How to prepare for a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy preparation tips

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Here's what you need to know about colonoscopy prep and here's how to best proceed!

Yes, there are funnier things than a gastrointestinal mirroring. Watching horror movies alone and in the dark, going for a run in the stormy rain, or meeting your in-laws who are guaranteed not to like you. Almost anything is funnier than a camera up your butt.

But you get through it. I survived the colonoscopy too :) You can do it!

As long as my colonoscopy memory is still fresh, I'll keep the most important info for colonoscopy preparation here.

Anyone who, like me, is regularly bloated like a balloon and afraid to take off after eating knows intestinal complaints all too well. And it is precisely this person who will have to undergo a colonoscopy sooner or later.

I had to go through this so that the doctor could rule out organic causes for my bloated belly, abdominal cramps and such.

You know the feeling of being a balloon too? Then you've come to the right place! I'll tell you what you need to keep in mind when preparing for your colonoscopy.

But let's get started right away.

Why colonoscopy preparation is so important

The worst part about the colonoscopy is the preparation for it. Yes, I know that an endoscope is inserted during the examination. But believe me, you hardly feel a thing.

Colonoscopy preparation tips for colonoscopy, colonoscopy experience

The process beforehand is much more strenuous and lengthy. Because only if you prepare well for the bowel examination, the doctor can get a picture of it.

If you are inaccurate in your colonoscopy preparation and do not take it seriously, the examination may have to be stopped. And the whole process will start all over again. You don't want that. Believe me.

The 3 steps of colonoscopy preparation 

  1. Refrain from certain foods
  2. Fasting before the examination
  3. Drinking laxative

During the preparation phase, make sure that your stomach and intestines are completely empty. So that the doctor can take a close look at everything with the camera. He also takes samples that are sent in and evaluated.

If you still had food in the intestine, this would not be possible. That is why a very precise colonoscopy preparation is so important.

Little info on the side: I was even praised for my precise colonoscopy preparation. 😁

By the way: After the colonoscopy, you start virtually at 0. Your entire digestive tract is empty. This ensures mega hunger at the same time, but also that your stomach and intestines can relax.

If nothing abnormal is found in the intestine, you most likely simply have problems with the right and wrong intestinal bacteria. You now have the unique opportunity to build up your intestinal flora. Thereby you can Flora 21 capsules for the intestine* help.

In it you will find 21 bacterial cultures that are really good for our digestion. Give it a try! I could not find a product with so many good reviews as Flora 21 capsules for the intestine*.

The interview as part of colonoscopy preparation

A colonoscopy is regularly recommended from the age of 55. I am still relatively far away from that. Nevertheless, I agreed to this examination with my doctor. Why? Because I have constant abdominal pain. No matter what I eat.

Only by looking inside the intestine can organic causes such as ulcers or inflammation be ruled out.

Small reading tip: I love the book "Bowels with charm. This has helped me many times.

Once you have agreed with your doctor on a colonoscopy, you will receive written instructions summarizing all the information. You discuss exactly what to expect. Nevertheless, I had a lot of questions. But unfortunately not until I got home. After all, you don't have a colonoscopy like this every day.

If you are going to have a colonoscopy, you should take the time to study the subject. That way you will be much more reassured.

I was so excited that I didn't really understand a lot of the information and instructions at first. In my head, my thoughts were only about the endoscope that would soon be stuck in my buttocks.

Colonoscopy preparation

Fear, uncertainty, disgust - it was a good mix of all these feelings. There was little chance that I could remember all the information about the preparation for the colonoscopy.

Now that I've dealt with it in detail, I'll put all the information I've collected here for you. So that you don't feel as lost as I did when preparing for the colonoscopy.

Reading tip: Yes, I've been reading a lot of books about this lately. "All Shit" by Adrian Schulte, M.D. helps to understand where the causes of intestinal problems lie.

Foods you must avoid during colonoscopy preparation

The first step is to change your diet. From now on, easily digestible foods are on your menu. That means: low-fiber and easily digestible food.

You can eat as much of it as you want until you are full. There is no quantity limit.

I started the colonoscopy preparation 4 days before.

Cross this off the list

  • Whole grain products
  • High fiber fruits and vegetables
  • Fruits and vegetables containing seeds or peels (kiwi, tomatoes, grapes, legumes).
  • All kinds of seeds and kernels (nuts, poppy seeds, oatmeal, etc)
  • Herbs
  • Cabbage
  • Iron-containing preparations

Omg what's left over there? That's what I asked myself at first. But it is more than you think. I have eaten bananas, white bread, spreads, soups, potatoes, rice, pasta. Just without herbs, seeds and fiber.

Seeds, herbs and the like like to accumulate in the intestine and take a little longer to land in the bowl. They can clog the instruments during the examination.

