This is how a colonoscopy really works

Experience colonoscopy procedure

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What is a colonoscopy like? Does it hurt? And how bad is it really? Everything about the colonoscopy procedure + my experience.

Yes, I would also rather lie on the beach and stretch my legs in the sand. Sipping a cocktail and fighting unsuccessfully against a sunburn. But what has to be, has to be. And today it's an endoscope in the butt.

Since you landed in the colonoscopy procedure post, your first colonoscopy is probably coming up soon.

Rest assured: it's not that bad.

You'll learn in this post,

Much more tragic and nerve-wracking than the colonoscopy procedure is the preparation for it.

But because I know what a bundle of nerves I was before the colonoscopy, I have recorded the steps exactly here. You will see that you don't have to be afraid.

Colonoscopy procedure

As you probably already know, your colon is examined during an ileocoloscope, which is the technical term for a colonoscopy. The doctor looks to see if everything is okay down there. On the one hand, this serves to prevent colon cancer. And on the other hand, it is done to rule out diseases.

It's the same with me. I often suffer from flatulence, abdominal cramps and don't know why. The doctor ordered a gastrointestinal endoscopy so that we can rule out organic causes.

Good to know: After the colonoscopy, you start virtually at 0. Your entire digestive tract is empty. This ensures mega hunger, but also that your stomach and intestines can relax.

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Colonoscopy procedure

After you have prepared well for this day, you are ready to go. This is the colonoscopy procedure.

As a rule, a colonoscopy takes just 15 to 30 minutes. In case of poor examination conditions or abnormalities, it may take a little longer.

A colonoscopy is performed on an outpatient basis in an internist's or gastroenterologist's office. However, doctors in hospitals are also familiar with the colonoscopy procedure.

I looked for an internist who specialized in this. And who had very good online reviews.

I am writing down general information and my experience about the colonoscopy procedure.

The text is divided into these three blocks.

  1. The preparation
  2. The colonoscopy
  3. After colonoscopy

Colonoscopy procedure - The preparation

After you've prepared your gut well at home for this big event, it's time to get down to business.

First, you change your clothes into a hospital gown that is open at the back. The doctor's assistant covers you with a towel so that only a little of your bottom is visible.

You will have a venous line put in for the sedative. I got propofol - highly recommended! Yes, I know Michael Jackson got a little too much of it, but you don't get that much! :)

Colonoscopy Procedure Preparation Colonoscopy

All the fun starts on an examination couch. At the beginning, you have to lie down so that you are in the left lateral position. This is because your large intestine leads to the left side.

The doctor puts on his protective shield. A floor-length gown, gloves and a face shield. Reminds me a little of the Alien movie I saw the other day.

After a few reassuring words about the exact colonoscopy procedure, lots of lubricant is applied to the doctor's fingers. "I'm going to feel your rectum now!" Before you know what he means by this, the finger has already disappeared into your buttocks. Before you can even think about it, however, it's already over again. :)

For that extra dose of fun, my doctor came up with something great. An enema. Wonderful.

Not every doctor does that, by the way. But mine does. He uses it to flush the last bits of food out of me. This may feel strange and unpleasant. Fortunately, it's over so quickly.

Colonoscopy experience report

Now I finally get my Propofol. The nervousness quickly turns into total indifference. Do what you want, I think to myself, and slumber away easily.

The anesthetic makes the colonoscopy procedure very pleasant. It has a muscle-relaxing effect, which also makes it easier for the doctor. Because at the beginning, I lie stiff as a board on the examination table.

The doctor now inserts the endoscope with lots of lubricant. I wait for that "blob" feeling. But I feel nothing at all.

At the beginning, I still have to help a bit so that the endoscope finds its way. Then I slumber away completely.

I can hardly remember the colonoscopy procedure. I remember exactly what happened before and after, but I don't remember the procedure itself.

By the way, the examination tube is 1.5 meters long. There is a small camera at the end. This allows the doctor to see what is happening in your intestine. The tube is advanced to the transition to the small intestine.

Then the intestine is filled with gas like a balloon. This allows the doctor to examine it better. When the balloon is withdrawn, the doctor looks at the intestinal mucosa to see if there are any abnormalities.

colonoscopy procedure experience

Suspicious can be inflamed mucous membranes, polyps (growths of the vagina). If you have polyps, they are removed with an instrument. The tissue is then examined histologically.

The doctor pulls out the endoscope very slowly during the colonoscopy. You won't feel a thing!

Does a colonoscopy hurt?

Thanks to the anesthetic, I felt nothing. However, many find a colonoscopy procedure very unpleasant. Some also experience pain. If you want to avoid this, opt for the anesthesia.

It is not worth suffering out of false pride. As an alternative to propofol, some doctors administer only sedatives or painkillers. Talk to your doctor about the different options before having the colonoscopy.

By the way: The day after, I had slight intestinal tension. If the term even exists. I don't know whether this is due to lying down or because the assistant presses my stomach during the examination so that the tube can find its way.

This is perfectly normal and is due to the fact that a tube has passed through your intestine. Allow yourself some rest and eat light food. Then it will pass quickly.

What happens after colonoscopy

Now you have done it. You lie still for a few minutes and slumber deeply and soundly.

When you wake up, you feel like you've had a short power nap.

But that passes quickly.

I'm already dreaming of a huge lunch.

The doctor's assistant accompanies me to the toilet, where I have to get rid of a lot of air. "Don't be falsely ashamed," she says to me, thereby encouraging me to fart. You should do that, by the way. If you don't, you can get a stomachache.

Experience colonoscopy procedure

After a few minutes I feel fit enough. I get dressed. And still feel a little tired and very chilled.

After a short debriefing, the doctor says goodbye to me. I will receive all further information in 14 days. The histology results will be available by then.

We'll make another appointment for the debriefing.

Off home after colonoscopy

Ask someone to take you to the doctor. Because you are not able to do it yourself. Before that, you're too excited and hungry. And afterwards you're knocked out. Driving is strictly forbidden. That's because of the narcotic.

You are dog-tired, feel drained and are anything but capable of operating a car. However, Propofol does not make you feel sick.

Now you deserve a break. The sofa and a delicious meal are waiting for you!

By the way, your companion should take about an hour all in all.

By the way, you can eat normally. However, light food is better for the stomach. If you eat something heavy and fatty now, you risk stomach ache.

By the way, it may take 2-3 days before you have your first real bowel movement. Give your body time to get used to food again.

The results of colonoscopy

During the colonoscopy, the doctor not only collects photos. He also takes samples. He takes photos of the intestinal areas for documentation purposes.

He pays particular attention to inflammation or narrowing of the bowel, which could be an indication of a tumor.

Also, the doctor looks if,

  • your intestinal mucosa is defective,
  • you have cracks in the mucosa,
  • your mucous membrane is bleeding,
  • the mucosa is reddish and inflamed - this may indicate chronic bowel obstruction,
  • you have intestinal polyps.

The samples taken are now sent to the laboratory where they are examined for abnormalities.

My conclusion

Everything you need to know about the colonoscopy procedure, I have tried to record here. Don't worry so much about the colonoscopy. Yes, I know that's easy to say. But I really imagined it to be much worse than it was.

All the best!

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