plasticizers end up in the environment. These alter the hormone balance of marine life and affect their genetic makeup.

You can read all this information again in more detail. Just click here.

Impact of plastic on our lives

There is no question that the rapidly increasing number of plastic particles in the sea will affect us sooner or later. The problem enters our stomachs through the fish on our plates.

But the high proportion of plastic in our lives is also having an impact on us today. This is because plastic can contain the chemical BPA and plasticizers. They are particularly common in plastic bottles, food cans and plastic cups.

But the chemical is also found in baby products. Pacifiers, bottles and toys are often made of plastic. The problem: if BPA enters the body, it can damage the child's development. The extent of the damage cannot yet be assessed.

Plastic makes us sick

But diseases of the cardiovascular system are also favored. The liver, which actually detoxifies our body, can also be damaged. In addition, a connection between diabetes and bisphenol A is suspected.

A Long-term study with 1500 subjects could clearly prove these effects. If you are interested in the more detailed results, you can take a look at the study again at your leisure.

The harmful substances, such as BPA, dissolve from the plastic over time. The process accelerates rapidly - especially due to heat. That's one reason why water from plastic car bottles tastes so disgusting.

Less plastic in everyday life: 11 tips for a plastic-free life

But of course there are many great ways to avoid or at least reduce plastic in everyday life these days. If you also want to live more environmentally conscious and sustainable, you should change little by little. It's easier and even fun that way.

1. buy unpacked food

So-called unpackaged stores are a great alternative. Here, all food is offered without packaging. Here you will find a Overview of all stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

But you'll also find what you're looking for at weekly markets or your local supermarket. The selection of fruits and vegetables is especially great. Here you can choose between loose or packaged varieties.

Little Fun Fact:
The fact that organic cucumbers are shrink-wrapped in plastic is the greatest irony per EU regulation. Because this is to exclude that conventional cucumbers are confused with organic products. Until now, unfortunately, there is no other way of labeling. ... Um yes.... :D

2. wash your clothes less often

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this: I do my laundry viiiitely too often. Almost every piece ends up in the washing machine after a single wear. The problem: The temperatures cause fine fibers of plastic to come loose.

These end up in the wastewater together with the detergent (which also contains microplastics). A much better and cheaper alternative would be to simply air out the clothes. This way they last longer and we save a lot of time and money.

3. coffee to go can also be chic

Do you also like to drink your coffee on the go? Especially in the morning on the way to university or work, the coffee mug in your hand is quite a must-have. A tiny drawback: The cup is made of plastic and is quickly disposed of again.

A plastic-free, cheaper and more beautiful alternative are cups made of bamboo. Bamboo is a natural raw material that grows again and again. In addition, there are many different prints, so that the cup is a great eye-catcher. :)

4. bamboo, wood and cotton as an alternative to plastic

By the way, you use a lot of plastic for dental hygiene. So brushes and pasta are not really environmentally friendly products. And the fact that we chew on plastic several times a day is also somewhat unattractive.

You can find a great alternative for the toothbrush below. Make sure that your toothpaste does not contain microplastics. There are also plastic-free alternatives for cotton swabs and makeup wipes.

>> Bamboo toothbrush

>> Cotton swab made of bamboo and cotton

>> Reusable makeup removal wipes

5. less plastic in everyday life thanks to cloth bags & shopping baskets

Are you one of those people who just want to buy a bell pepper quickly? And then drag half the store to the checkout? Then you should always have a cloth bag in your handbag.

Avoid plastic in everyday life

They are a sustainable alternative. Small, light and are also a real eye-catcher with original sayings. Of course, you can also go shopping with a backpack or large handbags. In any case, you should avoid plastic bags!

6. less consumption helps to produce less plastic

Hand on heart, how often do we buy something that we want. But actually do not need. Far too often! The consequences for our environment are devastating. For our wallet at least modest.

So ask yourself twice if you really need the product. If you do, you should consider whether you can also buy it second hand. If that's not an option, then look for plastic-free alternatives. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. :)

7. healthy drinking from reusable bottles

Plastic bottles are also absolutely easy to replace. Anyone who is attacked by thirst while on the road should in any case prefer a glass bottle to plastic bottles. Of course, it is even better to simply have something with you.

There are countless offers for reusable bottles. Simply fill them up with tap water and put them in your bag. This not only protects the environment but also saves money. Who likes it fruity, should look here: 7 recipes for detox water.

8. less plastic for the food

Your food is much safer transported in lunch boxes instead of wrapped in cling film. Therefore, it is better to use stainless steel boxes. These are durable and keep the food just as fresh, if not better!

You should also avoid using disposable plastic cutlery when eating with larger groups. If you don't want to use your normal tableware, you can find great alternatives made of wood and palm leaf.

>> Stainless steel bread box

>> Palm leaf disposable plate

>> Disposable wooden cutlery

9. renounce really unnecessary plastic products

Do we really need plastic birthday flags, colorful straws and confetti? Probably not. If you don't want to give them up, look for reusable alternatives.

Straws, by the way, are the pinnacle of senselessness. That's why you can order your drinks in restaurants, bars or cafes without the little plastic pieces. We promise that it will not affect the taste. :)

10. make your shower plastic free

It pays to look twice when it comes to hygiene products. Replacing shampoos, scrubs and lotions not only saves packaging waste. You also avoid microplastics ending up in the wastewater and thus in the environment.

make soap yourself with coffee, palm oil unhealthy

There are countless great alternatives. Starting with handmade soap as shampoo. About Lava clay* as a peeling. Up to Coconut oil* as a body lotion. How can you make this totally amazing soap from the picture yourself? Click here: Making soaps yourself: step by step.

11. inform and support

Of course there is soooooo much more you can do. For more inspiration for less plastic in everyday life I recommend the book by Nadine Schuber "Noch besser leben ohne Plastik", which is linked below.

Anyone who is willing and able should also find out about all the great projects. There are many exciting ideas to rid our oceans of plastic and save thousands, if not millions, of animals. Take a look here over.

>> Book about less plastic

Our conclusion:

Plastic is ubiquitous. And a huge threat to our environment, the animals, our health and the future. We should all have a vested interest in reducing its impact in order to mitigate its serious consequences.

We have presented 11 tips for you, with which you can easily do without plastic. But even beyond that, there are countless alternatives and possibilities. If you buy more consciously bit by bit, you can live more sustainably in the long term. Without feeling like you're doing without.

If you are interested in this topic, you will find a lot of information, projects worth supporting and interesting reports on the Internet.

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