And cabbage? Well, we all know that cabbage is very flatulent. It just makes your stomach hurt. And since your stomach is already insulted enough during colonoscopy preparation, it's best to leave it alone.

Colonoscopy preparation tips

If you are taking supplements, you should stop taking them before the examination. There are preparations that stain the intestinal wall. A typical example is iron.

Coffee (without milk and sugar), mild teas, water and fruit juices without fiber are allowed.

While I was still on the diet, I bought the book "Recipes for a healthy gut" ordered. In it you will find tips, tricks and delicious recipes that soothe the stomach and intestines.

Fasting as a colonoscopy preparation

You start with the change of diet four days before the examination. For the first 2 days you have to pay attention to almost nothing. Just a low-fiber diet.

It becomes a little more precise 2 days before. I was only allowed to eat rusks, white bread and clear soup (without herbs). In four days, I drank a total of 4 liters of soup.

The first time still with noodles.

It gets difficult 24 hours before the examination. There was only clear soup. And lots of water.

My stomach growled quite loudly. And I was constantly cold. No wonder, my stomach was empty and I had no more energy. But a little walk is a good distraction.

Laxative as colonoscopy preparation

And then it gets serious. The laxative comes into play.

The preparations contain salts (yes, that's exactly what it tastes like). These salts draw water into the intestine. And the water flushes out the food residues.

Therefore, there is no colonoscopy preparation without laxatives. So we all have to go through it. It's not pleasant, but it's not that bad.

Important: Once you start the laxative, some medications become ineffective. The pill, for example. The contraceptive protection is no longer given! Talk to your doctor if you need to take medication regularly.

My experience

My gastrointestinal endoscopy was on a Monday at 2 pm. On Sunday at 4 pm I had to drink the first load of laxatives. 2 liters.

For this, I dissolved two bags of the white powder in cold water. At the beginning it is a little flaky. Stir well and wait a bit, then it becomes clear like water. Be sure to use cold water. The warmer the water, the more disgusting it tastes!

How does the laxative drink taste before the colonoscopy?

Really disgusting. Very salty and as if I would suck on a battery. When I think about it now, I get goose bumps again.

The problem is that you have to drink two liters of it. Most people decide to drink the laxative down. Then it's over. Besides, it tastes more disgusting from sip to sip. Eyes closed and through :)

And then I have to wait. Full of fear, I lie on the sofa. The way to the toilet is clear. I have removed everything that was in the way. I am ready.

My belly gurgles properly.

After about 40 minutes, the fun begins. I have the feeling that I urgently need to go to the toilet. But don't worry, you won't pee your pants. You have complete control over your body during the entire action.

Colonoscopy preparation tips and tricks

Once in the bathroom, I sit for a few minutes. Details I would like to spare you. Only so much: There is a reason why the packaging says "wash out". And the whole thing always comes in chunks and gushes. Almost like a waterfall.

The laxative travels with everything that does not pay rent.

After 15 minutes I make it back to the sofa. I run to the toilet 3-6 times per hour. This goes on all evening.

My tip: Get a good book or save a few YouTube videos for when you're at the toilet. It takes quite a long time until the bowel is flushed. And don't forget to drink during the whole colonoscopy preparation! Preferably water or a mild herbal tea.

At 10 p.m. in the evening, things start to get better. I am pretty knocked out. Arrived in bed I am somehow afraid of the night. So I lie awake until 12 o'clock. Now there is no turning back. I have the worst of the colonoscopy preparation as good as behind me. Still 1x 2 liters in the morning then I would not like to have to do that so quickly more.

The morning of the colonoscopy

In the morning I feel tired. Exhausted, I drag myself to the water jug at 6 o'clock. Drinking 2 liters of salt water on an empty stomach is really no fun. Partly I have to gag properly and make sure that it still comes up to me again.

Within 30 minutes, I make it. And in the next 30 minutes, it starts again right away. I take a seat on my throne and hope that everything will soon be over.

By 11 o'clock I am regularly on the toilet. My bowels are really washed out now. And I am soooo hungry. I would love to order a pizza. But then all my colonoscopy preparation would be for nothing.

And then at 2 p.m. I finally have the appointment. Now I'm really looking forward to it. Because then it's over!

After colonoscopy

If you go to the doctor by car, do not do it yourself. After the examination you are not allowed to drive! And you will not feel really receptive and ready to drive after the anesthetic anyway.

You should also leave your bike in the barn. Take the public transport or a cab.

And once you're home, treat yourself to a delicious meal, Netflix and plenty of rest.

My conclusion

The worst part of the colonoscopy is the preparation. I can safely do without the constant hunger and drinking the laxative. Fortunately, I won't need it again so soon. But at least now I know for sure that it's not a physical ailment that's causing my abdominal pain and bloated belly.

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